What are your 3 favorite historical figures and why?

Please name your 3 favorite historical figures and why you admire, or are interested in them. I'll start off.

Cincinnatus of Rome: He was a man who was twice elevated to dictator during times of crisis for the very early Roman Republic (Cincinnatus himself was born in the waning years of the Kingdom of Rome) and both times once his duty was done he returned to his farms instead of claiming power for himself.

Julius Caesar: Everyone knows who he is and what he did. I admire his sheer determination and ambition to go from an imporvershed and irrelevant Patrician to dictator for life of Rome, and I enjoy his military campaigns.

Richard the Lionheart: He was king of England for a decade although he spent most of his early life in France, and hardly spoke any English. He was the commander of the English Armies during the third crusade and was thwarted outside the gates of Jerusalem. He was a good military tactician and personally was a great warrior. Once during a siege when he was bedridden due to illness he had his bed brought to the top of a battlement to fire a crossbow into the battle.

Bumping because I'm shameless and it'll keep a somewhat more serious thread alive and potentially kill one of those Jej tier "white bois btfo" threads.

My next 3 are:
Cicero: for his philosophical works.
Robert E Lee: for his personal honor and ability as a general.
George Washington: for similar reasons as Cincinnatus.

homer: fot the illiad, most epic book everrrrrrrrrrrrr.

I agree I like the Iliad and the Oddessy a lot. I was bummed because current consensus is that Homer is a collection of different writers. Hopefully it's not and we can keep our romantic interpretation of an old Greek writer. What about your other 2?

ovid for metamorphosis. u see, i'm more of a book goy

Was Cincinnatus even a real person? I always took him as a semi-mythical figure, like Lycurgus or

Stalin, Mao and Lenin for their contributions in making the world more equal and fair

Admiring Cincinnatus and Admiring Caesar is oxymoronic, you can't glorify the usurper of the republic in the same breath as the defender of the republic.


Hannibal (age of aeries as a dude)
Caesar (pretty obvious one)
Wat Tyler (an idiot but balls of steel)

I wouldn't name any romans, simply because there would be too many and I would feel bad leaving any of them out.

I adore Peter Jansen Wessel, who was given the nickname "Tordenskjold" by the Danish king, meaning Thundershield.

J.R.R.Tolkien: One of the few men who inspires me and makes me want to better myself. Also the reason i started studying history and languages in the first place.

Diogenes: If I wasn't me, I would be Diogenes

Not in any order yet
>Augustus Caesar
A boy wonder and someone who was literally universally loved. An unlikely hero who saved Rome (Also saving western society in the future aswell.) and ensured a stable rule for it's citizens and successors. Most likely the ideally respectable human. Very humble in his beginnings but pulled himself up to glory and pride.
Not enough information as much as there should be on this guy. An actual pagan theologian and philosopher that gave Christianity an incredibly hard time. Used Pagan rhetoric and apologetic against Christian Priests who left with their tail behind their back. A real philosopher king, I wish we had his debate and speech transcripts.
Notice the pattern in all of these men, they attempted to save civilization. For Napoleon, it's self explanatory.

Napoleon Bonaparte. I find his life highly interesting, and how he was able to achieve many things, from a poor noble in Corsica to Emperor of the French. A man of no equal to this date.

Augustus. Man that surprisingly young outwitted everyone.

Theodore Roosevelt. Personally, my favorite president, had a very strong character, and was alpha as fuck

He was indeed real !

>attempted to save civilization

Gaius Julius Caesar. eh's a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything

Napoleon. a guy you can always count on

Genghis Khan. His power is maximum

Julius Ceaser
Alexander the Great



The source of Europe’s success, lies in the Reformation, a revolution in ideas and authority spread by what Martin Luther called “God’s highest and ultimate gift of grace”: the printing press.

Not until 1727 did the Ottoman state permit printing in Arabic script, Islamic clerics did not want the press to undermine their power, and the state – still tied to religion not commerce – had no incentive to overrule them.

The prohibition was one of the great missed opportunities of economic and technological history, a vivid example of the dead hand of religious conservatism.

Are you autistic? Do you actually think that any point in his life one of Napoleon's goals was to save civilization? In what way was civilization even at risk?

Luter for reformation
Napoleon for his genius and reforms
Piłsudski because he foreseen outcome of WW1 and trick both Germany and Habsburgs.

Caesar was a dick.
Napoopan was a dick.
Cicinnatus is an absolute bro.
Putting your country first instead of yourself.'
I do admire their ambition tough.
all the commies are prettu much retarded.
Alex is based for fucking boys
Genghis knew how to succesfully multiculture his army

Caesar was a dick but his naked ambition coupled with his ability to realize it is what made him my number 2, which is funny because Cincinnatus was my number one for being the anti-Caesar. I like naked ambition and prowess but at the end of the day for me it's did serve your people well because it was right or because it was lucrative for you.

Basileious II the bulgarslayer.

Its incredible how determined he was.
Before becoming an emperor he was known for dicking thots after he became an emperor he became celibate.
He got his ass beaten by the bulgarians and then put down two rebellion in anatolia, after that he came back for the bulgarians which he was the first to defeat consistently in centuries of byzantium getting beaten by them.
The strategy he employed to defeat them was also admirable.
His relationship with the army was great, he even earned the nickanme of father of the army or something like thst because he would take care of children of deceased officers.
His great relationship with the army would allow him to fuck over the aristocracy as much as he wanted, since there were no men wanting to fight him.
A true alpha, if not the greatest one of the greatest emperor of byzantium, and leaders in general.
I admire the fact thst he would live like his soldiers and eat the standard military rations as them. Reminded me of julius about thst.

Lawrence of Arabia
Charles Martel
My Dad

I like Middle Eastern history.


But Constantine the Great is better. Justinian and Theodora are equally interesting. What about Constantine XI? He went down with his city, and will apparently one day walk again. The Byzantines had the best everything.

In terms of personality and not achievement, Konstantine XI is top tier, even though it seems like he didnt achieve much, the last stand at constantinople was probably one of the greatest moments of the greeks.
Dude managed to pull together a garrison that fend off a huge armies for longer than anyone would think its possible.
Not to mention justiniani and his tricka helping with the siege.
Its really sad what happened to the Palaiologos Dynasty, they were one of the most skilled in general, but they had everything thrown at them, latins, fellow orthodox, muslims, even other greeks, everyone was at war with them.
Biggest mistake they did, like the komnenoi, was not recover anatolian heartlands.