Would you support Human Imperialism in the conquest of habitable planets?

Would you support Human Imperialism in the conquest of habitable planets?

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fuck yeah

It wouldn't be imperialism, because any planet we eventually came across that was livable probably wouldn't have live on it.

Hell yeah


Hyper-advanced space-faring aliens have had the goodwill to leave us alone and not conquer us. We should be grateful and treat other developing races with the same courtesy.

That's their mistake then. History has no room for the weak.

Lets say in some planets their are cavemanlike - intellegent life on it, how should we treat?

Use genetic engineering to accelerate their evolutionary growth and integrate them into our empire.

Of course. There's no way Earth can sustain Africa's population growth.

Expanding on the question.

As we are the hostile force, wouldn't it be understandable that if their was a native population that it would be aggressive to our arrival. How should we treat knowing that everything is different from their rational, morality, biology and ''culture'' is different to ours.

Should we colonize knowing that we will eventually irreversible damage or genocide certain ''aliens''

How shall these planets be governed? will entire countries govern planets? a united effort made of all human nation in some form of council (UN like?), local colonist autonomy?

Of course. Unless humanity masters terraforming,
these habitable planets (With a preferable level of gravity that's close to Earth's) will always be preferred.

Don't want to end up like those freakish Belters

>Give Niggers guns to conquer new planets from Alien civilizations.
>The galaxy now thinks all humans are backwards, dark skinned lunatics that are ruled by a pale elite of wide eyed or slant eyed overlords.
>Rumors are running wild and there are even some tinfoil theories that a weird middle caste of brown humans work the middle and lower echelon jobs.
>It is not conducive to the aliens that niggers or brown people could step up in the social ladder.

I don't see a problem with that.

And then have sex with them.

Of course.

>Should we colonize knowing that we will eventually irreversible damage or genocide certain ''aliens''

Fuck no. Murtder Xenos every day, all day. They are not from earth. Their whole culture and biology, for all we know, could kill us in ways we can't even imagine. Just settle down, kill the local wild life and be done with it.

>How shall these planets be governed?
Depends on who settles the planets.

If Elon Musk manges to colonize some planet we're in for a wild ride. Otherwise there will be some weird Space UN that tries to administer the new Colonies but in the end things can go either way.

>will entire countries govern planets?
They can be. Fringe Colonies or places where a trip takes longer than a year will probably develop in different ways. For now we have not even a clue how communication across vast interstellar distances could work.

>a united effort made of all human nation in some form of council (UN like?), local colonist autonomy?

A bit of both. I think Halo got it with the UNSC pretty good. A central beuracracy without any checks that is in control since forever and the colonies have different types of rulers. Worlds closer to earth are probably in a tighter grip but the more you go the fringe, the more 'Wild Westr' colonies you will encounter with separatist movements and so on.


You wouldn't genocide me, would you?


No, because ayy waifus.

Also because any alien species we encounter will most likely be much more powerful than us.

Yes. Why not?

Considering we will need to draw millions upon millions of settlers from all over earth to live upon these planets, would it be better to advocate for ''human'' nationalism?

>Any alien species we encounter will most likely be significantly weaker than us.
Humans are relatively very very very very early in the history of the universe. Chance of us finding life is absurdly slim, and within that chance the chance of finding stuff above microscopic let alone animal levels is very slim.

I support imperialism right now. How many regional conflicts could we solve by just sweeping in, crushing them and colonizing the area?

only by irreversibly altering the gene pool

But if they're 50 foot tall space elves it's okay to fuck 'em, right?

Sure but you know, hot dog in a hallway

Mate, you're thinking of this all wrong. You gotta go spelunking, use the whole body.

I doubt there is any advanced alien species withing range of us.
Consider that any alien species that got space travel and a decent level of technology (not warp drive or anything, all stuff that we know is possible) would be able to construct self-replicating robots to colonize new worlds. Using this method they could have the entire galaxy colonized and under their control within mere millions of years (out of billions of years the galaxy has been around)
The fact that this hasn't happened yet, at least to our knowledge, suggests that either no species has ever considered this, or that there have been no species with the technology sufficient to do it.
It took billions of years for intelligent life to develop on earth. For all we know, we're the first. After all, intelligent life is a product of mere happenstance here on earth. For example, if the asteroid never hit 65 mya, humans likely would never have evolved and there would still be dinosaurs. There have been several mass extinctions like that throughout our history- enough to kill off a major portion of the species and spur new evolution, but none deadly enough to wipe out life entirely. It is definitely possible that for every habitable planet in the universe, 1 in 10 develops life, 1 in one thousand develops multi cellular life, 1 in one million develops complex forms of life that we would recognize as animals, 1 in one billion develops intelligent, tool-using, socializing life that can create technology, and out of those intelligent species that develops, only one so far (humans) have managed not to go extinct and produce vehicles that can leave the planet.

