Name origin and meaning?

Ok Veeky Forums i need some help. Recently i've been trying to look into my family history. Being an American its kinda hard, the most i know about is my german heritage, everything else i really dont know anything. I recently found out my Czech ancestor's surname was "Trojan" so i decided to do some research into the name. Problem is its tough and i was hoping some of you guys could help me research it. Any info at all would be appreciated. Also just a general thread for anyone wanting to discus genealogy.

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How long has your family been in the states?

If they came before the founding of the Czech Republic you may need to broaden your search to countries where Czechs lived

there were/are czechs in romania, maybe that could be it?

Some in croatia too, probably in other slav countries as well

I know for a fact they came from Bohemia, but when they arrived i really dont know

>proud ancestor of a brand of Condoms

Are you Czech-Texan? The vast majority of Czech in America settled in Texas and came from the same region.

It is a Czech surname, meaning either someone from Troy, or derivate from the holy trinity (Trojice).
Here is the map of where Trojans live.

>someone from Troy
Don't listen to this user, he is a challenged example.

should have been born polish; then i could help you

Help him to get neet bux for mental disability?

Czech here

>Trojan je slovanským bohem nejasného významu. Nejčastěji bývá vykládán jako divinizace (zbožštění) římského císaře Trajána pod vlivem dobytí Dácie v 2. století, tato teorie je však nepravděpodobná. Také bývá připodobňován k polabskému Triglavovi a souvislost se staročeským osobním jménem Trojan pro třetí narozené dítě.

>Trojan is a slavic deity with unknown meaning. Mostly he is being interpreted as a divination of Roman emperor Traian under the influence of conquering Dacia in the second century, this theory though is improbable. He is also likened to Polabian (Elbe river) Triglav and the context of old czech czech first name Trojan which was given to the third child (Trojan = stemming out of numeral for 3 - Tři/tri. Meaning, the third)

Other than that, it could be be derived from house where three Jans (John) lived therefore:
Tři jani => Tro Jani => Trojan

Or related to The Holy trinity (Svatá Trojice).

Apart from that, there is also a controversial link to the city of Troy. A person out of Troy (Trojan) but due to diacritic use in history of Czech linguistics, it probably isn't the case. Would be Trójan.

One way or another OP, the name is most certainly related to number three.

Muh heritage

Ohio actually, as far as i know were the only people with Czech heritage here.

Whats the house where three Jans lived?

Are we gonna pretend that genetics and where you come from isnt important?

Yes. Migration proves this.

do people actually care about their heritage? Why would I bother wasting my time to find info out about some old dead person who I have no personal connection/familiarity with?


It provides meaning to a lot of people. A lot go overboard as they search for a general purpose in life - we all search for it in different ways and places. I had a guy find out his great-grandmother was a Jewish convert to Catholicism. Now he goes to Temple and wants to find out all he can about Jews. Strange to me, but it keeps him out of trouble and he is learning to another language out of it

I've always lived by a mindset of "You dont know what you're capable of until you know what your ancestors were capable of," that and genealogy has always been an interest of mine.

>muh heritage
americans were a mistake

Czechs are our brothers, even when he have family issues.

t. polack

Because it gives you a legitimate reason to LARP as one your glorious ancient ancestors.