I just saw the press conference of Tyson Fury vs Vladimir Klitschko and Tyson has become quiet fat...

I just saw the press conference of Tyson Fury vs Vladimir Klitschko and Tyson has become quiet fat. How could an athlete look like he's never done sport before? Is this even normal? To me, it looks like he suffers from Hypogonadism because all his fat is on his waist.

he's bulking

Damn he looks weak AF there, can you imagine him lipping off to you thinking you can flatten the cntt then getting KTFOd kek

he might be trying to bulk, he has talked previously about how he doesnt have much muscle in comparison to the other fighters and probabaly stuggles to put on lean mass because of his size (6'3). He might be doing a dirty bulk, getting his strength up and then cutting it down before the fight,

he's a lot bigger than 6'3

honestly, if he keeps his cardio and stamina up he could be just trying to get heavier to get more punching power.

He's like 6'7" or 6'8"

well, here's a man who has cemented himself in the archives of MMA for all ages.
He looks like shit by Veeky Forums's standards

There's no weight limit for heavyweight so no need to cut at all

its not normal, hes a fat pikey thats just really good at fighting

Lol whos is that on the picture? I love how all of these so called fighters have shit physique, I pretty much could easily beat up that guy at least, even if he has a few years of experience on me.

that's the same kind of fat as sume wrestlers

thick muscles below that fat, it's like lion fur around the neck, can't get through that

LMAO, lion fur my ass, fat is fat, I would put his FUSE out.

His younger brother is even a crazier mofo.

>Emelianenko likes hunting and once told in the interview that he killed a bear by piercing through its throat with bear spear and then stabbing it in the heart with a knife, a traditional way of Russian bear hunting, nowadays almost never practiced.

>Emelianenko is currently serving a four and a half year prison sentence for aggravated sexual assault.

lol. i hope this is bait.

Please, go to the bars and find someone to fight, his size. The bar person shouldnt be a professional boxer, so you should be able to light him up no problem. Tape it, record it and post here. Otherwise your a fucking cunt who runs his mouth and cant actually fight against someone who trains to fight everyday. Prove me wrong faggot

Most boxers don't have stellar physiques. Look at Mayweather, his tits are non existent. Tbh fighting just takes a certain animal mind and discipline, a will to pain and dominate

obvious bait. in the offchance it's not - this guy could probably kill you in 20 sec

It is sad how you have no idea. Look at him, he is overweight, I pity him. I am 10% bodyfat, I can swim/run great distances and I had been in the karate club for around 3 months till it became too easy for me. I am fit compared to that guy, so even if he has a slight advantage in technics (which I doubt actually), I would have the condition and endurance. You should not fear every noname wannabe mma fighter you come across, only the actual top 1% is dangerous, rest is very overrated.

Carrimy extra weight will drain you faster and the first to get tired will lose.

MMA is garbage tier because 100% of the time it devolves into street fighting with 0 regard for form or any real stances.
He looks like that because all you have to really do is have a good jab and kick and you can do that while still being 25lbs over weight if you want as long as you can decent stamina.
There's a reason Butterbean was able to survive in boxing for so long, if you have knockout hands you don't have to do shit