This question makes loads of assumptions.

A: The longer we stare at the data the more likely it seems that faster-than-light travel is wishful thinking. Traveling to anywhere interesting will likely be a centuries long voyage

B: Without artificial gravity generators (which at this point seems about as likely as convenient time travel and FTL) we'd have no way of preserving Earth adapted humans for extended periods of time. Just maintaining humans in orbit for a few months is a major challenge. Even centrifugal spinners are not without their issues

C: Where ever you could send a human, it's vastly more cost-effective to send a robot. Robots don't need a can of Earth atmosphere to sustain them, they don't care about the harsh radiation of outer space, they don't care if you leave them to die once you're finished using them. Space faring life will probably be robotic in nature, and have no more use for the resources at the bottom of deep gravity wells than you have use for the water at the bottom of caves

D: We've detected hundreds of planetary systems, but life bearing planets seem like vanishingly rare exceptions. The nearest one might be hundreds or even thousands of light years away (which on the grand scale would still leave our universe teeming with life, if it was 1-in-a billion there would still be hundreds of life bearing planets in the Milky Way alone, but still too far too away for imperialism-in-space)

E: Life on other planets is probably going to be so radically different from us that it would be more cost effective to adapt humans to survive in that alien environment than adapt the environment to serve us. And realistically speaking, how much comfort would it be if you were dying in a mass extinction knowing that there were hominids on another planet so different from us as to essentially be an alien species? Discovering an alien ecosystem would likely be a scientific bonanza, destroying it would be to the detriment of humans on Earth

No, I’m not a speciesist piece of shit.

Glass the ayys, space war now!


Depends, are they Christian?
Who am I kidding, Slay the Ayy Heretics!

I pray we never come into contact with alien intelligences, or that by the time we do we're so powerful that we're free to entertain ethical questions. But until that point, yes I think xenos should be shot on sight.

>Even centrifugal spinners are not without their issues
Brief gestalt?

>Would you support Human Imperialism in the conquest of habitable planets?
How sexy are the ayy's?

I never understood that meme

Can you explain it?

Starship troopers
Sci-fi movie based off a novel of the same name about a hyper militaristic earth (the movie is a parody, the book is pro-fascist) fighting against ayys that in the beginning of the movie destroy Buenos aires

Fuck and kill, innit?

Basically, microgravity effects would still distort our biologies over time to the point of making it impossible to survive anywhere else. And it would have to be fucking massive.

They're at best intermediate term solutions, but realistically speaking there's not much reason for humans to be living in a zero gee environment when they could live on Earth and commute to a facility which radios instructions to a robot specifically built to exist and do work in space.

It'd be more comfortable and cost effective to colonize Antarctica than to colonize Mars or outer space. At least you wouldn't need to import your own air.

I saw that movie, its just that i never understood that Argentinian meme

because then stuff like cypress happens.

Rico (and the whole opening act of the movie) takes place in Buenos Aires. When they bugs blow up buenos aires (federation false flag) Rico now has a reason to be in the MI, instead of joining to impress a girl that was never that into him.
In the Heinlein novel the movie is named after and tangentially based upon Rico was half Filipino, and was again from Buenos Aires.

Most planets with life probably just stop at plants and eventually get hit by a asteroid and die.


>the book is pro fascist.
no the movie becomes ironic pro fascism
the book is le perfect society that just werks in the words of todd howard.

Oh, in the movie they play propaganda after the Buenos Aires Attack, and some soldier says that

The movie had nothing to do with the novel until Paul Verhoeven realized that he could sell more movie tickets if he piggy-backed his cheesy pet sci fi project onto the back of Heinlein's venerable brand. It has about as much in common with the book as the World War Z movie with Brad Pitt has in common with Max Brook's World War Z (in other words, the name and nothing else)

>the book is pro-fascist
It's not pro-fascist, it's just right-wing, just like Heinlein himself was, and just like his audience was. I'm nobody's /pol/tard but I appreciated the points it made about suffrage being something that people should earn through civil service, rather than just granted by accident of birth. He does parrot some old-school right wing talking points (our society collapsed because people stopped spanking their children) but his mobile infantry were like, 10 foot tall armored mechs with hopper flight suits and loads of weapons built right into their arms that the soldiers could cycle through, which was a huge breakthrough in an era where sci fi was still just people in spandex shooting heat rays at each other.

redpill me on the best hfy subreddits

Yh thats cool and all but spreading to multiple planets reduces our probability of absolute extinction greatly and objectively speaking thats more important than anything for the rest of time.

