Be honest here

Be honest here.

Do you actually believe crypto are worth this much, or are you just here to profit from the massive hype similar to the dot com bubble?

Other urls found in this thread:

i trust them more than the dollar, their prices are actually what it is worth in the market.

I believe there are exactly 4 cryptos in 10 years time that will be accepted almost anywhere at point of sale around the globe. There will be a few others that stick around with very specific use cases but 99% of them will be worthless around that time.

right now it's all hype, but I do actually believe that one day some of them could be worth much more than they are currently. very similar to the dot com bubble

better than paper shitcoins

Remember kids, things like amazon and google were part of the dotcom bubble. Find those and you're gonna make it

hmm, I wonder where we could be

>ordering an Egg McMuffin with my ARK

i don't see it happening..

ITT: Datamining
its an IRS thread trying to get admissions of people buying for the purposes of reselling at a profit
tasty IP farming

because you'd be ordering that egg mcmuff with your OMG

wayyyyyyyyyy before A

Hello ser, thank for order, that be 0.0025 omisee gogos pls

God I hope the term Woolong catches on as slang in all this. I just want cyberpunk to be now.

thats a bubble within the the stock market cryptos bubble isnt within the stock market

no brakes on this train my friend its either the tracks go on forever or the cliff and the track making is controlled by another company which you have no control over

>cryptos bubble isnt within the stock market

it cant be both at the same time

There already are major blockchain mining operations that are publicly traded companies, so technically it's already true.


>mfw we are before A

Bitcoin is still massively undervalued in dollar terms on a medium time horizon IMO. Monero is also undervalued on a longer time horizon. Namecoin seems like it could be a good value buy for a smaller cap. There are a few others under 10 mil too that I'm not saying and I only really think they're good to accumulate for profit with a couple maybe being good long holds. There are a lot of things 50 million and up that are completely absurd though.

its the mining, which means theyre providing a service

that just means its too late for bitcoin, nobody will take it seriously. the block chain tech will be adopted but I doubt anything anything about bitcoin will

>the block chain tech will be adopted
That much is for certain. The US Postal Service is already looking in to adopting such tech, as is the Australian Post.

Only eth was correct in that sentence