Is this legit? Can you really burn so much calories with this?

Is this legit? Can you really burn so much calories with this?

Yeah, it's called cardio. Read the fucking sticky.

No, probably 100 -150 calories in that

150 calories is 10 minutes on an exercise bike. There's way more than that.

100 jumping jacks alone will burn at least 100 calories if you do them quick enough. Burpees, despite being a meme, are also alright for calorie burning.

That being said, keeping up the pace/intensity is key. The people who share this shit on Facebook will wind up doing maybe 20 good jumping jacks, fuck around the other 80, and have diminishing form on the other exercises as they continue moving down the list. You could burn 1000 calories doing that, but anybody that would do that circuit won't

Why are burpees a meme ? Did I miss something ?

Do you know the weight enter in the calorie calculation ?

So it depend.

High likelihood of rekking joints

But if I do it controlled and I'm not a fat fuck, will it still fuck up my joints ?

150 calories is no 10 minutes on an exercise bike not unless you weigh 300lbs.

weight, gender, age, vo2max, average heartrate during exercise and time of exercise. All these factor in.

>100 jumping jacks alone will burn at least 100 calories if you do them quick enough.

No. Just no. Jumping jacks at a brisk pace are maybe comparable to biking at moderate intensity, and you'll only burn about 1 calorie per 10 seconds of biking at a decent pace

What surprises you here? This is a shitton of volume.

>10 mins
Jesus user what did you do with the rest of the calories?? I thought the average loss on the bike was 20 per mins

Most likely not. Probably near 500-700c, depending.
Why would you even want to burn 1000c?
Just eat less, and maybe walk a bit more or cycle, it requires an 1/8th of the effort.
They're shit, and for kewl crossfit kids.
Not bad if you want some sort of cardio that you can do in your basement, but jumpng rope would be 99x better.

>at a brisk pace
>ignoring the "if you do them quick enough"
Come on, lad

>if i do them controlled
It decreases the likelihood of injury, but depending on the speed and your cardio level, you will more than likely see some form degradation, especially if you're working in a circuit

dude you're fine.
taking advice from a board that recommends shit like GOMAD and heavy squats and Deadlifts to complete beginners is going to get you some broscience and bad info

If you think 100 jumping jacks burns 100 calories you are without a doubt retarded.

That's a lot of shit and it'd take you a while to do, would probably be more efficient to just go running or something

Honestly there's not a lot of point to them

You're better off just doing jumping jacks and push ups
If you're trying to train recovery from the ground (lying down -> getting up), ie if you were in a sport like rugby, you're really better off just practicing getting up and sprinting 10 yards in one smooth movement

Running for an hour is going to burn like 500kcal, You really think that this shit is going to burn a 1000 ?
I don't think people realize how hard it is to burn 1000 calories with cardio.

This is more like 200-300 calories depending on your weight and fitness level. Most people cant even burn 1000 calories in an hour at near maximum heart rate.