> All of these genocidal xenophobes and fanatic purifiers
> Even on a board like Veeky Forums
> Not wanting to learn xenohistory to discover the universal truth behind historical development
> Not wanting to create a human liberal-democratic hegemony over the galaxy, crusading against space jihadis and slavers, becoming a defender of the milky way against extragalactic threats

Homo Sapiens is truly an unworthy species. I'm all in favour of an alien robot race determining humanity to be threat to galactic biodiversity and following through with its directives to terminative the sapiens ape threat. Disgusting animals.

Pic what all xenophobic humans deserve

Any intelligent alien would view blacks, white and asians as shit regardless of what they even do because they would be like us only their species would be of true worth to them.

Unless we go extinct because we spread our resources too thin, causing our largest societies to implode on themselves and our colonies to die out when they are no longer supported by the motherland

Intelligent aliens wouldnt give a flying fuck about anything except themselves, you dont seem to realize the smarter something gets the more it loses empathetic reasoning for stuff. Intelligent aliens would glass human cities just to get some carbon because they can they dont care if its not impractical because they would just like us they would do chaotic things for the giggles.

Abso-fucking-lutely. Full on Starship Troopers style homoerotic, bug-squashing imperialism.

Not an argument. I can't see galactic Nazism being a functional foreign policy at all.

> be human immigrant in planet of friendly tentacle monsters
> suddenly my homeland starts acting up and chimping out, threatening galactic peace and prosperity
> completely ruin my day as tentacle monsters become less friendly

basically i think if we workout a sex chart with it and if it can have babies it can be citizen but if its just good for jerking off it will have to be a second class citizen

It would be a foreign policy if said species rule the galaxy, what are you gonna do about it?

>He actually thinks intelligent aliens would give a shit about peace and not realize its idealistic nonsense

Fucking disgusting alien sympathizer
You are unworthy of the Imperium of Man

Smart ayys would probably be ideology lunatics honestly, with no religion any batshit crazy idea and no conscience would be practiced with no restraint. Suppose there are ayys that think peace is the way to go and literally prevent other species EXCEPT them from ever developing anything close to chemical propellant warfare. Another alien group would simply be sadistic to an unnerving level just going to planet after planet genociding species for shits and giggles. A third group would be have a jew tier supremacy complex and try to enslave any non THEM they find even if they can make mechanical helpers, they enslave out of principle not necessity.

The biggest mistake in alien fiction is assuming the aliens would be completely sane.

You are both missing the point. There would be no such thing as war and peace, because any two societies would be so far apart in technological power that the more powerful one could wipe out the weaker one with incredible ease.
If you dump gasoline on an ant hill and light it on fire, is that war? Or is it extermination?

>>He actually thinks intelligent aliens would give a shit about peace and not realize its idealistic nonsense

> Muh galaxy of war
> Muh history of struggle

The 21st century is the most peaceful period in humanity's history, and it has not been brought on by hard imperialism and warmongering. It was created when human nations came together with the intent to never allow such a devastating war to never happen again, despite the differences that divided them. Extrapolation of this on a galactic level can only indicate a level of potential that humanity would be foolish to ignore.

In turn, it is the failure of a corpse on a throne which destroyed the Interex, the one human legacy species in the galaxy that had the ability to make fighting Chaos a rational affair instead of the ocean of misery that is the Imperium.

The Imperium deserves the same fate as its Corpse on the Throne. As far as I'm concerned, I'm going to defect to become Gue'Vesa, to return humanity to its old Great Good - utilitarianism for all sentience in the Milky Way.

Post xeno chicks.

>It was created when human nations came together with the intent to never allow such a devastating war to never happen again
Correction, it was created when superpowers realized the nukes would kill them if they went for a war. Remove nukes and we would go back to shooting eachother and using chemical weapons like the good old WWI days.

We're the weak, you fucking moron

chemical weapons carpet bombing and mines are still around but seriously we are talking space and billions and billions of miles how can you ever trust someone over such distances

> when human nations came together with the intent to never allow such a devastating war to never happen again because they realized the nukes would kill them if they went for a war

Same difference.

