Walk for 60min on flat surface, don't break a sweat and heart-rate barely moves

>walk for 60min on flat surface, don't break a sweat and heart-rate barely moves.
>cardio app tells me I burned nearly 300 calories

>walk UP and DOWN hills for 60 minutes, sweating, hot as fuck, huffing and puffing, heart rate skyrocketing, blood pumping like crazy
>cardio app tells me I burned nearly 300 calories

What the fuck? surely this is wrong??????

Other urls found in this thread:


60 min
300 cals


thanks for your shit post faggot

this doesn't help because i don't know the stats of half the shit to enter in that.....

just use common sense and refer to my original post

there's no possible way that 60 minutes of walking on a flat surface without breaking a sweat or having heart rate skyrocket did the same as 60 minutes of walking UP and DOWN hills that made me huff n puff like a mad man right?

i dont have information of my VO2 max or HR, im going by feels....the HR barely moves with the flat walking but the UP and DOWN hill walks make my HR skyrocket


1 hour of cardio in any fashion, sweating and dying or barely breaking a sweat results in the same thing. Cardio is weird and useless

Does it matter though?

The hiking thing is type 2 cardio and not even good for your heart.

Cardio is about training at a consistent and slow paced heart rate, trying to maximize the work one can do without having skyrocketed heart rate.

that's fucking bullshit lol.

going up and down hills is essentially doing HIIT, it burns fuck loads more calories than just briskly walking around the block on a flat surface

I guess that your shitty app dosnt connect with a heart rate monitor.



I have a really expensive huge treadmill at home. It has HR monitor that you connect to.

When I do a MASSIVE incline and walk slowly up it for 1 hour, I can easily burn nearly like 600+ calories. If I have no incline and just keep it flat my 1 hour of cardio is more like 200 calories or so.


it's simple. every calorie you burned going uphill was cancelled out going downhill.

I know this is bait, but I want to bite.

You actually burn more calories going downhill than you burn walking on flat surface. Going Up and Down hill is essentially HIIT.

t. physicist / fitness enthusiast.

> doing 1 hour of cardio

Damn, is everyone ITT a lifeless NEET?

>not doing 1 hour of cardio every day

What did you not understand?

Cardio != full retard runs with racing heart rate.,

how stupid are you

that was the easy to spot type of bait we call "A joke" nice spot.
this thread is retarded, and machines of the sort you are using are most of the time retarded as well.
keep walking up and down hills and god be with you.

>The hiking thing is type 2 cardio and not even good for your heart.

Painfully wrong.

The app is literally using the motion sensor in your phone to approximate the number of steps you've taken, not the difficulty of said steps.

>counting exercise calories

Those apps aren't accurate lolz