Moments in history that always make you laugh just at how absurd it is

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Just what the fuck was he thinking? Did he really expect he was going to achieve anything other than getting locked up? Even Hitler was shocked at how stupid it was. And he spent the rest of his life, some 40 years, in a solitary jail cell then got killed for no reason when he was 93 years old. I imagine him sitting all the time in that cell, thinking what might have happened if he just didn't go on that plane, if he could have perhaps persuaded Hitler and changed the outcome of the war for the better so Germany might win. Then seeing the only life you know become a distant memory. Imagine having that eating you up - for 40 fucking years.

it's a sad story, desu

No shit, he was probably legitimately mentally ill. How he became the German equivalent of Vice President is a mystery.

He killed himself, actually.

>Hitler and Churchill are going to destroy Europe for their own egos
>Fly to Britain, being Hitler's right hand man, in hopes they would end it
>They don't

the state of Mississippi didnt officially end slavery until 1995


What always cracks me up is how he pretended to not remember anything for weeks until he one day said "yeah ok I was just pretending" during the nuremberg trials. Everything about Hess is just hilarious starting with his ridiculously big belt. What a dope.

He want hitlers right hand man anymore. He had been shit out of hitlers inner circle for a while and thos was his way of restoring hos reputation with hitler

>Rudolf Hess, sentenced to life but not released due to ill health like Raeder, Funk, or Neurath, served the longest sentence out of the seven and was by far the most demanding of the prisoners. Regarded as being the 'laziest man in Spandau', Hess avoided all forms of work that he deemed below his dignity, such as pulling weeds. He was the only one of the seven who almost never attended the prison's Sunday church service. A paranoid hypochondriac, he repeatedly complained of all forms of illness, mostly stomach pains, and was suspicious of all food given to him, always taking the dish placed farthest away from him as a means of avoiding being poisoned. His alleged stomach pains often caused wild and excessive moans and cries of pain throughout the day and night and their authenticity was repeatedly the subject of debate between the prisoners and the prison directors.

>Raeder, Dönitz, and Schirach were contemptuous of this behaviour and viewed them as cries for attention or as means to avoid work. Speer and Funk, acutely aware of the likely psychosomatic nature of the illness, were more accommodating to Hess. Speer, in a move that invoked the ire of his fellow prisoners, would often tend to Hess' needs, bringing him his coat when he was cold and coming to his defence when a director or guard was attempting to coax Hess out of bed and into work. Hess occasionally wailed in pain at night, affecting the sleep of the other prisoners. The prison's medical officer would inject Hess with what was described as a "sedative" but was in reality distilled water and succeeded in putting Hess to sleep. The fact that Hess repeatedly shirked duties the others had to bear and received other preferential treatment because of his illness, irked the other prisoners and earned him the title of "His imprisoned Lordship" by the admirals.
what the fuck was his problem?

He was a schizo who was doomed to spend the rest of his life in prison for trying to end a world war, its pretty sad really. Especially considering he died with a negros hands around his neck.

This guy, plus Jack Churchill going to war with a bow and a claymore

Whole Germany intelligence in II WW was a great joke. The amount of retardiness is just on JUST levels.
At this point I am ready to believe some conspiracy theories that Nazi Germany was another Eternal Anglo plot to bleed both Europe and Russia.

At one point in history Pepsi Co. was the 6th largest naval power in the world.

why was Speer such a nice guy?

everyone else in Spandau hated Speer because he cucked out to the allies to dodge the rope

he did literally nothing wrong and everyone was just too jealous that he got away with it, more or less, despite being responsible for tens of thousands of slave laborers dying in his war production factories

Its not that at that point he had any choice on the matter, he was one of the better Nazis to be honest, the fact that he showed repentance is why he was spared the rope. Also,his work on the timeline of the third reich is invaluable historically.

What's the proof that he was murdered?

it makes no sense that he'd kill himself when he's 93 years old, after spending so much time in prison already
also, 93 year olds barely have the power to walk, much less actually go through the effort of hanging one self

It also makes no sense to keep him alive for decades and then kill him when he's too old and weak to do anything.

perhaps he knew too much and needed to be silenced

Then why not stage his suicide decades earlier?

What new and revolutionary information did he gain in his prison cell that meant meant he had to be killed decades after being jailed?

The secret to the Colonels 11 herbs and spices

Speer was a boss, he ran that war production so well even the July 20th plotters wanted to keep him on