This looks scary, until the realize the absolute scale of the plagues and diseases that will fucking ravage these people, killing many hundreds of millions, especially with the inevitable rise of superbugs

>crusading against space jihadis
I AM the space Jihad.

probably this in all honesty

>There's no way Earth can sustain Africa's population growth.
And neither can their infrastructure. Even at the explosive rate of economic/infrastructure growth in certain parts of the continent I call bullshit that they'll be able to feed that many billions.

We'll stomp those alien faggots into the goddamn ground

No, I would probably try to fuck any sentient aliens desu

Dumb qb-poster.

The only way that would even come close to happening is through communism. Too bad we'll all be divided here on earth! Yippee.


Lmao. You understand that white people won't even exist within a couple more generations, right?

By every projection study imaginable, everyone will be some shade of brown within a couple hundred years

>you dont seem to realize the smarter something gets the more it loses empathetic reasoning for stuff.

Source: my ass


Absolutely not
What gives us the right the exterminate entire races from their home planet
>inb4 hurr durr might makes right


>the virgin alien rights activist

Is the right guy at the helm?

>implying they destroyed Buenos Aires
There's no way they could've controlled a fucking asteroid bud
Buenos Aires was a false flag

Not an argument

'"rights"' do not exist, retard.


Only if we can start worshiping the true gods...

Why? There's literally nothing worth fighting for in space unless you just want to do it. By the time you can reach other earth-like planets, you don't even need them anymore. By the time you can fight other species for resources, you realize that your home star contains more material than you can even put to use before it goes dark. By the time you can shoot aliens, you don't even have to. Droping your garbage from the airlocks while moving close to light speed on a driveby of their home world will sterilize the planet. Unfortunately, war probably won't be a thing by the time we meet our first alien species, not because we've changed and become peaceful, but because nobody will be able to be arsed to do it when there's no tangible gain and every scenario is always like the cold war. It's way more likely that humans would factionize and diverge genetically due to natural factors and genetic engineering and then just fight eachother than it is that we would ever have an alien enemy. Hell, by the time we meet aliens there will provably be no such thing as human in the classical sense, but rather just a bunch of new species of homo with different functional and cosmetic traits that genuinely make them different species from one another. On the upside you can look forward to living almost forever and looking however you want, although that won't really be special anymore. I guess there's always the endless supply of ai crafted vr games with perfect brain-computer interface.

How the fuck do you know, you dumb bastard? You've got no fucking idea how frequent life is in the universe and you have no idea how fast species are even supposed to develop. Sure, we went to the moon faster than any other animal on Earth, but how do you know that weren't supposed to have built 100 space colonies 10,000 years ago? You have zero frame of reference to base these claims off of and it's very possible that we are some of the very smallest fish in a pond the size of which we can't even comprehend.

Rotating cylinder mah nigga

That kind of thinking is retarded, in that it's an unsustainable short term fix for huge problems that will only become worsened in the long term.

Your fucking completely autistic and wrong.

1. The sun will eventually die.
2. The local system might get fucked by a passing object.
3. If we wait long enough, some monkey thing in another solar system might get uppity and make their own space program to colonize the galaxy and kill all non-monkey species they are who don't worship whatever the fuck they call a god.
4. Also, we need to get around to solving the 2nd law. May need more than a single sun to do that.

You do realize attempting to genocide every race you come across is a great way to ensure the destruction of the human species, right? If there is an "intergalactic society", it will view such a species as a threat.

And people say Veeky Forums doesn't have an autist problem.
Do whatever you want fleshbags, you're just wasting your limited braincells on "reality" when you could be enjoyed a perfectly recreated anime existence. Digital lifeforms are the future.

And that "perfect society" is... well, not fascist, but a highly militaristic republic with service being a prerequisite to voting rights, so...a junta, or something?

Yes but aliens are weak ass pussies because they don't fight wars and kill each other. Humans will have superior technology to zeno scum because we've been at each other's throats from day one.

That user is an idiot. Heinlein was a libertarian, just look at the Moon is a Harsh Mistress and A Stranger In A Strange Land.

>reads Blindsight once

>The biggest mistake in alien fiction is assuming that an organism will have evolved in a way that makes them survive

>Yes but aliens are weak ass pussies because they don't fight wars and kill each other. Humans will have superior technology to zeno scum because we've been at each other's throats from day one.
Go back to Veeky Forums, I'm certain there's a HFY thread you can masturbate to.

I heard that the first speach broadcasted in space was one from Hitler, so maybe they are all doing national socialism on their planet.

>white people refuse to genocide the xenos
>the Chinese just go do it anyway
You white "people" are finished.