


Ah yes, the great Roman "history". 1000 years and not a single technological innovation, not a single cultural feat except copying Greeks over and over again.

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they copied the ETRUSCAN, fuck the gree. we are even writting in etruscan letters

Fucking this. When will people stop sucking the roman dick so much? They were barbarians, even greeks viewed them as inferior.

>what is Roman Law

Law, legal system, governance don't come from the Greeks. Stop being made, yogurt-maker, you have maths, Romans have laws and government.

>greek fire, introduction of silk manufacturies, the loom, gladius, stoicism, white people, advances in art, the age of antiquity whose wealth through advanced machinery like newer ships and appliances like flamethrowers and aqueducts and baths was not matched until the industrial revolution


engineering, motherfucker

stoicism comes from the "stoa" aka ancient greek for "porch" that ancient philosophers hung out at in athens in the post-classical and hellenistic period. it was a school established by aristotle or his successors i think. The romans didn't invent stoicism, but they did popularize it in the western half of the empire (the greek east having already known about it for a while)

the era of etruscan influence on roman society pretty much ended after rome conquered greece pham
>christianity itself is due to roman occupation of judea
>the spreading of christianity throughout all of europe
>roman law
>governance (the senate, the tsar etc)

This. Engineering, architecture, laws, government, and writing are big Roman accomplishments.

its not a school and it wasn't formed by anyone besides Marcus Aurelius. The guy other than him wrote the enchiridion which was after MArcus. You might be thinking of sophists who talked about wisdom which is a big thing in stoicism

>dude history is a /gsg/ game
>dude reality is like a 4x game where your cities produce science points that accumulate into technologies whenever you build libraries

They built some dope aquaducts and roads

>Zeno was the founder of the Stoic school of philosophy, which he taught in Athens from about 300 BC.


not only that, they worsened most of the regions they touched, ie egypt

Latin is basically modified greek, which is modified hebrew/arabic, which is modified pheonecian

>PS4 is basically modified PS1, which is modified N64, which is modified SNES

Lol, and who do you think the Etruscans copied?

>look ma i’m being a contrarian in the internet

Literally none of that is true. You don't know anything about linguistics.

Educate yourself

Wow I didn't think anyone could be this wrong

>Rome collapsed some 1600 years ago
>shitskins and snowniggers are still butthurt

The gladius was a copy of the iberian swords

>white people

Romans revolutionarized law, legal system, architecture, economics, millitary and organized religion.

holy shit you are dumb

>1000 years and not a single technological innovation

I wish you would stop posting you faggot. Math isn't the area that matters.

>Zeno of Citium (/ˈziːnoʊ/; Greek: Ζήνων ὁ Κιτιεύς, Zēnōn ho Kitieus; c. 334 – c. 262 BC) was a Hellenistic thinker[2] from Citium (Κίτιον, Kition), Cyprus, and probably of Phoenician descent.

/pol/ BTFO

>The Latin alphabet is derived from the Etruscan and Greek alphabets, and ultimately from the Phoenician alphabet

>was a Hellenistic thinker
>Phoenician descent.

that traitor

i refuse to believe that fertile crescent civ didnt have historians, philosofers, etc

this really pisses me off. These niggers can't think outside the vidya logic and claim to like history.

>map of the roman empire
>not coloured red

If feels so wrong

>what are comedic stock characters

Keep in mind I'm a Romeboo but you're just stupid

>greek fire
Made by Greeks.

>Introduction of silk manufacturies
Existed in China

> the loom
Weaving with looms pre-dates Rome

This originated from the Celt-Iberians. In Latin, it's called the hispanic sword.

Founded by Zeno, a man of phoenician heritage living in Greek lands.

>white people

>advances in art
Too vague to take seriously

> like newer ships
Ships didn't change much during the Roman Empire in the "advancing" way you are tring to claim

These saw use in the Peloponnesian wars

>aqueducts and baths was not matched until the industrial revolution
Aqueducts were used by the Indians, Egyptians, and Assyrians before the Romans.

And I don't care about the history of baths, but going by the rest of this, you are probably wrong there too.

Phoenicians were the bro Semites though

>Made by Greeks.
In the Roman empire though.

>romans invented government

Credit still goes to the greeks for making it.

I would put it to you that by 672 AD, when Arabs are banging on the doors of Constantinople, the lines between Greeks and Romans had long since been erased.

>Romans were heavily influenced by the Greeks

That's something that everybody already knows.

Except culturally and linguistically they were still entirelly different.

The person I was responding to was claiming the Romans made all that shit.