Is it bad I feel no sympathy for the victims of American reprisal war crimes against SS guards?

Is it bad I feel no sympathy for the victims of American reprisal war crimes against SS guards?

Pic related is a Kapo that was tortured by being forced to give a Nazi salute with dry ice over his naked back, and then beaten to death with a shovel by Polish Jews imprisoned at Dachau.

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>Who would not have jumped for joy, in 1940, at the thought of seeing S.S. officers kicked and humiliated? But when the thing becomes possible, it is merely pathetic and disgusting.

> But what this scene, and much else that I saw in Germany, brought home to me was that the whole idea of revenge and punishment is a childish daydream. Properly speaking, there is no such thing as revenge. Revenge is an act which you want to commit when you are powerless and because you are powerless: as soon as the sense of impotence is removed, the desire evaporates also.

Too bad there weren't that many good ole' boy types in the unit that liberated Dachau.

Would've been great cultural exchange to teach newly liberated inmates how to have out a proper Southern lynching.

That's a really good way to look at it, thanks user. I'm glad my reaction is natural and I'm not unusual/sadistic.

I don't feel as if summary execution or lynching would be appropriate.

Torture and being bludgeoned to death is more in-line with justice, because the SS tortured the inmates for years on end.

This is the non-psychopathic way to see it. There's no need to be sadistic when you execute evil men, just do it quickly and be done with it.

>the desire evaporates also


t. edgelord

No, I dont feel sympathy for them. That said, it shouldnt have happened. Im a strong believer in due process and an organized justice system. In an ideal world they wouldve been tried and locked up for life. Sadly, it's not an ideal world.

> Pic related is a Kapo that was tortured by being forced to give a Nazi salute with dry ice over his naked back, and then beaten to death with a shovel by Polish Jews imprisoned at Dachau.
>is it bad i feel no sympathy
Absolutely not. They chose to serve a horrific regime for a horrific cause that imprinted onto the victims descendants genetically. The only nazi I remotely like is John Rabe, and he didn't get Hitler's approval to stop the Nanjin Massacre, he did it of his own accord, because letting the japs act like manchildren by inflicting needless suffering is fucking asinine.

No. Camp guards were generally scum who got a kick out of abusing and killing innocent people who were mentally and physically broken.


I feel no sympathy for sadistic and vicious people, they have no place in society. These morons should have been executed on spot, Americans, SS, Polish jews.

if you were a decent person and weren't a sadistic asshole, who just happened to get a shit posting at a camp, the prisoners would take notice, no?

>the prisoners start acting like the nazis upon being freed
Genuinely depressing, we deserve to go extinct.

As you can see the prisoners weren't decent persons either, it's perfectly possible they took revenge on the weakest naive dude of the camp.

>Is it bad I feel no sympathy for the victims of American reprisal war crimes against SS guards?

Only if you don't want to be on the losing side of history.

I see, that's pretty depressing then
I feel nothing when a truly sadist guard gets the taste of his medicine, but they probably just put all their anger some random guy who wasn't involved in violence and just kept books on prisoners or some shit

>when a truly sadist guard gets the taste of his medicine
And what about the trully sadist men who make him taste his medicine?

The nly solution was to fire bomb all the camps with everyone still inside

you're just speculating desu. conclusions can't be drawn until we know how the camps were structured and who had responsibility for what. As far as I know most of the camps were indeed run and looked after by sadistic guards with minimal administration.

I see no need to execute them. Just lock them up, and never let them out, or to communicate with the world. Let them be forgotten.

But what's the point though? What do we get out of it? Sadists need not answer btw.

Dumb and a waste of tax payer money. Forced labour camps are the patrician's way

>let's just suspend basic human empathy lol
No biggie

>summary execution or lynching would be appropriate.
>Torture and being bludgeoned to death is more in-line with justice, because the SS tortured the inmates for years on end.

Have you ever even read an account of a lynching? It's pretty fucking brutal. Perfect punishment to met out to Nazi death camp guards if you ask me.

This is my favorite one. Just the contrast between the shitty large outfit the liberated Jew is wearing versus this Nazi. Justice.

>Americans literally burnt people to death in the 20th century
Why are they such disgusting barbarians?


>kill everyone innocent or not because I can't work them around my narrative

Ah, the tankie method.

If it looks retarded but it works, it ain't retarded

When referring to “they”, you are referring solely to those responsible. There were great numbers of lynchings while consisting of a fraction of the U.S. population.

Attitudes were far different, I’m not really sure why they were so accepted aside from what we’ve deiscussed in school and personally from still living people from that era.

>the prisoners start acting like the nazis upon being freed
This hurts the most, I wouldn't wish the Holocaust or its reprisals on my worst enemy.
Should have put them on trail and let them hang not make them needlessly suffer for something as childish as revenge.

Most of the victims were accused (and thus assumed to be guilty) of horrendous crimes such as rape, murder, or a combination of the two. Of course most of the time the victim's actual culpability was in doubt but evidence made little difference to the aggrieved, who just wanted payback.

pic related, child actor Jackie Coogan took part in a lynching of two men who confessed to the killing one of his best friends in 1933. He was unrepentant about it for the remainder of his life.

