Muhammad never read the bible?

So I've been reading through Islamic practices recently, and I just came up with this hypothesis. I get the impression that Muhammad knew very little or nothing at all about Christianity when he created Islam. Islam actually has a huge amount in common with orthodox Judaism, but very little with Christianity. For example:

>daily prayers
>regulation of food and drink (Kosher -> Halal)
>focus on war and conquering your enemies

Muhammad seems to disregard the new covenant, almost as if he never read it and only had access to the Torah. I always wondered why his teachings had little to do with (or sometimes completely went against) the teachings of Christ, and I think this makes a lot of sense.

Other urls found in this thread:

he read the talmud

where do you think he got the "jesus didnt actually die on the cross they just put a lookalike up" meme from

It’s amazing how much Sharia and Halakha overlap. Both prohibit alcohol and pork, both encourage you to grow a beard, both permit sex slavery, both prescribe stoning as the punishment for adultery and apostasy, both tell you that you can steal property from the kuffar/goyim, both tell you that you can have as many as 4 wives, both permit pedophilia, both encourage circumcision etc. What are other similarities between Judaism and Islam?

Muhammed was probably a member of or closely interacted with a group of Jewish-Christians who probably had their own gospel (and only had one gospel.) They were a bunch of noncanonical gospels floating around and fringe groups like Jewish-Christians probably would have their own one.

He probably read his own new testament and not your one.

Muhammad never read anything. He was illiterate.

>Implying we can trust Islamic hadiths written 200 years after the fact by highly biased people.

>What are other similarities between Judaism and Islam?

Jews and muslim believe in the one true god. Christfags are devil-worshippers who made up the trinity

Fuck off religion fag

Everyone knows he was an illiterate. It's even in the Quran

Yeah he(SAWS) hadn't read the bible. That's part of the miracle of the Quran.

Me brada, As salamu alaikum.

>t. doesn't know what he's talking about.

It's not an original hypothesis, but in all likelihood partly true. Islam is basically just a fanfic of a Nestorian heresy while heavily invoking the concept of conqueror-prophets from Judaism.


The Jews created islam

I mean the majority of Islamic law is from the Talmud, though generally a bit better imo.
The Christian stuff was just to make it more appealing to the average person. How Jesus fits in Islam is really weird and seems to be an area where Muhammad had trouble syncretizing

This. OP, your hypothesis isn't new, it's sort of the accepted position on Islam's origins in academia (and even in Islam). Contrary to what a lot of Westerners seem to think, Islam isn't a development of Christianity, it's a development of Judaism that acknowledges the existence of Christianity.

>Oy vey dat evil goy Muhammad slaughtered 6 zillion innocent Jews who were just trying to assassinate him. Muslims r anti semites REEEEE!!!

>Islam is a plot by the Jews, there working together to destroy the west and outlaw the ancient Aryan practice of being a butt pirate. REEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

Well which is it?

>How Jesus fits in Islam is really weird and seems to be an area where Muhammad had trouble syncretizing
He was probably poorly catechized, if at all, or only had a cursory explanation of the New Testament. Jews would've been a presence in Mecca, but Christians would not.

Neither you autist, history is more complex than your shitty memes.

So does people call arabs anti semitic?

You guys have no idea what your talking about. There were
Arab convert Jews (whom the Jews looked down upon), Jews, Arab Christians, Arab Pagans, Arab monotheists who didn't fit into either category. Heck when Muhhamad (SAWS) became prominent in the land other men began claiming they were prophets as well, they even tried to create their own "holy books" which they were incapable of doing. Let's just say they weren't successful. In fact when Mecca was taken from the polytheists all the pagan statues were destroyed, except a painting of Jesus and Mary (peace upon them both) by Muhammad's (SAWS) command.

There were a lot of Christians in what would be modern day Yemen and they were the ones who came to try to destroy the Kaaba (they failed).

That was the point of my post, people can't make up their mind about Islam on here and they always present it in extremely hyperbolic terms.
Ahh yeah, some do.

So non semitic people call semitic people anti semitic people?

How the world end up like this?

There were no major centers of Christianity in Arabia. What Muhammad would've learned of Christianity and Jesus would've come from the Jews (who obviously wouldn't view him as God) or from a watered down Eastern heresy that saw Jesus as just a man.

Muhammad was not the first nor the only 'prophet,' true, but he had the advantage of a favorable geopolitical situation. That's really it.

