What happens once all the bitcoins are mined?

What happens once all the bitcoins are mined?

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The price goes up even MORE

um, where is the computing power going to come from to keep track of transactions?

This what happens?

Miners will still get transaction fees

Miners exit the market in droves and the Bitcoin network collapses.

jesus christ is this question a meme or something

transaction fees. transaction fees. transaction fees. transaction fees. transaction fees. transaction fees. transaction fees. transaction fees. transaction fees. transaction fees. transaction fees. transaction fees. transaction fees. transaction fees. transaction fees.

I hope that's enough answers for the next dozen times this is asked.


>what will happen in 50+ years?

But how will they charge transaction fees if all the bitcoins are mined?

They won't be high enough to cover operating costs.

Just because new bitcoins aren't being minted doesn't mean everyone else's disappear ...

The amount of BTC that the miners get for 'mining a block' (the block reward) halves every few years. This isn't the only reward that miners get for mining a block though. They also get the transaction fees for every transaction they can fit into the block. So it's assumed that over time that bitcoin or transaction fees will need to increase to cover the cost of mining. In reality if it becomes unprofitable for many people, then the difficulty will go down, making it profitable again.

Mining should always be borderline profitable. This is because if it gets very profitable then many new people will start doing it, which leads to a difficulty increase. If it isn't profitable, less people do, leading to a difficulty decrease. In this essence there will always be a profitability equilibrium reached where it's profitable for some, but not many.

The mining difficulty scales to the number of miners. If many miners exit, then mining becomes more profitable for the ones that remain. It's self-stabilizing.

Blocks are still mined, however there isn't a reward to go with the mining of a new block after the 21 million.

what a stupid question. once bitcoin comes close to the limit satoshi will return and create an additional 21 million bitcoin and then return to his ancient slumber as prophesized in the Blockchain chapter 40 verse 122

cant believe these morons hold bitcoin and haven't even read the blockchain

>rewards cut by 90%
>bitcoin price goes up to cover the loss of bitcoin rewards

Ok but what happens when the cost of all the bitcoin exceeds the amount of US dollars?

We win.

The price isn't set by miners.

Guys we will probably be dead by hundreds of years when all Bitcoin will be mined, probably there will be aliens on earth.


1 BTC > (total amount of cash US has divided by 21 million)



You know that leaked plot for Episode 3 where the Combine have a Dyson sphere under construction? They're mining the last Bitcoin.

Seriously, the last BTC at actual hash rate will be mined more or less in 2140, so who cares...

The price is what the market ask not the real value.

Bitcoin is an experiment. At least the Bitcoin devised by our Lord Satoshi was an experiment. He didn't create it expecting it to be used forever.

A deflationary currency can't be used by the whole world forever, that's obviously impossible. The world gets wealthier and wealthier and that's supposed to cause more currency to be created.

So yeah, BTC will eventually fall. But if crypto still stands, then it'll have been a successful experiment.
