Where were you when Rich Piana beat up Jason Genova?

Where were you when Rich Piana beat up Jason Genova?


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What happened there?

Rich is a boss. Slapped around a spastic who was trying to fuck up his social media lmao

for the low low cost of 15 buck a 1dayumay u can feed a starving autism child

This retard was let out without its handlers and it got into some mischief. Nothing to be concerned about.

Genova is claiming to have learned his lesson. After all the bleeding heart pillow buyers crying & carrying on about a couple of playful slaps. All Jason needed was someone like Papa Piana to set him right. Instead of these faggot enablers that only drag Jason Genova down.

yeah right faggot, he really learned his lesson


candy ass cookie cutter

Sounds like someone needs another slappin'.

I really hope that fake retard gets what's coming to him some day. His enablers should be ashamed of themselves.

That was yesterday. He was still trying to process it. Today he's saying he learned his lesson.


Try to keep up & not be a stupid dummy. Okay, sweetie?

that was a veiled threat

the iron instigator is on the warpath. better be careful bro. he a man of god but he has holy wrath

like in that interview with faggotmarco the spaniard said rich better be careful

it a shadow war bro

You're a fucking faggot, dude.

fucking trannys isnt gay bro

That retard better consider himself lucky.

Rich only unleahsed 5% of his total power.

Oh I agree with 100%.

Jason pls go


Lel. I saw a 5% tank top at the gym today. Kinda want one now.

order 6y6 bitch ass piano

>I saw a 5% tank top at the gym today.

I did too, and I laughed, and now I've got a Rich Piana-sized gym enemy

Alright, I've started reading up on Genova's shenanigans and the more I read, the more irate I get. He's such a fucking sperg retard, but his acolytes hang on his every move for the sake of spectacle. It's disgusting on so many levels.

>getting triggered by a harmless happy go lucky retard who just wants everybody to make it brah

People talking like Jason is a fusion of Stephen Hawking's body and Potato Girl's mind. He's just your regular socially inept moron. He doesn't deserve any pity for the shit he pulled

He didnt beat him up, Jason was being a cunt and he needs to learn one way or another that you cant go around doing stupid shit to other people and not accept repercussions "Bu bu im retarded"

>Witnesses succeeded in getting the contest's sponsors to pull out, and the website was eventually completely destroyed, but not before Rick Hall relented and awarded Jason the win in a last ditch effort to save himself. Drunk on power and delighted by the fanaticism of his Sith army, Genova began to abuse Order 66 and called for it against every little person who slightly annoyed him: Companies who refused to give him a sponsorship, random YouTube fitness personalities who wouldn't collaborate with him, the McDonald's worker who forgot his pickle etc.

Quote taken from Genovapedia. Jason is a potato who shouldn't have been allowed to go on the internet, much less start a YouTube channel and amass of small horde of NEET fans. If he's going to publicly and maliciously act like he has, he shouldn't be afforded protection just because of his own stupidity.

>If he's going to publicly and maliciously act like he has
he hasnt done shit, its the psycho r9k losers who follow him that pressure him into doing things.

some retard picking up a camera and going ' order sissysis hehe kpceoutbye' is being publicly malicious, its somebody with the mind of a child be told to do things be psychopaths who are his 'fans'.

slapping around a fucking retard because some nutjobs use him as a cover for them fucking with you, is some bitch shit.

You're right, for the most part. I'm just bitter and irritated at what's happened and I don't like the idea of someone avoiding consequences due to lacking personal agency, even when it's a factor beyond their control. I'm intellectually aware that his fans are the real driving force behind the events that have unfolded, but there's very little that can be done against an anonymous morass of trolls and the visceral, emotional reaction that his pisstroopers' actions have elicited makes me want a figurehead to rail against.

Fortunately, nothing I say here will have a significant impact on Jason. I'm not about to track him down and peg him in the head with a brick or something, and my complaints are pretty much just part of the background noise of the internet.

vid released. rich is creepy as shit.

I hope Jason brings Big Lenny with him next time he meet Rich

Don't talk shit bro. He's not some little Bo peep bro, just don't talk shit. Not in the am bro, please.

