What caused the French Revolution?


The Illuminati/Jacobins staged it.

The idea was to overthrow Christian monarchies and install proto-socialism.

It starts with J




Bankrupt France after their war with the Britain/colonies + funding American independence.

Jacques Necker?

Jennifer Lopez?

Jesus Christ.

Didn't they buy and export all the grain and cause the food shortage or something.

A certain long-nosed fellow?

The Burgeouis lust for power. They could have strike a deal with the King, but the plebs were already contaminated by demagogic ideas, hungry because crisis, agitated by populists and chimping out in arms.

So the Bourgeois allied the sheepish hordes and rode upon wave of the dumb agitated masses, towards money and power until their final victory and cuckholding of the masses happened with King Napo.

That's right. Julias Evola did it.

a jacquerie?

>baiting this hard

The French.

JC Denton?

The American revolution was hella fun and we BTFO the eternal Anglo so the French being giant faggots tried to have their own and it was shit.

Freemasonry/Jacobins wanted the power. The power at that moment was in the hands of the Church

Revolutions are always about changes in political (power) structure


T. 6 year old

revolting Frenchmen

>the industrial revolution that followed was proto socialism

James I?

Why the Hell did it end so poorly? lack of focused leadership?

>implying he had nothing to do with it

He really did have nothing to do with the cause of the revolution, he’s more like the effect of the revolution.

Verb or adjective?

you know which!


Middle class rubes who were envious of the rich, basically

When the middle-class revolutionaries failed to get a constitution going, the Parisian/radical/urban faction took control of the revolution from moderate revolutionaries like Lafayette.

>Why the Hell did it end so poorly?

Because only stupid Parisians were unhappy, and killed anyone who disagreed with their radical dogmatic interpretation of democracy.

Parisians cause all of the problems in French politics.

>1830 revolt
>1848 revolt
>1871 commune and revolt

Parisians try to make the country their bitch, and don't understand why nobody wants to go with them, so they pacify and enforce their culture through force, or with culture like wiping out dialects.

The rise of a class of people who did not base their power and wealth on land ownership. This class was discriminated against in the old power structure, and took a scuffle over taxes into a revolution. Ultimately, the power structure of a nation can only fail to reflect reality for so long-- and the reality was the bourgeois were running the show; it was going to happen eventually no matter what.

jews and masons.

>Evola went back in time to start the French Revolution so he could make a career writing about how bad it was
Like a firefighter who's an arsonist on the side, eh?


You know nothing about the revolution, I can tell

hey, France did get the Napoleonic code out of it

Massive debt, consecutive poor harvest years, and the rise in power of the bourgeoisie.

Enlightenment empowered the people all over the western world and revolutions were prone

I'll never understand why the French revolution is viewed as some kind of turning point in History. Literally America did it first, better, and proper without resorting to proto fascism

People wanting something to do.

>America did it first, better
>without resorting to proto fascism

just like with the Russian revolution later, it was foreign elements with ties to the occult who caused it

part of the french population developed socialy and economicaly to the point they organised the rest to take down the current year political system and set up their own - they used meme magic like equality and freedom as a motivator, but realy the people were just fed up and looking for a excuse for a purge

Americans revolution had no real bearing on the rest of the world. French revolution influenced the course of human history

American revolution directly influenced the French revolution though you dumb europoor

Haha ok

The French

Inept royalty, complacent aristocracy, power hungry middle classes, literally hungry lower classes, poor intercommunication, poor weather, poor fucking luck.

>Americans really believe this

t. Lafayette

The peasants were revolting.

This french revolution should be called “the parisian war of supremacy”