Is there any way to fix/hide a receding/weak chin?

is there any way to fix/hide a receding/weak chin?

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beard, chew gum, jaw exercises, surgery

thats it

Change your shitty genes


Stretching and exercises can help if you're getting a double chin

How would chewing gum and jaw exercises improve your chin, retard?

Your face is a bunch of bones and muscles, changes in the muscles will slightly affect the bone positioning.

stop mouth breathing, practice good oral posture ( tongue touching top of mouth, mouth closed)

Here's a short video, that I found does a pretty good job explaining it.

Not OP but mine is pretty similar. I never mouth breathed and it is still like that. Even in my baby photos you can still see that my jaw wasn't big or pronounced. The tongue position thing is just a meme.

It's not supposed to change the size, just the position, weak/recessed chins are because of positioning.

There's still a chance that your chin will look small even with correct placement, but it's better than a recessed chin.

That's true. I just finished two years of braces (started age 20) and it moved my jaw forward, making it appear better but even still my jaw isn't square and never will be because it is just fundamentally small. To anyone else out there with an overbite, get orthodontic treatment. it added a solid 1 to my overall appearance and was totally worth it.

OP here. Do I have an overbite?

Quite possibly, hard to say when I can't see your teeth. Your bottom and top row of teeth should be touching with your top in front obviously.

Your lower lip is a bit behind your upper lip, I'd say yes, a slight one.

surely if you cant tell if its an overbite or not, its clearly not serious enough to require treatment

ignore these guys OP.

lose weight

Why ignore me? Neither you or I are orthodontists and I'm basing my assumptions on one picture of his profile so obviously I can't make any hard conclusions. To OP, yes you probably do have an overbite.

> being a mouth breather
You deserve it

I'm not a mouthbreather though

lmao yes you are

>tfw had nasal problems as a kid so I ended up having a bit of a mouth-breather chin
>tfw can't grow a decent beard to hide it

Triple dubs confirm


people pretend here that breathing through your mouth gives you a slack jawed appearance

there with you triple dubs
it is hell incarnate

Yeah I'm not getting braces for 2 years at 29.