How do I stop being lazy and gain control of my life?

How do I stop being lazy and gain control of my life?

Friction. Grind your long term goals against your petty desires. The resultant heat (inner strife) is Will. You need Will in order to strengthen Will.

Start small. Deny yourself small things, do small tasks that contribute to your objectives. Then build up from there. So saith the speaker.

Quit using the internet for a week

You'll thank me later

Just stop whatever you're doing (whatever you are using to procrastinate) and do some chores. No headphones, no tv. Just focus on the chore at hand. The hardest part is getting yourself to go do it.

When there is something you have to do just do it. Thinking about how hard it will be or how much you don't want to do it it makes you feel worse than actually doing the task. Overcoming laziness is a muscle that you have to build up.


By asking a Laotian tortoise-breeding imageboard what to do obviously


this desu

After every finish thing, reward yourself.
( And i don't mean with chocolate)


Caramel? Nougat? I don't understand.

That's not a healthy way to cut addictions. People easily reward themselves with things that trigger addictions.

Your technique is only good for someone with high discipline

Let your hand take your penis out for a date

Small sustainable changes in routine.

Like, for example, after dinner set a timer for 5 minutes and clean your living space.

You do that everyday and it stops being effort and starts being a thing you just do.

Now that you've taken control of your environment, you realize that you can force your will upon the world.

don't rely on motivation, learn discipline.
make yourself get up early, clean your shit, hit the gym,...
don't even think about it just do it

How do you force yourself to do these things, do you just summon a burst of energy and just power thru it without thinking about anything else? I'm always tired and lazy as shit

i used to just sit around all day shitposing on the ch0n, but i had a thought. What if i instead used this time to do something else. fucking miracle mate

Dont get me wrong, I agree with this and its whats got me through uni so far, Ive always been hardworking and just got on with my work.
but man Im in my final year about to graduate soon and I just cant be fucked bothered anymore... Ive just completely burn out and Idk what to do

Leave Veeky Forums

think about the results you'll get when you put in enough effort

That doesn't help

I mean I get what you're saying, but I need something to make my lazy ass get up and do stuff.

I used to take Concerta (time release Ritalin) and never had a problem getting shit done. Now I suspect my dopamine receptors are fried due to daily porn, internet, vidya, Veeky Forums and music.

Maybe it's mild depression.
When I was in HS my parents took away my computer and video games, after about a week I was way happier. Other than that, being around people, lifting, meditating, and psychedelics have helped me a lot.

The depression, ennui, or whatever it is comes in waves for, about every four months I get depressed. I get stuck sitting in thought loops. What I know I have to do is stand up and do something physical with my body. That is the best way to get out of that state, let the thoughts come, then let them go, don't over analyze them, just focus on physical sensations. It feels like your head is being taken out of a vice.

Ultimately it will have to come from you, and because you are here asking how to do it I know that your gonna make it. It's easy once you get going.

Take Modafinil

Harness all the hate and anger inside you, shape and mold yourself into a tool of chaos. Be ready for when the world collapses.

Sounds edgy but it works for me.

When you don't want to do something, just tell yourself you'll do it for 5 minutes. Then if it's boring you can stop after those 5 minutes.
In part you will basically never stop doing it. The hardest part is just starting. But if you know it's only 5 minutes, it's not such a big deal.
After a while you start getting more and more shit done and it's so rewarding you get used to it.


Just take smart drugs or nootropics

I wouldn't bother if I was you. My life became infinitely better once I just accepted my destiny and decided to LDAR.


The strangest advice I ever got was from an audiobook which said 'Do things now so you can procrastinate more later'

I don't know why but it's stuck with me all these years and is fucking true.

I don't want to depend on fucking drugs


What does that mean? Like, what do you really mean by that? (srs question)

anyone have that 'how to stop procrastinating' guide?

shut off the computer and unplug all the cables for good measure

>after things are done

dont think thats how it works

this desu