Oldest evidence of wine making


Let's have a thread about alcohol throughout the ages.

Other urls found in this thread:

winewordswisdom.com/aboutitalwine/Earliest evidence of a primitive cultivar in Sardinia.pdf
books.google.it/books?id=RolsCwAAQBAJ&pg=PA190&lpg=PA190&dq=la marmotta lazio vite&source=bl&ots=4JYR8EnkVp&sig=tYaz7l_XmtYR2NDLqQd7I30yD6w&hl=it&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiNie2Ajb_XAhXHjKQKHZ_uCyAQ6AEIMjAA#v=onepage&q=la marmotta lazio vite&f=false

how do I make beer

Its all in mesopotamia

Fun facts, rome and greeks got wine culture from canaanites (phoenicians)

Apparently romans diluted their wine with water and drinking straight wine was considered barbaric.

malt wheat(get it wet and let it sit for a day)
add yeast
make sure it's in an airtight system with a way for CO2 to escape
Wait two months, rack(change container) once

congrats you've made beer. Mead is way easier, it's literally honey + yeast + flavorings

Even the Aztecs had alcohol

What is it about us humans that makes the idea of getting shitfaced so attractive

wine was an inconsistent gloop at the time, they understood the process really poorly. Most of it was spiced too

Don't forget that it tastes better when stamped by a cute girl

But they used to drink several liters of it at once (see the Symposium). Based pedo philosophers.

How did they get yeast?

How would they make a suitable container?

Where might I obtain these articles?


Life is suffering and on an instinctual level, we understand that.

>Most of it was spiced too
That's because most wine of the ancient era was more acidic and tasted sort of like vinegar; they added things to sweeten it up and make it more palatable.

There is a whole mash step in order to generate starches and convert them to sugars that must be undertaken once malting is completed.

Yeast is present naturally in a lot of fruits (grapes and apples in particular) so these will automatically ferment by themselves.

After a sucesfull ferment the yeast has multiplied and will settle to the bottom of the fermentation, you can then use this grown yeast colony for your next batch.

Some people would also cunstruct special buildings usually out of wood which would allow the natural yeast particles to live in the walls and rooms of the fermentation room providing an environment that is naturally high in wild yeast. (this style of fermentation is common for lambic beers and similar)


Even certain animals like getting drunk.

>Fun facts, rome and greeks got wine culture from canaanites (phoenicians)

False, wine making is attested in Greece since 3500 bc and in Italy since 3000 bc

Also wine was first made in Georgia and slightly later in the Levant, in the Caucasus mountains, not in Mesopotamia

I don't think wine making is technically haram

Bump for actual history

they got it by accident from smal traces in the air or in their containers,
i asume that eventualy they started to save a litle bit from the last batch and use it for the next one. so they kinda breeded their own yeast.

you can try this with yogurth.
fill a jar with warm milk and stirr a spoonfull of store bougth yogurth in it.
then put it on your radiator and place a blanked over the jar, and the next day all the milk turned into yogurth.

I read that they got their wine culture from phoenicians

So what is the levant. Brainlet?

Oh look pic related

>I read that they got their wine culture from phoenicians

Outdated, the new finds confirm wine making was discovered way before any direct contact with the Phoenicians)

>So what is the levant. Brainlet?

Not Mesopotamia by definition


>Date (YBP): 6161 ± 89
>Eye color (HIrisPlex System): Likely Blue
>Hair color (HIrisPlex System): Likely Red
>Skin pigmentation: Likely light
>World’s earliest evidence of footwear and wine making


First evidence of wine consumption in Europe:

Greece: 4,200 bc
Sicily:3,000 bc
Sardinia:1,350 bc

First evidence of direct contact with Phoenicians in either Greece or Italy: 850-800 bc


Yes, it's outdated, all these finds in Italy are very recent, while for Greece it was already well established that they consumed wine way before having any kind of contact with Phoenicians

Hahaha, you are in such denial

>ahah let me just ignore facts since I'm blinded by my superiority complex towards Europeans

>oh look at this shit that's wrong
it's sad

where is your sourcE?

how can that be outdated?

you have no idea what we're talking about, do you?

He never does

they got their wine culture from canaanites

deal with it

i bet you arent even greek or italian, you think roman and greek is part of your history so that is why you say they created everything

They didnt create it, it was discovered indipendently since vitis vinifera naturally occured in those regions and there are traces of wine dating back hundreds/thousands of years before Phoenicians ever set foot in those places

We're talking about Georgia dumbass, not Greece or Italy.

8000 YBP



it seems you dont understand what phoenicians did

google phoenician wine and read the wikie article

>trusting wikipedia
typical mud

Yes they encouraged it in regions where it already was comsumed and maybe introduced it in Iberia

i bet you are from the US and white
go read it

Must we argue even about this?

>cavemen were making rice mead in ancient china 9000 years ago

I don't think you understand what Phoenicians did.
Totally different period of time, Phoenicia was founder ~1500 BC.

typical medWEfaggotry at play

Fun fact, the world's oldest named wine still in production since 800 BC is from Cyprus and is called Commandaria, from the wine making region od Commandaria. I've tried it myself and it tastes holy.

>Responding to Dominican
He's one of the worst namefags around and constantly spews bullshit without ever really knowing what he's talking about, just ignore him you faggots.

>Phoenicia was founder
eh no
canaanites, phoenicians are canaanites, it was greeks that called them purple people

i always post source

Phoenicia was never a state, either way the first Phoenician documents date back to 1000 bc and that's stretching it, before that they were Canaanites


winewordswisdom.com/aboutitalwine/Earliest evidence of a primitive cultivar in Sardinia.pdf

books.google.it/books?id=RolsCwAAQBAJ&pg=PA190&lpg=PA190&dq=la marmotta lazio vite&source=bl&ots=4JYR8EnkVp&sig=tYaz7l_XmtYR2NDLqQd7I30yD6w&hl=it&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiNie2Ajb_XAhXHjKQKHZ_uCyAQ6AEIMjAA#v=onepage&q=la marmotta lazio vite&f=false



>before that they were Canaanites
they never stopped being canaanites, it was greeks that called them phoenicians, sadly we dont know what was their ethnic name

I fucking hate you, you useless piece of shit. Your presence instantly decreases the level of discourse of any thread you happen to infect with your worthless comments.
You are a product of your frustrations and inadequacies, and it hurts to be a witness to such cringe inducing and sad behaviour.
Fuck off.
Rethink your life. Do something useful for once and stop being such a fucking disappointment to humanity, bitch.

all you're doing is inspiring him to keep going

Nice pasta
Why you think that?
Im not a shitposter

Is that a recipe to try and represent ancient beer or something?

>Im not a shitposter