What's wrong with french people? why are they so destructive and degenerate?

What's wrong with french people? why are they so destructive and degenerate?
Is it their language? do you believe their language corrupts mind and soul?

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They're non-white scum mixed with Jews and North Africans.

The French are romantics and as such have an unrealistic view of the world.

french people are repulsive
jewish nose, anglo teeth and pakistani mind

nice one hans

>all these /pol/tards have nothing better to do
No but seriously the French are MASSIVE fags

Im French and what do you mean by so destructive ? why would we be any more destructive than others nations ?

All the worlds problems can be traced back to the French

I think that is somewhat unfair. The idea most people have of the French people implies that Parisians are the only French out there, or at least the majority

Parisians are despicable but I've meet some French from the countryside and suburbs and they're alright

your pic is an american jew, she's not french and doesn't look french.
anyway the french have basically created western civilisation through their military greatness and incredible cultural and scientific achievements.

Why did he do that?

She does look French.

Figure it out

no she doesn't, she look jewish.
Anyway looking french doesn't mean anything, pic related is french and alsatian but he's very different looking from a typical southern french, but both are french.
France has latin looking people (south west are iberian looking while south east are italians looking) and germanic looking people (normandy, britanny, the north and the east) with people looking in between.

is /pol/ just in the habit of calling everyone famous a jew now? wikipedia says both her parents were french and she went to christian church as a kid


Spotted the retard.

i said germanic looking you moron, they are indeed germanic looking.
why are you lying?

Will-sickness. The French are ripe for extinction, they just don't know how to die. They are therefore living corpses, and the noxious fumes they exhale have poisoned half the world

>she look jewish
Jew is not a race, retard

There isnt any jewish look, how people can be so stupid?

She is mixed, she has germanic blood and celtic/iberian blood

her grandfather was
that's not even jewish under the nuremburg laws

>celtic people are germanic looking

This is the average American for you.

She is Jewish, not French...

They married within their own community for the last 2000 years but you deny they got their own look? Are you a retard?
Pic related is a french and a french jewish girl of polish jew descent, does she look polish to you?

I've lived in britanny for 2 years and i'm not american you moron.Voltaire himself said "as blonde as a breton"

Well sadly there arent pure celtic people, thanks to germanics, they all have some germanic blood in them

I dont know why you guys feel so ashamed of your ancestor

>Jew is not a race

Fucking Julius Caesar described Celts as blonde before Christ was even born, you retard. Blonde hair is not "a Germanic trait".

We're not destructive at all. We are a peaceful and wonderful civilisation that enlightens the world. And you'd better agree with this statement.

Not a race, retard
How married?
Hebrews not longer exist, maricon

Those "jews" today are converts, they can be slavic, Armenian, iberian, greek and germanic

Stop being so stupid and have some common sense

That girl in your pic is either iberian or greek

Judaism isn't a universalit religion, they don't want converts and it's really hard to convert to judaism coño.
The girl in my pic is a jewish girl of jewish polish and german descent (her suname is german), yet she look incredibly jewish because she is you idiot, denying there's something such as jewish looking is incredibly moronic

I read romans said that celtic were swarthy and you can see plenty dark haired people where celtic people were

Not a race, askhenazi

>Judaism isn't a universalit religion,
Who said so?

These modern "jews"?
Well go tell that to yemenis jews then, they converted between 300-500AD
>The girl in my pic is a jewish girl of jewish polish and german descent (her suname is german), yet she look incredibly jewish
Stop writing so much bullshit, there isnt such thing as jewish look and having a German surname mean shit


>swarthy and dark haired

If you consider the Irish, the Scots, or the Northern French to be swarthy, you need to get your brain checked, mate.


Caesar talks about it in his description of his campaign in Gaul. It's fairly easy to google it for yourself.

The genetic origin and heritage of Bronze Age Canaanites

The genomes of Ashkenazi Jews can be modeled as ≈55% BA Canaanites and ≈45% Neolithic Central Europeans, and those of Iraqi Jews as ≈70% BA Canaanites and ≈30% Neolithic Iranians.

Abstracts from Human Evolution 2017 conference

Stop being dumb Dominican.

>Northern French to
What is germanic invasion, imbecile?

What’s not a race?

I'm curious. Is Domican trolling or is he really that fucking retarded?

Yeah but semitic people do not have light eyes or light features, stop LARPing, maricon

Jew is not a race,deal with it

You fucking negro retard. You're a clueless piece of shit with low IQ and no understanding of anything. You should shut your whore mouth for good, you have nothing smart to say anything, you misguided pile of shit. You're poisoning this board with your stupidity. Just die already you subhuman trash.

There is shared levantine ancestry, which you also deny.

So you must deliberately trolling.

Mad askhenazi
Who say that?

These modern "jews"?

I can do that, i can make tests and proof that im pure latin

>pure latin
Pure piece of shit more likely.

Are you retarded?
I mean that everyone can make test and publish whatever they want

You have literal brown nigger skin. You're not "pure latin" you're a fucking monkey.

The French are pretty much the only thing that justifies Europe ever existing

Elaine, shut up.

You clearly dont understand. I didnt say that im pure latin

>I didnt say that im pure latin
>i can make tests and proof that im pure latin

French land is generous, and good times make weak men.

And still you dont understand what i said, what i really mean is that everyone can make tests and publish anything just like i can make test and say im pure x race

Norman settling in France having a considerable impact on Northern French genetic makeup is a meme, and the Franks were commonly described as shorter and darker than the Gallo-Romans when they invaded.

And here comes the deluded southern french who thinks franks were basically meds.
Fuck this thread is shit.

>Franks were commonly described as shorter and darker than the Gallo-Romans when they invaded.

Romans said that franks were blonde people with light eyes just like other geemanic people

And how gauls would be swarthy in the south and light in the north?

What's wrong with /int/ posters? why are they so destructive and degenerate?

>anything shorter or darker skinned than the Gallo-Romans looks like a Med

Were you dropped on your head as a child, boy?

Compare descriptions and artistic representations of Gauls compared to Franks, brainlet.

Tfw youre french and half jewish arab

I trust better the people that dealed with them

I'm waiting for the next Joan of Arc to reclaim France from those who gave stolen it.

Romans detailing the Gallic people as blonde and red haired, with light skinned.

Directly from the people that dealt (not dealed, shitskin) with them.


Literally in the post, idiot.


It's the french side I would be concerned about, not the mizrahi jewish side. Mizrahi jews have a great history.

The french on the other hand....

OP s pic looks like pic related, an american actress of romanian jewish ancestry.

Jews aren't 10% as degenerate as the french

Jews aren't 10% as degenerate as the french

The french are scat

Show me your smile, Descartes.

Smiling is scat

They are destructive and degenerate because of socialism