What is Veeky Forumss thought on progressive ideas that fatness has "little to nothing" to do with health?

What is Veeky Forumss thought on progressive ideas that fatness has "little to nothing" to do with health?

I was also wondering what your thoughts on food justice are.

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It's bullshit.
That's what every physician and your common sense will tell you.

for example: I can guarantee you, that this landwhale on the picture at some point will get diabetes.

I think I'll side with medial science rather than someone's wishful thinking.

it's wrong

Point 3 is technically true though.

The only claim that is correct is that health is not a moral obligation. The only caveat is that nobody else is morally obligated to help you with any health issues that arise from a choice to be unhealthy.

It bloody well is if you live in a country with shared health care.

At least she made light of it in her tl;dr

Guess again nigger. Sure, fat people/smokers are expensive while they're alive. But healthy people strain the healthcare system 30-40 years longer, needing hip replacements, heart medication and who knows what else once they get old.

if we saw health as a moral obligation we would have less of an obesity epidemic.

but they also pay more taxes or healtcare in those years

Obesity has been linked to more deaths than the Holocaust. Ergo, people like this are literally worse than Hitler.

That logic doesn't quite add up. She's not directly causing obesity deaths. I'd say it's more like she's about on the same level as someone who actively supported Hitler.

>food justice

the fuck?

>She's not directly causing obesity deaths.
She's basically telling already obese individuals to eat themselves to death. She's not only supporting it.

>she's telling fat people to kill themselves
The problem here being...?

That's only because the Holocaust never happened.

>a wild trigglypuff appears

As someone who's taken many biology classes and passed several of them that's a load of horse hockey

It's a slow, expensive death.

All tripfags are annoying as fuck, but you BY FAR are the worst of all. You are so goddamn annoying, pretentious, narcissistic, and faggy. And I can't read a single fucking thread without you putting in your stupid fucking two cents. Nobody sees your stupid fucking tripcode and gets excited that you are around. Fuck off fag invictus

>food justice
Is it justice when you eat 5000 calories of fast food everyday and children all around the world are going hungry, or dying of starvation?


who cares? let them get fat and die, or not, whatever ... what's with this need to argue with these useless fucks

>I get angry at my hilarious local tripfriends

>key takeaways

I think it's fair to say that obesity is probably a product of capitalism tho. McDonald's and shit probably wouldn't exist on a socialist society

However it's not that simple. Capitalism is def a factor, but there are many others in play, mainly lack of willpower to eat healthy and exercise

Liberals: "It's not your fault that your fat, just give up and ignore what anybody is saying about hard work and trying to improve yourself. Don't worry, the government will take care of you. You're fine just the way you are. Just blame everything on the rich skinny white male cisscums that are oppressing you. Just GIVE UP already user."

Trump: "First of all, never think of yourself as average. You started off with the wrong question, because you're not average. You've got a lot going, I see you're smart, you're very beautiful. You just have to get that word 'average out of your vocabulary"

This should tell you all you need to know about the degeneracy of the left.

>That's what every physician and your common sense will tell you.

physician's are today's witch-doctors. All they do is make educated guesses.

but today's educated guesses are tomorrow's wrong answers.

Why are liberals so lame?

on the bright side, they're actually educated, retard

if this man's research is right:
>mice that drank water containing one of two emulsifiers underwent changes in gut bacteria and inflammation of the gut – changes that led to obesity and diabetes in these animals.
>When the ill mice stopped consuming emulsifiers, their gut bacteria gradually returned to normal.
>Chassaing has supported his findings in mice using a simulation of the human gut.

then it might have happened anyway - once you start altering food, trying to make it last longer in storage etc. (which would still happen under a socialist regime as well) there's always a chance something will have an unintentional effect.

Is that what you call being a massive attention whore nigger faggot?

it's far easier to blame everything on the outside world than to actually work at improving yourself.


>The only claim that is correct is that health is not a moral obligation

Yes it is. Both towards society and towards your family.

Except obesity generally correlates with affiliation with the Republican Party in the US.

The socialist improves his body to ensure that he can aid his neighbor in times of need. He demands physical fitness not only of himself, but of his neighbor, because we are all in this together.

The capitalist becomes complacent, knowing his money can buy all, he grows fat for lack of need to contribute. He is a parasite.

>fatness has little to nothing to do with health

tell that to your arteries you fucking whale.