Posting this here because it is health related and has a better chance of being taken seriously here than on /a/

Posting this here because it is health related and has a better chance of being taken seriously here than on /a/.

To get straight to the point, as a long time anime fan I now find myself less and less attracted to real life women. I am in fact repulsed by all the obnoxious and revolting aspects of the human body. It isn't a conscious choice to not like them, it is simply the way I feel about the matter. It isn't a sexual thing either, if anything I find the idea of sex(uality) repulsive.

Now with that being said, I am well aware that this isn't "normal" and was wondering if there is any medical documentation of similar cases? I personally can't find anything, my googlefu is either not good enough, or such research hasn't been done. The closest I get is generic asexuality, which is not really what this is about.

Seeing a doctor about this will undoubtedly net me a decade worth of shrink visits, something I am not willing to pay for if no "cure" is available (hence my research and this post here now)

In short I suppose you could say that I genuinely feel that 2D>3D and that I have absolutely 0 interest in the opposite sex and am now looking for information on similar cases.

Don't mistake this for a "tfw nogf" esque thread, that sort of emotion is alien to me, like I said I have 0 interest in the opposite sex. This simply my rational mind telling me something in me got fucked up.

drink bleach or hang yourself, that's the ultimate escape from reality faggot

What a great blog, dude. Did you know there are boards on Veeky Forums for this kind of thing?

>escape from reality
Why would I go and want something like that?

It is a health issue, so I thought it would be better suited here, it isn't like I didn't give where I would post this any consideration. It isn't really advice I am after either, rather I am after medical documentation, and I assumed if any place on Veeky Forums would have a userbase with knowledge about that, it would be Veeky Forums.

because you already delude yourself that anime is better, meaning you escape from reality into weeaboo fantasy, which in fact is worse than ending your pathetic life, have some honor and just an hero you pathetic sack of shit

Veeky Forums is just fitness

get off my board reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

saged and reported

Stop browsing /a/ for a while, start lifting, eating and sleeping properly to improve your test, and go out in the real world a couple of times.
I used to browse /a/ a lot and it slowly grinds you down to their level. I was starting to believe all the 2D > 3D posts too, but you have to remember that those people are mainly fat social rejects who you would NEVER associate with in real life.
You are literally denying your biology. You are a male human bean, you are supposed to want dump loads in girls every day. It is the very core of your male being, and you're rejecting it.
What would Guts do?

>Grew up a 2dcon since childhood
>People thought I was either gay or asexual
>Learn to get on with my life and just accept being a 2dcon
>actually pretty comfortable with women irl, just not sexually attracted to them
>approached by women a few times, friendzoned them.
It's alright. I came to terms with this in my early teens.

If any of them try to influence you with titty mind games or whatever just be like YOUR PUSSY HAS NO POWER OVER ME if you don't mind people thinking you're gay/incel (dick has no power over you either)

Just work on other parts of your life/health/personality. I feel like this actually has potential upsides if you look at it the right way

fuckin saved this zesty pasta

Go outside and stop postings on Veeky Forums and other similar websites. That helped me from going down the path of full on mental illness. I'm telling you this as a friend.

Well for starters the health tag is in there as well, and secondly, like I said, of all places on Veeky Forums this board is going to be most likely to have a userbase with knowledge on medical shit.

No, deluding myself implies that my rational mind has given in as well, it implies that I think it is normal and A-Ok. I do not think it is A-ok, I do not think it is normal, yet it still is the way I feel.

Although I don't frequent Veeky Forums, I do lift, my eating and sleeping is within the realm of what would be considered healthy as well.
and again, I am not rejecting my biology, if I did I wouldn't be here asking for medical shit, I wouldn't even have acknowledged the issue as a problem.

This is a strong, simple case of denial.

To protect your ego, your brain chose to believe that you had valid reasons to not be dating/involved with sexual partners etc.
Then, being the faggot that you are you spent a lot of time with like-minded sub-humans fedoras on /a/ and /r9k/, which acted as a positive reinforcement environment (feminists talking only to other feminists leads to more extreme feminism, fatties talking only to other fatties lead to fat acceptance).
Now you're stuck with this state of affairs.

