Why no one cares about their country anymore

Nobody cares about their country, their town, their city, their neighbourhood, or any other area that surrounds them because they're all so ugly.

We have left our civic surroundings, such an important thing, up to mere chance. Dull, grey houses pop up like fungus and new neighbourhoods arrive even quicker. Our skyline is topped with alienating skyscrapers dedicated to hedge funds, stocks, corporations, and other exclusive groups that are as shady as the shadow that it casts down on its city. Cities have become a mere utility to get money and to spend it. That's it. The priority of income has drained our cities and communities of any intimacy, pride and attractiveness.

It's very difficult to form an intimate relationship with someone you find ugly. The exact same applies to our cities, our towns, and so on.

Nobody, at least no one in the Western World really cares for their country, because when they look to the skyline, they see nothing they care for, and understandably so. What average citizen should care about what goes on up there? Our values and our priorities are reflected upon in our surroundings.

We should really care more about architecture and urban planning. Am I wrong?

Try living outside a large US city.

>architecture and urban planning
go make them then. You dog of your nation. You slave of your state.

Hitler was right, steel, glass and concrete are cancer
inb4 Roman concrete

But Hitler's buildings were all made of concrete

So if make art in a classical way and don't adulterate it with "modern art" concepts I guess I really will be helping save our culture.

>save our culture.
you nation, your culture, your people, are all worthless then the flys who buzz through the swamps of Africa

Is this a /pol/ thread or do you want an actual answer because mine would be nice American retardation, please leave your suburban neighbourhood once in a while.

Oh look, the anti capitalist traditionalists are here.
You know what, why don't you go and hang out with the commies?

They smell of drugs

To me they are not. Life is subjective.

because you are filled with hubris

How is wanting to maintain my way of life hubris?
I'm not a white nationalist or anything.

it is not inline with the demands of God. Hence, why you die of disentry, along with your people.

Now I know you are just a troll.

im an architect AMA

Social alienation due to increasing social complexity, collapse of religions due to modern science, plus Jewish brainwashing.

What prevents you from doing what you want to do?
Why are you made to build such ugly buildings?
Is it just cost effectiveness or something to do with materials? I need answers.

Not him but it's probably what the clients are brainwashed into thinking they want.

cost and "appearance" i.e. if Chase Bank wants a new building they want to look cook and hip doing it so it builds their brand image.

Only in the 80s with post modernism did we see architects saying fuck you to the client and doing whatever the hell they wanted. and somehow they were able to do it

So if we start to steer public preference into more Conservative forms of aesthetics we will see a resurgence of classical forms of architecture? If so, I'll get right on it.

why don't you go and hang period

if somehow you can convince the world and fortune 500 companies that columns and etc are new "hot" thing while also convincing contractors that its cost effective then you're all set.

>Cities have become a mere utility to get money and to spend it
shame on you for not seeing what (((city planners))) intended all along; noisy, crowded places where mean people fight over resources. need to be cleansed with nuclear fire ASAP

Genuine discussion, I didn't make this thread on /pol/ because, well, it's /pol/.

t. Libuhtariyun

I never even said I was anti-capitalist, traditionalist, or communist. This is an issue that needs addressing. Why can't faggots like you take a discussion/proposal/question for what it is and not have to filter it through your skewed and pointless political beliefs?

This times 100.

If it´s no one, then at least one i know is caring about it. I will rebuild it after it has fallen to dust. "I rule the ruins"

The reason no one cares about their country is because we now know that our country doesn't care about us as individuals.

As always, the problem is globalism. National identity, city identity, individual cultural identity is slowly chipped away by the demon of cosmopolitanism.

I'm someone who lives near (not even in) one of the small towns in my state. Everyone in town is ignorant to the needs of their property if they damage it they don't care, if they destroy it or lose it they replace it without a single thought.

Nearly everyone I know from there hates the place and would rather live elsewhere.

