Perfect male appeareance? Only appearance, no personality, iq or things like that

Perfect male appeareance? Only appearance, no personality, iq or things like that.

>2.00m height
>8% body fat
>20 cm penis, 8cm circumference
>golden hair, undercut
>lots of body hair
>full beard
>no armpit hair
>no neckbeard
>no pubic hair
>emerald eyes
>big eyes
>big chin
>snub or greek nose
>hard jaw line
>small ear lobes
>44 europe feet size

What else?


are you fucking dumb?

8cm circumference is tiny.

>Perfect male appeareance?

1.85m height 90kg 10%bf


Add 30-40kg on that.

As if there is any other alternative
>inb4 angry sadcunts hating

>2.00m height


>dick as thick as the average thumb
>80kg at 2m tall
>44 size shoes at 2m tall

You're kind of fucked up m9, not mirin.

More than 190cm.
No facial hair.

That's about it.

>looks like a faggot
>not even ripped
>shitty assymetrical abs
>make up
>no legs
>shitty tan
>tryhard hair cut
in b4
>jeff pls go

you're delusional, sadcunt case and point

Alain Delon is absolute perfection, the finest male human specimen produced in 50000 years of human evolution.

>He has a godlike FACE. its the perfect balance between feminine/boyish features and masculine confident features Blue eyes + dark hair is also the greatest combination possible for both men and women.
>He has perfect HEIGHT. 2m as you said is too tall imo. He is tall enough so he usually among the tallest in the room, but not so that it becomes a noticeable thing
>His FRAME is unachievable for evens most chads. he is a rich actor with the rugged manliness of Eastwood, the rebelness of James Dean and the culture of the French

All other things like being shredded etc are all meaningless. aslong as he doesnt become too fat or too thin, the fact that he has HEIGHT,FACE and Frame propels him to greatness

Forgot picture.



>8 cm circumference

That's like the thickness of an expo maker. Aka skinny as fuck

is make up cheap?

still got more pussy than you , that's for sure

Started reading this the other day.
The resemblance between the soulless superficial yuppies and your average Veeky Forumsizen is pretty hilarious and also rather depressing. You sound like a shell OP.