No, this is barbary again.

Context for this photo?

wasnt that guy innocent?


>On May 9, Fleming took Washington to Hill County to prevent vigilante action. The Hill County sheriff, Fred Long, questioned Washington with Fleming; Washington told them he had killed Fryer following an argument about her mules, and described the murder weapon and its location. Long brought Washington to Dallas, Texas, while Fleming returned to Robinson. Fleming soon reported that he found a bloody hammer where Washington had indicated. In Dallas, Washington dictated and signed a statement that described the rape and murder of Fryer; the confession was published the next day in Waco newspapers.

He was likely fooled/coerced into confessing but that basically made him guilty in the eyes of the attackers

oy I live the smell of punished goy

why would you feel bad for victims taking revenge on the people the most responsible for their suffering? like sure in the wider sense they were 'just following orders' that were passed down from the gov't and military chain of command, but its not like your average yid in Treblinka knows what the people in charge look like. All he knows is some SS fag is working him to death. Accounts from participants in the shoah conclusively show that the participants weren't coerced. IE the famous reserve police battallion 101 which helped the Einsatzgruppen - they were given 20 chances each to back out of killing jews but didn't' take it. The guards and administrators chose to be there, they have all the culpability necessary to make their deaths in retaliation quite justified

Why do pictures of gunned down corpses always have fucked with clothes? Like do people pull their clothes off while they die or something?

It seems he was guilty. Not justifying the lynching though.

Looting the bodies m8.

how many ww2 photo ops were staged? who runs hollywood? was lehman brothers related to paramount pictures? who could afford makeup, lighting, film and cameras for all those photops? Is every historic photo accurate or is there elemnts of propoganda and agenda pushing?

Victims are always irrelevant (jews or ss), the issue is with the perpetrators of the crimes. When a man decides to commit cold blood atrocities on another man, he can't be part of society anymore. You can't trust such a man anymore. "Hey can you keep an eye on my kids while I go to the store?" Yeah, no, no one wants that kind of neighbour, be it a victim of shoah or whatever.

the obligation to behave in accordance with the rules of society is invalid if the state itself is engaging in violence against you

The state? I disagree, we're talking about individual responsibility here.

>imprinted onto the victims descendants genetically

What the fuck

Based Orwell

jesus christ this thread is full of fucking naive babies. you guys do realize the average german was barraged non fucking stop with anti semetic propaganda. yeah fucking sure, they were super duper mean to the prisoners (just like, you know, everyone one else was since the dawn of time) however they were imprisoning people that they thought, you know, ruined their fucking country. you fucking tards conveniently forget how absolutely over the top harsh the treaty of versailles was (something acknowledged by ALL parties after the fact) and understandable the germans would be out for blood

fucking god damned casuals on this board

oy vey remember the 6 million it was real in my mind

>some western European politicians fucked your country over.

>better take it out on these eastern European serfs

yeah nah

How do you know that that was a jew.
How do you know that that was a nazi.
There is no justice when you rape somebody who raped you.

xd killing civilians xd

>The treaty of Versailles was harsh

Nah, the world should have listened to Clemenceau.

Go on the street and ask a random person what they think about Muslims.

Then he was not an SS guard but just a prisoner who held administrative tasks.

>The only nazi I remotely like is John Rabe
As I understand it he was appointed by the Weimar Republic, never really listened to what the foreign ministry had to say and didn't at all listen to nazi media. So his reactions to the massacre was genuine but his cries to the japanese to stop was embarassing for Germany since she was kind of an ally to Japan.

We are finding out more about genomes then ever possible. There's evidence that traumatic events have an effect on your DNA. War, long term malnutrition, starvation etc all have an impact on you and your descendants.

You better not be questioning the severity of the Shoah, goy.

Shut the fuck up you imbecile

Same could be said for any population then, you turdburglar. Are you also going to tell me war is traumatizing?

said western powers were also attacked

the point is that the treaty created the conditions for an extreme nationalitistic dictator to emerge. and wow holy fuck thats exactly what happened.

>There's evidence that traumatic events have an effect on your DNA. War, long term malnutrition, starvation etc all have an impact on you and your descendants.
please share. i call bullshit until then

Torture and humiliation sure, but I would honestly shoot them all. So entire SS (excluding kids and Baltic troops), and most of German leadership. They knew what they were doing.

That prisoner sure looks like he was fed sawdust soup for years

This. Except the need to (possibly) show them off as dead bodies to the citizens, there is no need for anything more than summary execution and burial. Why torture Ted Bundy?
>>law student

Pussy, a justified revenge killing is not cold blooded murder. If someone raped and killrledyour mom you would be itching for revenge

You dont have the empathy required to torture Bundy

I mean, most of the SS men were Waffen-SS troops assigned to guard the prisoners right after the actual staff, those responsible for the atrocities, escaped. Their only real duties were to surrender the camps to American troops.

Check your definition of "cold blooded" murder. On the spot, it's "ok", you just react to the situation in an attempt to save someone or yourself. Days or months after, it's a cold blooded murder.