Which of these would you recommend to a fat man with literally no muscle?

which of these would you recommend to a fat man with literally no muscle?

>lift and eat at a 500 calorie deficit


>daily cardio and as big a deficit as they can handle
>after the fat’s gone, start lifting and eating more

lift and deficit, definitely

I guess its time to start lifting.

i've been doing that for a while but my lifts are terrible and the fat loss is very slow

Lift, cardio and as big a deficit as he can handle.

Don't overdo it, tho. Starvation leads to no gains and lose skin.

pic of body, height, weight and amount of calories you're eating

should i maybe just do low weight high rep stuff for now? like SL but 3x12 or something

147 lbs when this was taken
2000 calories

What's your diet like? I was close to 300 pounds and I found my maintenance calories with no exercise was around 3000. That's A LOT of food, more than I could eat if I ate healthy, whole, foods.

If you're anything like me you'll find you won't need to count calories. Obviously you should starting off, just to make sure, but I struggle to eat at a 25% deficit and usually end up around 40-50%. If you eat the right things you'll find you never go hungry and always end up well below target.

As far as exercise goes: Do both cardio and muscle-building. More muscle means you'll be burning more energy just by having that extra muscle, but if you're doing it right you're not going to be able to make a lot of progress quickly just by lifting. That's where cardio comes in, building muscle is like a long-term weight loss investment whereas cardio has more immediate benefits.

>literally no muscle

You have a lot, actually. The people you see as 'muscular' just have less body fat, they only carry that weight for short periods of time a few days a week... You're carrying it around permanently.

>lifting with a deficit

Why are they're people like this?

For weight loss? Not at this stage. Cardio will burn the bulk of your fat, high-reps are more for 'toning', and that's fat burning for skinny people. You'll burn more calories by lifting heavy.
Just don't get discouraged if results come slow.

look at my fucking belly tho

what do you suggest? eating at maintenance?

>lift and eat at a 500 calorie deficit
and some low impact cardio of course

Cardio, 500 calorie deficit and lift 3 times a week.

Trying to cut too hard will just lead to failure and if I was gigantic I would be more worried about strengthening my heart and circulatory system before it gives out than aesthetics.

Bulking and lifting.

but i'm fat

Dont fear
U've got a good frame to work with brother

I would lift and eat less, but a 500kcal deficit is too low if you're fat as fatass. it would take forever to get anywhere. you can do some cardio as well, but it's not that important.

lift heavy at 500-800 cal deficit faggot.
now go read the fucking sticky and delete this shit of a thread

Well I have made a couple changes and I see the impact. Basically, I'll never walk into a chinese buffet again, or drink sweet tea. It is time for me to set some "Don't Be Fat" protocols in place and take the leap. What are your thoughts on intermittent fasting? Mark Sisson and ketosis ect?


Hey thanks man never thought of it like that. I can lift heavy shit but I run out of gas quick... Sad.

Sorry I am that asshole that took so long to reply. I am the IT guy and I just got to work.

no your not, there's just no muscle in your stumich so your organs are just hanging out giving you a pot belly.

Dont bother with exercise, pointless if ur super fat.

Eat very very low cals (like 1000) for 10 weeks or so then start to introduce some exercise while keeping low cals

I appreciate that!

I'll touch base with you in 3 months and show some progress!

If it matters, I am 6'1 and wear a size 14 4e US shoe.

Also, I am gonna screenshot this. Thanks.

also go with slow steady progress my friend dont get caught up with the idea to lose it fast because youll get excess skin / stretch marks

you didnt gain the weight in 6months so dont try lose it in 6

just start your new healthy lifestyle

the good body will be your perk

You should do deficit and whatever cardio your joints allow. I started at 265, dieted until I got to 230 (out of obese category), then started lifting. I also started running at 245. I don't think I would have been able to handle the squats at that weight, and even at 215 I have bad knees.

oh ok. will squats and deadlifts be enough to fix that or should i do some ab exercises?

I think if you really like something you should use it as a reward. Set clear goals and once you've reached them, fuck it, pig out for a day. Once every blue moon is not going to set you back. You need to be in this for the long term, if you're like any other human I've ever met that means you will fail, your friends will invite you out for drinks, or you'll be at some wedding or some other event. The important thing is to be fair and reasonable, plan for when you know you're going to have a cheat day.

A lot of people even have one cheat day a week, I only do it as a reward though and would suggest others do the same. But the point is if you find yourself slipping up once a week you're still doing alright.

It sounds like you're already making quite a few changes just by including exercise and improving your diet, so intermittent fasting might cause you to burn out. It is supposed to be good for the immune and digestive systems, not necessarily for sustainable weight loss.

squats and deadlifts are ab exercises

Also, try fixing your fucked up posture.

>3 days a week full body workout
>1 hour cardio sessions on off days
>200 calorie deficit

It isn't a bad idea to supplement some more ab workouts in a couple times a week.

ok thanks

i guess i can close this thread now


Don't fucking do this. "Cheat days" will be built into your life already, like dumbfuck mentioned, weddings, going out with friends, dates, etc. Do NOT use food as a "reward" for doing well. I hate that fucking pathetic thought process and so does anyone who is successful or on the path. One, it connects accomplishment and good feelings with food in your mind. So when you're feeling low, hey, what makes me feel better? Garbage food. Two, fat women who plod along at 2.5 mph on a flat treadmill for ten minutes think like that, care to join them at Mickey D's? Your "reward" is getting fit, you don't need a sleeve of Oreos to reward you. Only betas and children need more incentive, and it is childish. It's (sometimes literally) "if I do good, I get a cookie." Don't be a fucking toddler, and don't listen to this gains goblin.