Isn't that a bit redundant though?
They don't care to improve themselves and we don't care to improve them even though by doing so we could address the problem of nobody caring.

I think one of the problems is real estate becoming a speculative investment in the past 2 decades. New suburbs are being constructed to sell as many houses as possible, the houses are identical and crammed together with only 1 meter of space between then, they look like row-houses form the UK or something. In older neighborhoods people are knocking down the craftsman houses and building two or three tiny box meme houses(pic related) in it's place trying to double or triple their investment. Absolutely disgusting, the worst part people are paying 0.5 million dollars for this shit.

In the past the house was your home, now it's something to make a quick buck then move into something better after 5 years.

I wonder, why individualistic civilization that puts emphasis on the "success" of the individual results in not giving the shit about society/nation, Gee, such a riddle... I don't even know the reason, oh, right, it's COMMIES AND LEFTARDS for sure.

>dog of your nation
>slave of your state
What ugly fucking descriptions for someone who loves their country and just wants to make it beautiful

everything he supports is disgusting, demagogic, anti-god, cultish, and illusory.

No one values anything...few more decades people wont even value their families.

Well they are at fault too

>save our culture
>culture naturally changes all the time

What does this have to do with anything? Is personal property ownership afforded to the less wealthy yet able-to-pay on a loan a bad thing?

I mean the fundamental aspects of culture that make it recognizable.

Only faggots who don't know the outside world think this. People love their country.

profit oriented societies cant have preserving traditions

building something to last is bad for the economy, planning ahead is restriction of the free market

Nyeh, it's just the logical result of individualism.
You can't expect to feed individualism to people and expect that their comfort zone will expand outside their interests and their living space.

Communists tried that and failed spectacularly, and they didn't even have that much of the "homini homini lupus est" mentality, at least on lower levels of the society.

Wow, how homophobic. No wonder you're so sad and bitter, you're filled with hate. Jeez.

There are gay people, which are fine, but then there are faggots. You can be as straight as a plank and still be a faggot.

I think this is just a natural occurrence when a society becomes so wealthy and successful. The need or desire to maintain things fade away because of the notion that it can be replaced easily. Soon enough as ai develops and social media becomes more influential we will also forget about our immediate family and friends as others will "fill the void" with fake empathy.

The only thing that matters is family and honor.
The nation is an extension of the family only so far as they are genetically similar to you.


Why is this allowed?

this can't be real

what is wrong with this then??

Golf courses are a cancer. Truly a waste of land *tear*

Libertards like you is why I think communists and tradcons are natural allies, and we should cooperate on many things.

Most modern architecture is perfectly fine you mong. The only reason anybody online still harps on about it is usually some thinly-veiled screed about the degeneracy of the modern world and pseudofascist nostalgia.

The 1890's ended. If it really bothers you that much, go into construction yourself.

Right up until the point you have to organize the economy, then it goes to shit and another world war breaks out.

Have fun. :)

The guys living near the middle of the spiral having three hour long commute to work, despite the fact they work in the warehouses in the upper left of the image?

I'm having difficulty seeing how a giant concrete building with a roman facade is somehow "more reliable" and going to make me "care more about my country" than a giant glass tower. (Let alone my city, given that, in both cases, in both eras, every city was/is using that same style of architecture.)

We used to say "Ivory towers" now we say "Glass towers". Architecture isn't the source of our disillusionment.

God matters more then both.


Thank you. I was getting a crick in my neck just thinking of driving through that spiral.

OP, what kind of architecture and urban planning do you think would induce comfort and familiarity?

Not OP... But make everything in pastels, gingerbread like, and 3-4ths scale, so tall niggas are constantly banging their heads on things.

Can't. Only cities that have any "homely familiarity" are unplanned cities. You can't build comfort by consensus.

God didn't save Rome or Constantinople.

Those cities still stand. Do you mean he didn't save the Roman Empire? That's because there were too many Christians in them.

I care. I actively detest contemporary (last 229 years) Australian architecture.