The good news is that the conditioning your brain did, it can undo. It's not rocket science either, really.
First, stop spending time with other subhumans. Stop watching/reading hentai or any 2D shit, and start watching genuine porn but don't go to extreme here (we are replacing an evil by a lesser evil).

Really convince yourself that you don't really FEEL this way, but that it's just a self-defense trick from your brain, a trick which you can now see through and overcome. Basically you have to think of yourself and this mind-state as enemies.

TL;DR man up you faggot

>No, deluding myself implies that my rational mind has given in as well, it implies that I think it is normal and A-Ok. I do not think it is A-ok, I do not think it is normal, yet it still is the way I feel.

No. We have 2 types of processes in our brain, basically conscious and non-conscious ones (or rational and emotional, or whatever other way of distinguishing between the two). Either of them can be in charge of taking decisions, depending of the individual and the situation, and either of them can be in denial. Because you "know" it's not normal doesn't mean you're not in denial - you simply are, but on a less conscious level.

It's like people who say "i KNEW it was a bad decision but I did it anyway". It just means their conscious 'self' wasn't in charge at that time.

Don't be so harsh on OP. There but for the grace of God go we.

I have never posted on /a/ or /r9k/, /sp/ is my "homeboard". I also don't watch hentai or porn, like I said, sexuality is more or less repulsive to me. In fact sex in 2D is more disgusting than in 3D in my mind. 3D is already "unattractive", adding sex to it just adds to it. 2D on the other hand is "pure", for lack of a better word, adding sexuality to it is the epitome of corruption and therefor even more revolting. I haven't fapped in about a year, nor felt the urge to.

While I appreciate the effort, you seem to have made assumptions that have lead you to misunderstand what I said.

Take Veeky Forums's psychoanalysis with a grain of salt OP. Just focus on getting away from hentai and anime and going out into the real world.

>not fapping for a year
Do you at least get nocturnal emissions occasionally? Might want to look into checking your prostate health.

I'm the 2dcon from earlier. While this is good enough advice I'm just going to say it will not necessarily "cure" him. It certainly didn't fix me (and quite frankly I have other priorities.

The gist of what I said still stands, except that it's on a whole different level. Basically you're afraid of physical intimacy or something.
Just identify the root of the problem and its cause, and from there take steps.

Came here to say this, OP

I don't know if you're looking for A)a diagnosis or B)a plan, but A) Don't have one and B) go outside, workout, sleep, and lay off anime.

Workout, high protein diet and sleep alone will change your biochemistry enough to fix your libido most likely

>Well for starters the health tag is in there as well
As it pertains to physical health. People not understanding this is the reason Veeky Forums is constantly attracting blow in faggots such as yourself blogging away and fucking with the actual intention of the board. Like I said alreay, go to fucking /adv/ or even /lgbt/.

>it's another Veeky Forumsizen spouting psuedo-psychology like he knows anything at all

It's ok, I was well aware when I made this thread it would attract people that would dismiss everything I said and just see the words "anime" and "asexual" who then proceed to post with the mental image of a fat unhealthy neckbeard who has planted himself in front of a TV set watching anime 24/7. Frankly I don't get the time for that, I work, I study, I go to the gym, I sleep. I get time for about 1 episode a day. Recently I have stopped watching anime completely to see if it would help.

and again, Hentai is not something I watch, it is as far from what I like as you can get, it is a corruption of what I like about 2D.

Yes, I do, no idea how often.

>physical intimacy
I do indeed have a problem with this, I can talk with anyone and everyone, but I'd rather have them not touch me. That being said I don't sperg out if someone DOES happen to touch me.

I came here looking for pointers towards medical documentation on cases similar to mine, as stated in my OP. I don't expect a diagnosis. Again though, I am not the stereotypical fat guy on the couch, I workout, I sleep and I eat healthy (eating healthy is just part of working out to start with anyway).

>I came here looking for pointers towards medical documentation

And they would tell me to post it here. Honestly could you stop being so butthurt, you made your point, you don't like my thread, stop repeating yourself, the IP counter is really giving you away.

