How important is health and fitness to being a Veeky Forumsnessman? I'm skinnyfat, weak and have zero endurance

How important is health and fitness to being a Veeky Forumsnessman? I'm skinnyfat, weak and have zero endurance.

Very important. Increases productivity and cognitive ability.

not that impotant

Very important in real life biz

You have to not look like shit if you want to succeed

the one quality a marine needs is.. endurance ...


depends user, how big is your penis?

nobody wants to hire / do business with a fat slob unless he's already a billionaire or proven himself very successful in some way. so hit the gym fatty.

honestly dude, get your ass to the gym, being strong and fit might sound like a waste of time to you, but it increases your quality of life tremendously

Yea yea normie with good genetics

this fucker's an exception to every rule

He isn't a biznessman, he is God.


It's very important. Try it, and you'll see how different it makes you feel. The >>Veeky Forums sticky has everything you need. If you start and stick to it, you'll make it, like countless anons have before you.
One important thing though that if you start out with being totally untrained, the first months might feel very difficult, but stick to it, you'll eventually get strong.

not important at all

>45 minutes 3 days a week is too much work

Just start lifting already you pussy

It is not. Think about it - would you really want to do business with a handsome Chad? He will fuck you over. Some skinny or awkward nerd will be honest, but all those Chad dark triad businessmen are fuckers who use others for gain.

>not browsing Veeky Forums /mu/ and Veeky Forums to look good, have money and proper music tastes

The Holy Trinity my friend. Pol isn't there because politics is a waste of time to self improvement.

Veeky Forums I agree with, but /mu/, really?

There is no such thing as "proper music tastes". Just listen to whatever the fuck you like.

/fit and Veeky Forums master race here

Gotta live long enough for memory storage and/or cryogenics. Maximize your wealth.

The breath and the mind are very closely related, if you can't control one you cannot control the other.





good width. must work on your traps more bro.

Lats are required to make it in Veeky Forumsness

If you can't even bother to look after yourself, why would I want to trust you in any way or form with business matters? Have some self-respect man, even a little bit of work here and there goes a long way. Same goes for basic hygiene and fresh, fitting clothes.

This nerdchique may works if you are one in a million brilliant, even so showing up like vitalik did during the last stage interview is just disgusting

As a 40 year old Veeky Forumsnessman, I find I'm much more effective at trading when I keep up with my gym routine. I don't get as tired and I seem to be able to think more laterally. People in their early 20s, ymmv.

Lookin juicy

get lost

but really, if you're on Veeky Forums you already surround yourself with 20yo's too much of your day. step up, speak to people with more grounded opinions

Look at trump's fat ass and ask yourself that question again

Trump is an extreme intellectual outlier though. Not really relevant to most people.

>muuuh heavy bones
>maah bad genes