Only obs/bros here. How much you holding? How many lambos will you own?

Only obs/bros here. How much you holding? How many lambos will you own?

Did you get your masternode yet?

I have 0.5 eth to spare, should I buy this coin?
I just want to hold for medium/long term

sub 10k sats on cryptopia at this moment, headed to 20-30k sats in the next couple days

yeah, i'm buying as much as i can user, look at the volume increase over the past couple hours

just 6k. I'd buy more but all my funds are tied up in LINK.

I threw .11 btc at it. So hopefully I can at least double that in the next month. I mean aside from money though people should definitely get in on this. It has a working product and actually fufills a need that people will use.

volume went from 80 grand this morning when I didn't buy to 260 grand right now and I bought 10k at 9.1k sats

I got 32k.

I bought around 17800 today for like 6620 sats,

i know.. i'm pissed i missed the ico even though it was being promoted here a month or so back. saw it listed on cryptopia but is already 3x ico price.

Sorry OP im not giving these scammers 2k for a le masternode meme lmao. I just dumped my ico bags at 2.3x im out of here

I can't wait to use the shit out of it fuck people spying on me I bet all our texts, data and google searchs are just in databases waiting to be used for some nefarious purposes

60k from ico

Oh they're already being used, user.

You bought pretty high dude, you should have taken advantage of the low volume fluctuation and low-balled it around 6500-7k sats with the

how long does cryptopia take for a deposit, jesus

Took about an hour for me last night depositing btc

took me like 5 mins to deposit some OMG

LINK or this one? I have 1k to invest and I'm undecided where to go. I have already 2.6 LINK only that I bought in at 22 cents.


i sold some LINK for this, 66% LINK, 33% ODN now.

I just bought a ton of ODN at 8600

I'm new to all this, so it's really hard to judge. Everybody is saying how LINK will explode and has tons of reach potential, and who knows maybe it will. And I just like the idea of ODN's app, but how could the price of their offering (the anonymous app) compete with what LINK is saying it could do?

>LINK will explode and has tons of reach potential

for me it already exploded, holding since pre-sale. i hope ODN will double or tripple, so that i can buy more LINK. or the other way around, LINK moons and i buy ODN, good as well.


place for odn is between status and monero. Anonymous solution will be on rise now so just watch how monero, zcash and odn will perform. My call is $10 maybe even this year. Just imagine anonymous ios app

Thanks, mates. I will diversify between LINK and ODN and keep an eye on everything. This is addicting. By eyes have been glued to Veeky Forums and various coins for the past 48 hours.

Also really like the idea of a totally anonymous app.