>daily prayers
>regulation of food and drink (Kosher -> Halal)

Circumcision is not required in Islam. AFAIK, anyway. I know the Chinese muslims do not.

Christianity does require you pray to the God daily. People simply started ignoring it over time. My father as well as all my grandparents (Catholics) still recite the prayer after they get up, before bed and before food.

Regulation of food was also a thing in Christianity. I've come to know this in a roundabout way since it's not really mentioned by the clergy but the Chinese word for Christians used to be "Abrahamics who abstain from eating (non?)cloven hooves". Basically, Christianity had its own dogma on food that was still in effect during Mohammed's time which placed a certain restriction on whether the animal had cloven hooves or not and further specified that even those who pass this test still can't be the ones eating filth.
It was probably far too restrictive for the common folk and so they cut it out, finding a verse in the New Testament which points against any such practice.

>Circumcision is not required in Islam

It’s not obligatory, but it is recommended

If you read his writings in historical order, you'll see that his religion was basically a Jewish heresy. Only after realizing that he started distancing himself from Judaism.

Or maybe he just didn't like Christianity. He spends a lot of time attacking it for heretical ideas like the Trinity so clearly he knew something about it.

Why this assumption that, if only he'd read it, he'd be on board?

>There were no major centers of Christianity in Arabia.

OMG you guys... please read a book.

These were Christians trying to attack Mecca. The rulers in Yemen were Christians at this time. Trinitarian Christians with churches and priests and all of that.

This entire website is historically illiterate it's unbelievable.

he was illiterate


*Muhammad never read

no major centres of Christianity, its literally only 912 miles from Jerusalem to mecca. and the ghassid a major tribe and a roman ally had been christian for a century at this point and even managed to convert another tribe. that not even to mention christian ethopia and its provinces in Yemen or its traders and slaves in mecca

yes, anti-semitism only refers to jews

daily prayer exist in Christianity but they are not commonly practised anymore for example we Anglicans use to have morning and evening prayers and Catholics have vespers, complie, nocturns, morning and lauds.

the biblical proof for this is Daniel 6:10 Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house; and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime.

and of course Psalm 55:17 Evening and morning and at noon, I will complain and murmur, And He will hear my voice.

as for the koran addressing chrianity. from what i can gather when the koran speaks about Jews it does as a reply to some criticism they put fort and illustrates why their criticism is unfounded via a biblical or Talmudic story. i venture to wager that if they were more Christians in medina they their would have been more direct revelations. Mohammed cearly knew enough about Christianity to answer the questions of Christian converts and to deride the various economical councils for changing the religion.

Is that Jesus on the right?

As is common knowledge Christianity went through a dumming down process when entering the west hoping to be more pliable to roman converts things like circumcision were dropped

and over time many of the jewish laws were dropped the major breaking point being the Jewish revolt and the destruction of Jerusalem the old Christian hierarchy was too destroyed in the conflagration

no its an Israelite of " They devoted the city to the Lord and destroyed with the sword every living thing in it—men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys." (note that this was commanded by God and hence righteous) and of "But the Israelites were unfaithful in regard to the devoted things" infamy.

So this was the Black Israelite one not the white one.

early in his career, muhammad and some of his median mercenaries conquered a region with a bunch of ebionites living in it.

Ebionites were early jewish "christian" heretics who are astonishingly similar to muslims in terms of their christology, believing jesus to have been the messiah of the jews, but not a divine being.

he integrated these ebionites into his band, and islam is likely an arabized version of their religion.

That was actually the Gnostic belief that his crucifixion was spiritual and not physical.

One could imagine Gnostic practices and thought in the East being carried on by the Sufis or even tantrists.

Judaism was popular though in the lead up to Islam with the likes of Dhu Nawas and such.
From the Himyarite Kingdom wiki article
>During this period, references to pagan gods disappeared from royal inscriptions and texts on public buildings, and were replaced by references to a single deity. Inscriptions in the Sabean language, and sometimes Hebrew, called this deity Rahman (the Merciful), “Lord of the Heavens and Earth,” the “God of Israel” and “Lord of the Jews.” Prayers invoking Rahman's blessings on the “people of Israel” often ended with the Hebrew words shalom and amen.

Because Jesus never existed, you dicko

But we both got paganized. Now Jews have a designated worship wall and Muslims have a fucking cube


Please quiet down, I'm at work.