You mean hilarious on every level. The whole thing is a gold mine of entertainment, stop taking it so seriously and just enjoy.

Lol! He just slapped the shit out of a jew.

>inb4 lawsuit
>inb4 jason is driving a lamborghini

Cant wait for Jason's mom to push him to do a lawsuit.

>rich having to foreclose on another house
>rich being left with 5% of his networth
>rich changing his name to poor

It was worth it tho, gotta knock around the mentally handicapped, right babe?

Are you really that dumb? It's quite obvious that someone manipulated him into making that video seeing as he called rich piana out on instagram not so long ago.

>Pretending to be "disgusted" to cover up the fact that you are actually just butthurt

Genova's a harmless clown and he loves the attention he gets. This slap is the most malicious thing that's ever happened to him.


>Some harmless trolling occurred and many laughs were had. It then turned out that the website was actually using sponsors names without permission and had to be shut down as a result. Then a retard made some videos saying "oder sisisix which no one even listened to".

Don't act all mr morality just to look like the bigger person. I guarantee if you've been on this site for more than a couple of years you've taken part in some similar form of internet poll skewing for laughs.

All these fucking people suddenly acting like nu-internet users and getting triggered by some harmless fun just so they have a leg to stand on while defending that oily gorilla Piana, pathetic.

that cheeky rich piano laugh at 1:38. he knew he was about to fuck that jew up

Who gives a fuck. You think the internet is some kind of safe haven for beta faggots to attack others without consequence?

Yes. That's why I'm here lol

how does rich make all his money
It can't possibly be all from his YouTube

>Gets busted for seIIing (but not actuaIIy ever giving out) the shirts

>Gets busted Iying to sponsors

>Gets busted about cycIing but tried to justify it

>Gets caught beating off and the video gets posted aII over his lnstuh gram

>Creepy conversations with girIs get screen capped and posted aII over Twatter

>GirIs find out and end up here trying to get heIp to keep him away from them

>Makes unstabIe videos of himseIf crying and teIIing the net to stop being so mean to him, after he caIIs aII his sub peeps that watch his videos to be mean to other fitness video makers

>Doesn't reaIize aII these videos where he performs shitty work outs with peopIe on other channeIs is just to embarrass him on their channeI for extra cIicks

And that's just THlS YEAR

>Shit nigger what are you doing?

It's from his supplements.

Hires "athletes", requires them to only use and recommend his sups. He only brings ppl on who have a following or are great salesman. He ships them sups to sell monthly and runs contests to incentivize their selling.

It's essentially one of the current top trending fitness pyramid schemes

The whoIe Iead up is him Iaughing, didn't even ask anyone to stop their videos

>This time at Ieast

Hes no little man or Little Bo Peep bro. Don't fuck with him bro. You don't want to fuck with fucking him. Bro he ain't no little man bro. Hes bigger than you, he's like 230 and he's fucking taking supplements. Don't talk shit bro in the morning, fucking please. You're messing with a fucking Internet celebrity.

HEY RICH, you know what? I'm sick and tired of you rambling your god-- I'm serious bro, I'm telling it to you straight, you're gonna lose me as a friend, and you're not gonna be in any workout video this summer, I'm gonna tell Andrew you're not gonna be in it, if you don't fucking, stop fucking being fuckin inappropriate and having a potty fuckin mouth, cause I don't trust the shit you do, and, all the shit making fun of me on the Internet this has got to stop bro, I'm serious bro, because eventually, you can come and do a video and I'm gonna refuse to do it with you, I don't have to do it with you, you know that? So you better stop doing this shit or you're gonna truly not gonna be in a workout video with me. Take that very seriously bro. I'm ... look at me, and when I look at you in my eyes, I mean business, that I'm telling you, you better stop this shit, OR ... suffer the reperc-- repere-- the consequences for your actions, because, what comes around comes around, that's karma for you."

Kekisimus maximus. Janoy got his shit wrecked. Funny how he introduces himself as the king of order 66 and then after getting hit he is almost in tears. Kek. What a child. Also Sara was way too fucking slow pulling her camera out, lazy bitch.

>participates in stupid fucking social media circus events

Not quite sure how people are defending Jason.