When Rusyns(and nationless peasants of polish-cccp borderland) become Ukrainian and why?

When Rusyns(and nationless peasants of polish-cccp borderland) become Ukrainian and why?

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>some khohol actually unironically drew this

My favourite part is PiƂsudski and Peter the Great next to Hitler and Stalin

No, the best part is "holy" Jew Bandera and fucking "holy" Szuchewycz not only being on God's side, but judging other criminals or non-criminals... and not actually being on the opposite side together with Hitler and Stalin.

P.S. Pilsudski even being there top kek... He was actually in favor of the old Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth which shared different ethnicities but wanted a free and allied Ukraine under Petliura to oppose the Bolsheviks. Thanks to Pilsudski 1/3 of Ukrainians were saved from the Holdomor.

Can't wait to post this image everywhere.

the whole thing is a mess
>Beria is there separate from Stalin but Himmler or Hans Frank aren't there alongside Hitler
>Beria is there at all when he had fuck all to do with any persecution of Ukrainians compared to Yagoda, Kaganovich or Molotov

Why? It makes sense in this context.






Get this shitshow of a polish-russian mongrel state out of my sight

Why does Catherine look like a cardboard cutout

>that picture
The Ukrainians are the true comedians of the human race. Everything they do is hilarious


What's the red/black flag?

It was the flag of the UPA, a Ukrainian insurgent army during WWII

Eu4 rebels

why ukrainians had that hairstyle?
did they get it from mongoloids?
that is just somethings some mongoloids like mongols and turkics would do

>Pilsudski checks out if anyone is observing him and continues to bend the prison bar
They are fucked

literally LARPing
we wuz cossacks and shit

Americlap here, can someone explain this painting to me? I get that it's something pro-Ukranian but I only recognize a few of the figures.

the guy at the desk on the left is Stepan Bandera, a nazi sympathizing retard who got figuratively btfo by Hitler and then literally btfo by the KGB 15 years later, I don't know who the other guy at the desk is
in the cage is
>Peter the Great
>Catherine the Great
>Batu Khan?
>Marshall Pilsudski
a bunch of non-Ukrainians who ruled parts of Ukraine and the painter is trying to imply were bad

what the fuck is wrong with *krainians?

>tfw no thicc ukrainian white trash gf to breed lots of khokhol-lets with

>implying they are any different from Hitler and Stalin

Just visit any Polish brothel. Lots of ukrainian trash there

That was horrifying.

I'm starting to think German and Russian domination is the best outcome for that part of the world.

It's the thread where polaks and ukrainians will measure dicks on who was the poorest victim of that time while clawing at each other's throats.

Pilsudski was triggering ukrainians with the "pacification operations" also, poles being poles, they considered everyone else, especially ukrainians, a lower life form.

As for Peter I, it's simple, he crushed Mazepa and cockholes first attempt at "european integration".

PS: Poles and Hohols are birds of a feather. Former still thinks that their drunk leadership fucking over their own plane was a specops by Putin, the latter blames everyone around for their failure of the state.

Lithuanians should've taken both territories and build glorious LIETUVA on the place of both countries.

>Peter the great
>Catherine "the great"
>Average mongol

But Lithuanians are worse than Poles, user.

Have you ever had dealings with them, or is this just historic autism?

>But Lithuanians are worse than Poles, user.

It's not litwos that had their heads so far up their asses, that they managed to partition their own country several times solely due to being greedy, egoistical autists full of vanity and ego the size of the fucking America.

Should I remind you that it were fucking polaks who seriously were considering that they MUST become colonial empire? Before WWII?

Sure, but Lithuanians are that^2, even more limited by geography, population size and industry, and living with illusions of past grandeur.

For one thing, they were the cause for Intermarium never having a chance - for another, they even tried invading Latvia in 1921 to press border claims, only to have their arses handed to them. They also begged to have Palanga, only to annex Memel couple years later in one of those rare LITHUANIA STRONG moments.

Soviets gave them Vilnius after Poland capitulated, and the Lithuanians happily had a parade and accepted. They then promptly folded to the Soviets 9 months later.

And nowadays they're like a worse version of Polacks - cheaper and sneaker. Polacks wave flags and make cheap crap. Lithuanians take Polish cheap crap, mix it 50:50 with sawdust or water (depending on consistency) and try to peddle it.

>Lithuanians should've taken both territories and build glorious LIETUVA on the place of both countries.
But all the important Lithuanians adapted into Polish culture. That makes Poland successor to both the Crown and GDL. Modern Lithuanians descend from peasants who learned about nationalism only in XIX century.

Wilno is rightfully Polish