Prove you’re not a blind follower and name one bad thing about capitalism

Prove you’re not a blind follower and name one bad thing about capitalism

You're welcome

It lacks incentive for an effective checks and balance system without breaking its core tennants and thus is particularly prone to people taking advantage of such a system.


I can't buy a girlfriend

not enough imperialist conquests and annexations

It creates lazy leftists.

Uncontrolled growth is the ideology of the cancer cell

cancer cells are supposed to kill people, not grow. Most cancers don't kill by growing, but by complications. Of course, communists don't understand that the cancer is actually marxism and demagoguery.

it gives the populace no other purpose than to consume and produce tiny consumers

It creates a certain fundamental tension with government. You do kind of need some neutral force guaranteeing property and contracts for capitalism to work in any meaningful sense. However, that guarantor must itself be kept away from the nuts and bolts of the economic exchange, because after all it cannot be trusted to remain neutral when its own interests are at stake.

You tend to get two 'solutions'; either the government fully steps into the economic sphere, in which case capitalism usually dies because the state's coercive power is a simpler and more familiar for a government elite method of motivating people and managing scarcity, or you have a government that tries to do a hands off approach, and deal strictly in the realms of power and security. This, however, tends to create bottom up leaking of economy into government; individual firms or persons realize that if they can latch onto some of the state's coercive power, they can use it to further their own economic ends, and attempt to do so, usually to the detriment of the government's core functions.

Yet you not only miss the analogy, but you fell for this binary meme, in which if I'm against capitalism I must be a communist.
Yes, cancer does't kill by growing, but it leeches off of you.

There’s literally no point to the economy nowadays. It’s all just a consumer scam. Do you really think people need a new phone every year? Or a BMW 5 series vs Honda Civic? No, but the system is so fucked and has created so many slaves it can’t get off the tiger.

Consumerism is disgusting

This, >dude just buy stuff lol

It doesn't do an adequate job on infrastructure. Look at the Franco-Prussian war: the French free-market rail system was insufficient to move enough men to the field, whereas the German system with heavy state involvement worked much better.

It's not Fascism

Globalism (in the form of mass migration)
Though that's not exclusive to capitalism, China and Japan for example have resisted this while maintain2a capitalist economy.

China isn't capitalist

Also culture. Sold out rap concerts; closed down museums and theaters.

It hasn't been adopted by the whole world yet.

>stop liking what I don’t like

Negative uncompensated externalities.

The reason why capitalism not being present in every country is bad is precisely because it precludes people who would like to have capitalism from enjoying the freedom and prosperity that such system entails.

But fuck the people that don’t want capitalism, right?

right and wrong are spooks
the more sober way to put it would be that both capitalism and democracy fail to give any unifying spirit to those living under it. it leaves people confused and aimless and many will inevitably latch on to radical, authoritarian ideology.

You believe that capitalism and democracy inevitably lead to atomization?

america has an ideology centered around freedom for it's unifying spirit, but the awkward truth is that most people dont want freedom until we experience abuse of authority first hand because most of us are herd animals who seek consensus. people with no purpose beyond their own self-interest just sits wrong with many people. I think it's because they want to believe there is something more to life than hedonism.

When left entirely to its own devices, it ultimately leads to effective oligarchy by its very nature. Everything in the society is linked back to capital, and capital becomes more easily acquired the more of it you have. Education, political power, land ownership, etc. all snowball to one side. In this kind of society, to move up out of one's born class requires not only a disproportionate amount of merit, but an even greater degree of luck. Innate skill can only accomplish so much when a person is afforded so little resources to hone it, and lack of skill is not the same "death sentence" for someone afforded a wealth of resources unless said lack of skill is disproportionately high. Simply put, people are get overly punished for the mistakes of their ancestors, and overly rewarded for their ancestors' successes.

I always see people say that capitalism is a recent invention (like 1800s)

is this really true? i mean, weren't merchants in ancient times still trying to get a profit, and isn't that what capitalism is, trying to get a profit? it's not like they were selling goods for a public need

It's becoming more and more capitalist, even if it's just crony capitalism

If you want capitalism then propose an economic system that works better.

Humanity is the only problem with capitalism

imperialist patronage

Capitalism isn't just the idea of making a profit. That's just trade in general. Capitalism in particular involves the means of production being privately owned, which was not a thing in the middle ages and before in most societies. Land was owned by a lord first a foremost, and he simply "rented" it out to serfs.

That is the same as saying it was privately owned by the lord.

The thing now is we are living at a time when surpluses and liquidity are such that moving currency around is profitable enough that is some peoples' whole job and they are really wealthy because of it. Long past is the time of physiocrats that sat on land or precious metals.

Though I suppose oil barons are physiocrats in a fashion.

>Capitalism in particular involves the means of production being privately owned

What does that mean in an age of international corporations, shareholders and boards of directors, though?

>cancer cells are supposed to kill people, not grow

>I don't understand basic biology nor do I really know what cancer is

ok retard

The unquestioned praise of capitalism can lead to materialism and consumerism, which is harmful to the soul. Not that communism isn't worse in this regard, but capitalism certainly shouldn't go uncriticized or unregulated.

Am I a brainlet if I think the private/public ownership distinction is mostly meaningless? At the end of the day no matter how public it is, someone is going to have ultimate authority on it. In some ways declaring that something is publicly owned actually give the real owners more control because people won't resist as much

It harms society's worst off who, at the end of the day, are a very big manpower pool that could be working or purchasing in the market.

your lack of piety is showing.