Besides that, all you are doing is bumping the thread you hate so much back to the front page every time. All for the sake of provoking a response, which really makes me wonder if you aren't in more need of mental assistance than I am.


user, you kept mentioning you have 0 attraction to the opposite sex. Are you that deep in the closet that you've turned to animu and mango? Please search in craigslist in the male seeking male section and set up a cocksucking date. Not even trolling. It seems like you're out of options.

Stop getting so triggered. I'm actually trying to direct you to people who might actually fucking give you what you want instead of retards like spouting pure psuedo-shit, which is all you're ever going to get on Veeky Forums.

Quit watching porn.
You'll be normal again in a week

Going to actually help because this is similar to porn fetishes. After a certain point regular sex doesn't feel as good because of the dopamine you're getting from your 2d love.

The way to fix that is to lay off the anime and go no fap so your body's dopamine tolerance can adjust.

Essentially you require more dopamine than you get from seeing normal women beautiful it's too normal.

It'll be hard. It takes about 21 days to make or break a habit so you're going to have to have willpower.

If you break it then you were not serious in the first place.

See you space cowboy...

My apologies then. However my point about them telling me to come here still stands.

I guess I phrased that poorly, I am attracted to neither sex is what I should have said.

I don't watch porn
I don't watch hentai
I spend the vast majority of my time not stuck indoors at home.

I appreciate the fact that you took the effort to reply seriously.

However, I do not watch porn or hentai, and have not fapped in more or less a year.

In fact it isn't even that I am unhappy as such. It is just that I KNOW it is not normal, and after a while that knowledge grinds on you (or at least it does on me).

So why bring up anime if it isn't a sexual attraction? If you're saying youre more asexual and you dont feel thats normal then say that.

If you arent attracted to sex then it could be two things. It could be permanent or you have very low test. If your asexual then your asexual end of story. If you have low test. Lift some weights and eat red meat. You'll get horny again.

Because there is more to life than sexual attraction. As it stands right now I would rather spend time in 2D-land than with real people. The asexual part of it is however the most abnormal and therefor most notable (in my view) aspect of my issue/problem.

You came in asking about sexual attraction or your lack thereof and proceeded to talk about anime.and if you dont think sex isnt an important part of life you are mistaken. It's actually very important and todays society that tries to minimize its role is doing a disservice to people

Regardless. So the infatuation about 2d land versus real life is because you have a mediocre to sub par life and 2d world is your escape. That's your decision on how you live it. If you're unhappy about it you can change it easily.

Now the asexual part. You're either low test or just pure asexual. If it bothers you then try the suggestions given to you here. If not then dont people live lives without having sex and claim to be happy.

In my opinion im fine with you not procreating because there is truth to the alpha and beta personality and mankind doesnt need betas

Could you please, for the love of god, stop jumping to conclusions.

>if you dont think sex isnt an important part of life you are mistaken
I said nothing of the kind

>you have a mediocre to sub par life
I do not

>2d world is your escape
No, not in the sense that you mean it, i.e. as a means to forget about a miserable life. It offers me something I can't seem to get in real life though.

>You're either low test or just pure asexual
Going by my lifestyle and my physique I doubt it is low test, although I could get it tested I suppose. As for the pure asexuality thing, what does that even mean? That is still an abnormality. Not (dis)agreeing with you, but asexual is just a way of saying "something's wrong with your sexuality" or "something in you is fucked".

As for the alhpa beta thing, that isn't even how I am viewing this. I have absolutely no problem approaching/talking to girls. It is simply that I have 0 interest in doing so, I actually get invited to go out with friends purely to be their "wingman" because of it.
They honestly probably think I am gay at this point, spend time on my own looks, no interest in girls, no problem talking to them though.

In a way I suppose I don't have a problem other than that I know it isn't natural. I could Bruce Jenner m way out of it, just accept it and continue my happy life, but I feel like that is doing a disservice to myself, not at least trying to fix what I rationally know is broken.

denial is always present in delusional faggots like you, either stop watching faggoty anime and go outside, or just end your pathetic delusional existence

I wish people would at least act like they know how to read. What did you possibly hope to gain from posting that aside from your (you)?

