MLK vs. Malcolm X

As much as Veeky Forumstorians love to compare and contrast Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X, there is only one important difference at the end of the day.

MLK: Good Cop
Malcolm X: Bad Cop

That's it.

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Very true

Stan Lee liked them enough to make a comic about them rendered as two old white men called Professor X and Magneto.

>As much as Veeky Forumstorians love to compare and contrast Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X
lol where?

MLK just wanted people to get judged on merit and not color

the poor guy will never get his wishes

>MLK just wanted people to get judged on merit and not color
That's rich. MLK was just trying to pander to common sentiment and signal to those who weren't on board with segregation but also were wary of MLK's reputation as a racial agitator. At the end of it all, MLK was selling Civil Rights to skeptical whites.

Although MLK said he dreamed of a day when people "will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character," the affirmative-action schemes he endorsed are explicitly racial and have zilch to do with characte. MLK spoke in favor of "preferential treatment" and proposed that "if a city has a 30% Negro population, then it is logical to assume that Negroes should have at least 30% of the jobs in any particular company." And I'm not quite sure that someone who claimed "the problems in the world today…must be blamed on the whole doctrine of white supremacy" and that "if one black person is down, we are all down" cared all that much about getting beyond skin color.

History continues to vindicate Malcolm X. Black people have not economically advanced in any significant way since the Civil Rights movement. They keep voting for the same party which sells out their plight to business interests, protesting the same issues all while their purported champions abandon any pretenses of leadership save the occasional petitioning for blatant tokenism. After the Civil Rights movement was quelled, White liberals have done nothing for their Colored pets. The same Civil Rights Act, which got more congressional approval by Republicans much to the chagrin of Southern Democrats, solved none of their problems. Remember the NAACP had to beg New York Democrats to stop building public housing in Yonkers. Remember that teachers unions funnel all the sub-par teachers into the poorest (and usually blackest) districts.

I wish i knew what book to read to learn more about Malcolm X. Because of what I've learned recently about some of the true actions of the black panthers, policing the police; I think Malcolm X may be getting a bad rep as well.

Malcolm X is purposefully given a bad rap because both he and MLK have had their images irrevocably highjacked. Malcolm X's no bullshit assertive attitude of calling out the actual issues doesn't gel well with the watered down memory of the civil rights movement that the government wants to peddle.

>implying he didn't steal the idea when he was stealing someone else's life force.

MLK: Good Cop
Malcolm X: Named the jew

The fact is that the Civil Rights movement was highly insurrectionist, be it from Malcolm X or MLK. One wanted a piece of territory ceded for Blacks and the others openly collaborated with Soviets.

Malcolm is Muslim and a true BLACK man
mlk is christian and a housenigga

Somewhere, there's a "freedom ain't free" spurdo for this.

If not, someone make it.

MLK was some milquetoast, low-t, communist, who thought the way for blacks to improve themselves was to be a bunch of houseniggers and accept white tax payer funded subsidies that they would subsequently squander on drugs and hookers.

Malcom X, on the other hand, acknowledged that blacks could not gain power as a racial unit without engaging the political realm as black people, separate from whites both racially and religiously. All the "Civil Rights" movement really did was create a bunch of useless welfare programs that created further issues for black communities.

MLK: black Reddit
Malcolm X: black Stormfront

Every effective pacifist movement coexisted with a militant organization sharing their goals.

But without those programs, blacks wouldn't have access to so many lifechanging opportunities.

>malcolm X: unironically believes in Yakub
>MLK: isn't a retard

Malcolm X believed Yakub created white people in a few thousand years a bunch of UFOs would come and abduct all the black people, revealing the 22 scientists who take turns being God. Then they would orbitally bombard white people out of existence and blacks would inherit the Earth.

Good public speaker though

And he was right whitey

he got over it after his pilgrimage to mecca, havent you guys read his biography

Considering he came from illiteracy to believing some wacky shit before finally coming to his senses, it can all be forgiven. At least it was from the heart.

The more I hear about this shit the more retarded it gets. This is Scientology-tier retarded.

>Malcom X religiously worshiped a total pseud for 15 years who cucked him and completely went against his own ideals by banging nation of Islam secretaries
>X had to travel the world to realize that white people might not intrinsically be the "Devil"
>knew very little about islam before going to mecca despite studying it for over 15 years
>literally didn't write down any of his 'philosophy' (inb4 socrates)
why is this guy taken seriously again?

Both are complaining globalists baby niggers

I hate them, they could have accomplished better things but they just wanted diversity and equality, fuck them

Louis Farerkhan, current head of the Nation of Islam is pretty much a scientologist now and the two "religions" have become intertwines with scientology taking the more dominant role

>orbital racial holocaust is coming from the heart

I mean to be fair he's a phenomenal speaker and what he usually says really resonated with a lot of black people. I can understand why he had a following. That being said he did get along with the American Nazi Party. But this speech is a good example of why he got popular

these ethnic activists don't give a shit about meritocracy or getting past race, they all want the same thing: gibs for their race.

>an adulterer that faked his phd

>muh feelz