No amount of lifting will ever change the fact that you missed out on PTP (Prime Teen Pussy)

>No amount of lifting will ever change the fact that you missed out on PTP (Prime Teen Pussy)

Age of consent is 16 in most states.
If you're willing to deal with potential headaches, it's still attainable. Just use a condom and have them fill out a consent form a la Chappelle Show.

Age of consent is 16 where I live.
When I was in high school lots of girls had 30+ year old bf's

>not Pre-Teen Pussy

Why do you even want to bang these degenerates?


Are you dumb OP? Did no one ever include you in highschool drama? The majority of highschool girls love 20+, it's when we're at our prime and they're at theirs. It's fucking natural.

But I didn't. I'm 19


What's the cutoff age for PTP?



Haven't most people here had sex before they turned 20? This isn't r9k I feel like most of us have had at least one prime teen gash in our lifetime

25 years old, kissless, handholdless, virgin


i fucking kek everytime

>Using angsty teens for your sexual pleasure

Literally kill yourself you small bean regarder

..... Are you really ugly or what?

I laugh at myself to, then cry.

I think so. But even if I wasn't I'm still too afraid to approach a woman in that manner. Even the thought of hiring a hooker or escort gives me anxiety.
But hey, I can deadlift 500 for 2 , that counts for something right?

Ugly with high standards.

Post your face and i tell you if there is hope.
If you are to scared to post your face on an anonymous child porn exchange forum then you might as well die a virgin.

yeah, it's pretty funny


I've already accepted that fact.

Why havent you killed yourself yet?
Are you a faggot or what?

>literally admitted to being a handholdless, kissless virgin
>want him to post his face on a popular board on a well known site heavily populated by normies

Stop bullying him you fucking faggot

>25 years old, kissless, handholdless, virgin

I feel bad but I can't help but laugh when I read this shit on r9k.

I held hand with girls in pre school and kissed a girl in the second grade.

I was more sexually active at 7 than some middle age men have been their entire life

>I held hand with girls in pre school and kissed a girl in the second grade.
>I was more sexually active at 7 than some middle age men have been their entire life

top fucking kek

make me fuccboi.

This is /r9k/ though

No, I still enjoy a lot of things in life. Books, lifting, my fish tanks, shooting. I won't kill myself, but I'll go through this life alone.

Thanks anons

Yep, it's pretty sad

Yeah i had two. Wish i had a lot more though.

I was a kv till 23, virgin till 27.

Read the Book of Pook m8, that shit changed my life

I dont care how much you can deadlift, there's NO better feeling than a HOT woman looking at you in a fashion that screams 'fuck me, use me, do me'.

Why don't you a seat over there, 4chins

Yeah I would have lowered my standards if I knew how pussy deteriorated after women turn 21.

It goes from being the smooth pink perfect slit to a Arby's roast beef Deluxe.