Get help while you can user before it's too late. I bet this guy wish he did.

Alright im driving to work so ill probably miss a few things.

You said there is more to life then sex. That is minimizing its role.

Then you say your life is great but then anime gives you something you don't have.
Can't have both. Also, you say it isn't an escape then you say it is an escape. Shiggadiggadoo

Regardless if you don't view alpha beta as a thing. Well that's just your opinion man. In life it's an actual real thing.

Not sure why you came here. You ask if you're fucked people tell you you're fucked then you get mad because people say you're fucked.

Delusion and denial brosef

what's that anime character's name?


Just because something adds to your life in some way, doesn't mean your life is a horrible miserable mess without it. That logic leads to the conclusion that everything you do in life is escapism. You workout? Must be an escape etc.

I realize that alpha/beta is a real thing, I wasn't trying to deny that, I merely meant to say that I don't view that as a problem. Whether you or I would classify me as A or B really doesn't bother me one way or the other, that is all I meant.

I came here, as I said in OP, in attempt to get pointers towards medical documentation. I am not mad either, especially not at the people telling me I am fucked in the head. I will admit to getting slightly annoyed with people just rolling their face over their keyboard after reading "anime" though. It is like the word destroys people's reading comprehension. Read through the thread and go see how many posts are based on the idea that I am a fat lonely slob that sits at home all day watching anime. Yet nowhere have I said anything of the kind. Nevertheless nearly everyone is making that assumption because "lolanime". Basically pic related is what everyone has in mind the moment they read the word anime, that or worse still.

So you want pointers as long as you agree with it.

Sorry man you're just in denial.

Hope the doctor's visit help. Make sure to keep an open mind.

You havent done so here

Like porn raises sexual expectations of a relationship to unnatural and unobtainable levels, anime raises the emotional expectations to unnatural and unobtainable levels.

Porn addiction leads to the sexual life being unsatisfactory.
2D addiction leads to the emotional life being unsatisfactory.

Basically nothing can live up to the perfect image as portrayed in 2D.

Nobody in this thread has given pointers towards medical documentation for me to agree or disagree with though.

Besides that, the only times I have disagreed with anyone in this thread is when they have made assumptions which weren't true, such as "stop watching hentai", when I don't watch hentai, or "go outside and lift" when I in fact do go outside and lift.

Point out where I have been narrow minded and completely rejected a legitimate medical point someone has made ITT.

You need to go talk to a therapist. You're obsessed with the anime world to the point it's impacting your mental health. Just go talk to a therapist. It's not hard and they can lead you down the path to fixing your issues.

>long time anime fan

I stopped reading there, you fucking weirdo.

I guess, I just phoned and made an appointment at my doctor. The thread was merely meant to see if I could find any similair cases and if/how they got resolved.

As did 90% of people who responded. You are the first to just admit it though, instead of going all Freud on my ass.

If you genuinely feel attracted to 2D & 3D and you're happy with being a little eccentric in that regard then I wouldn't worry about it too much. However I think you're attracted to 2D for the wrong reasons. Instead of viewing 2D as pleasant but ultimately separate from 3D, you seem to be judging 3D according to the standards of 2D and then coming to the conclusion that 3D is deficient as a result, which is in my opinion delusional.

These two probably are the two most accurate posts describing how I feel about it to an extent. Now to get help to fix that mindset, as telling myself I am wrong is going to change as much as a gay guy telling himself he isn't gay.

thx senpai

Just as long as you don't go too far and deprive yourself of something you clearly enjoy. Idealism and escapism have their place and there's nothing wrong with being emotionally invested in fantasies / fiction. You've just stumbled a bit and lost perspective.

This is too good. Veeky Forums doesn't deserve advice like this. They wouldn't be able to recognize good advice if it hit them in the face.

All you're doing is making excuses. Are you here to learn or not?

- Stop looking at 2D
- get out more
- find other hobbies
- done

things will sort themselves out in a few months.