Is it possible to be muscular and still run a fast marathon? If not, what's a realistic marathon time?

Is it possible to be muscular and still run a fast marathon? If not, what's a realistic marathon time?

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Uh, no. Look at the people who are half decent at marathons. They're all under 135 lb. Most of them are manlets with light bone structures, to boot.

There was this runner that ran like 50 marathons (or was it 50 miles) in 50 days and he was pretty shredded

You must be as light as possible, else you will permafuck your joints by running long distances with excessive weight.

David Goggins, several ultra marathons including Badwater 135 (135 mile footrace through death valley including vast elevation rises), also world record holder of most pullups in 24 hours (like 4600 or something).

Used to be a 300 lb powerlifter, could bench 450.

In pic he's 6'2'' around 190lb

So yeah, obviously possible but he's the only one I have seen

You could, but you'd run faster still if you weren't muscular.

lift and actually eat stuff, possibly roids as well

every pound of extra muscle works againts you

Isn't it funny how some idiot takes 2 different individuals with 2 completely different diets, with 2 completely different training and then just says "LOL LOOK WHAT DOING CARDIO FOR TOO LONG DOES LOL, U NEED TO SPRINT IF YOU WANT A MUSCULAR PHYSIQUE"

Without taking into consideration that...
>the sprinter is weight lifting, the marathon runner is not
>the sprinter is eating far more calories and aiming for big powerful lean body, bigger muscle = faster sprinter, the marathon runner is eating a diet to keep his total bodyweight as low as possible
>the sprinters steroid/ped stack is different to that of the marathon runner

but nah lets just say this all comes down purely doing LISS vs HIIT...fucking idiots.

found the marathonfag

actually i don't do any cardio whatsoever besides 30minutes of walking every now and then. I just lift.


africunt on the island of britain, holy shit

Mostly yes, I don't really know what is a "fast" marathon for you. Go watch a marathon, all the runners come in all different shapes and sizes. Or go watch a Triathon, they're full of otter mode runners.

Dean Karnazesis? 50 marathons in 50 days in 50 states.

What is this propaganda?

he once said that ha was only able to do this because he bought a foam roller. before the foam roller he wasn't able to do it

>buying a foam roller
>not making one


Shut up poorfag. I'm busy earning 150k a year, so I don't have time for this shit.

r u dean karnazesis? WOW

Ultras are substantially different to regular marathons, a thin marathon runner could potentially die of fatigue without fat or muscle stores to make up for the distance once he expends his calories

cardio is so fucking stupid

slow twitch fibers are for marathons
fast twitch is for sprinting

genetic variances in fibers and other things make people more or less adept at certain activities

Google Alex Viada opie. His book Hybrid AthĨete covers this.
For the record he squats 800 pounds and runs ultra marathons.

marathon runner physique looks really unhealthy

He also talks a bunch of shit about how great his accomplishments are, like neglecting to mention the fact his squat (700, not 800 unless I'm misremembering) was in full gear.

Underrated post.