Tfw i ignored all of the "SS is a troll" posts

>tfw i ignored all of the "SS is a troll" posts
>tfw i just wanted abs for summer
>tfw no gf

learn from my mistake bros

Based on your forearms, you don't seem too disproportionate.


Nice legs pham

- a grill

Mirin lags, brah



nice try anti-SS shill

am i being double rused?
i literally overheard 4 qts laughing and talking about my freakish trex body the other day
s-stop it ;_;

Stomp their guts out with your leg strength.

Then post your fucking torso, all we can see is your quads and forearms

Tear them up with your Dino talons, Rex.

Looks solid m8, keep going

just fucking kill me

Nice titties

y-you too

Well good news, you can focus exclusively on upper body for the next six months.

Mirin, goddamn, what is your squat so far?
Also quite pleasing, a bit lacking in the upper back and shoulders perhaps, get into some power snatches.

Why are you in a different room?

best bench is 205

same room. image is flipped

I did SS then TM then aquired gf, and she can't get enough of my legs. Is she a keeper brehs?

why do you people do SS and not think for yourselves? you can't realize that you've done nothing for upper body and aren't progressing? just realize

dear god do some accessory work

> Train legs once a week and upper body 5 times a week for the next 53 years

That is fairly proportional actually.

And wow, that is tremendous leg development for such a low squat. I squat much more than you and don't have nearly as good legs as that.

You have a generally very good athletic look, I'm quite jealous.

Wow I bench the same as you but I only squat 275 but I do 5x5

>does a strength program for aesthetics
>blames the program
oh i am laffin

What's your ohp though

hold on to her tight breh ;_;

155 for 3

Sorry, I'm new to Veeky Forums.
What's SS and TM?

Starting Strength and Texas Method

SS - some nazi thing
TM - The Matador

Go read the sticky right away
SS is starting strength and TM is Texas method.
They are weightlifting routines.
SL might come up if it does it means Stronglifts.

I have natural big legs

I onced tried starting with squats, and in three months I had to change my pants and my quads were getting too big compared to my calves

never again, just upper body from now on

Thanks I managed to find it.
So this thing is just a troll to get people in doing a shit ton of squats and only working thighs?

Literally yes. DO NOT DO SS. Brosplit is the way my son

I read most of the sticky but I can't remember everything that was on it.

Yes unless Your upper body is zyzz Tier you are very unproportionate. Ss Claims another victim

I'm pretty confident you can bench more than you think. Try moving your hands closer together and touching down a couple inches below your nips.

No, it's a strength program that retards think will make them look aesthetic

Dude what are your fucking lifts? look strong as fuck.

post ass ;^)

It's actually a great routine for beginners. It's not a plan you usually stick with after 6 months though.

damn sexy legs, i always judge a guy by his legs, no legs such turn off for me now, i hate you fit

just started starting strength.
will I really get fat like op?
I mean, I do expect to get fat. But his chest looks lacking and core looks weak

whatever man come next summer ur gonna be the sikkest kunt on the beach
sikker than you would have been this year and next year combined

>been doing SS for like 6 months
>add accessories but still SS for another 6
>look and lift like shit still due to previous/ongoing alcoholism

You literally just need to get your diet on point.if you're squatting that much weight then you clearly have a solid core and great abs. They're just covered with some winter blubber right now.

Yes, if you do SS you will look like shit. This is fact.

>will I really get fat like op?
Not if your diet is in check. Lifting cannot make you fat.

kek, don't listen to this troll.
SS is the superior beginner routine.

They are strength programs designed to get people strong

His core is just covered by some fat. His bench is lagging a bit compared to his other lifts but he's still pushing almost 2 plate

stop drinking brah, you'll make it

Haven't in a month. Really tempted to this weekend though I know it will only end badly.

you have shit genetics and gyno, don't blame ss

why the fuck are your hips so wide jesus christ that is fucking disgusting


The wide hips come from ss
>squat 3x a week
>upperbody 1x a week
>complain about upperbody lagging behind

Jesus ...

Don't do it man...
How severe is your alcoholism?
Stay strong brother

>wants nice upper body and visible abs for summer
>does a routine that accomplishes the very opposite of his goals
is this a bait?

nice work op. Mirin for sure, now use those legs to thrust into some bitch so hard she throws up her half eaten salad and diet pills

>women analyzing your body like that
not in this world

Just add some pec accessory and chinups

>lifting makes your hips wider

Now I've seen it all

SS claims another victim.


Poor sod. Horribly disproportionate.



more functional strength comics?

Hey/ i got both


Proof that SS works

Damn, you look like a babyback bitch.

We need to oust Trappy, she keeps recommending it and causing this.


>he didn't add accessories as needed to fit his needs and avoid T-Rex mode

It's almost as if you didn't actually read the book, OP.

>doing SS
>not reading the book

Actually , everyone should read the book regardless if they are doing the program

Just cut then, or keep bulking a bit more and do more hypertrophy

If it's a beginner routine, we know most cunts aren't going to get the book. Too much commitment at first to buy it. We should recommend Stonglifts (-squatting on DL day,+ more DL volume that day, + dips and or pullups from the start) since it has a website with a book's worth of information already on it.

There's a conflict of ideology here. Strength guys think glutes, quads and hamstrings are the most important muscles because they are the biggest and strongest and help you move a lot of weight.
Bodybuilders think the biceps and all other muscles they can see in a mirror of above waist height are the only ones that matter.
These are their priorities and while they will occasionally train the other muscles as well, the ones i mentioned will always be the most developed. Just do a program of the camp you identify with most.

I actually do usually recommend SL for those exact reasons.

It also doesn't have the same stigma around it that SS does that causes new lifters to be flooded with misinformation the moment they mention they're doing SS.

How do I avoid this?

Just do lighter weight squats and deads?

do you even know what gyno is

would look p good if you cut senpai

Basically you just need to do shoulders and chest twice a werk for the rest of your life. Otherwise your gonna make it son

Just do a brosplit for God's sake. How many young men's lives and aesthetics need to be ruined

MODS! This ss shit has claimed far too many user! How long before Veeky Forums-noobs get an actual guide that can give them good results? How many more anons have to "just" themselves before you cunts actually do something about the shit sticky?

plz fuck me.

Every lift in SS works upper body

This is stupid all I want is massive legs, I even ran smolov squat program and my legs didn't get nearly as big

you stronger?

think about the future bro...delayed gratification is major key. i have faith in you

SS claims another victim.


Our bodies look nearly identical, OP
what are your lifts?

People are going to blame bad genetics and a shit diet to explain your results but in reality it comes down to the lack of upper body volume SS contains

I saved this picture of you 7 months ago. lookin gerthy bro

>implying this isn't the epitome of aesthetics
DYELs can fuck off with their sole pathetic aspiration of "abs".

Mirin legs

what do you guys do about pants, my Quads are approaching this, and my jeans keep ripping and I can't find any good pants for dressing formally ;-;

Jeans are no problem as long as they stretch.


where do I buy these stretchy jeans user, pls respond in dire need of pants


Lol @ you can see the boxer-brief pantylines

that looks like a fucking tumor