Let's say a manlet can bench his own weight. If an actual human benches the same amount, are they both equally strong...

Let's say a manlet can bench his own weight. If an actual human benches the same amount, are they both equally strong? How does the manlet phenomenon actually work?

In terms of absolute strength yes, relative strength no.

Wrong way around, I think. The heavier guy has better absolute strength but their relative strength is the same.

the human would be stronger technically but they are both are just as strong for their bodyweight

longer limbs mean you need stronger muscles to lift the same amount as a person with shorter limbs. that's why manlets are more efficient, have better capacity for strength and look better faster than lanklets

They're as strong relative to their body weight as normal human, infact it's probably easier simply because their body weight is so low. I have the fortune/misfortune of being a genetic monster, I weight 20st and I'm 6'5'' I lift quite heavy, 5months ss, 220lbs bench, 275lbs squat, 375 dl, 175power clean and 145 ohp. Relative to my weight it's not great (I am quite fat). My friend however is 5'7'' and weighs 11 st and isn't ripped or anything but we both started lifting together and all of his lifts are miles behind mind but at the same time are much better relative to his body weight. It's like ez mode for shorter guys, but after years of lifting they can never hope to look as good as tall people who have busted their asses. Just my 2 cents.

>actual human
Ouch. I have noticed 5'7 turbomanlets with huge chests benching. Their ROM is literally like 12". If i only had to move the bar a foot, my bench would be higher too. O_O

i'm 5'5 160lb and my 1rm bench is 265lb

Lanklets don't know how to eat itt

Yeah, but you're 5'5.

itt: manlets are still small


Benching your own body weight is not hard

I should mention those weights are all for sets, and yes my bench is depressing.

Wilks score, nigga


>a manlet that is literally an entire foot shorter than you and weights over 100lbs less than you can lift 40 more lbs on bench

tell me again how lanklets are superior?

Well, I've been lifting 5 months like I said. Also I'm not downing Manlets like everyone else is I was just sharing my experience.I also haven't stalled or deloaded on my lifts yet so I'll make that 40lb difference up in a month and mine are 3x5 nor 1rm. I'm really okay with it.

>gained over 40 pounds over 2 years of lifting
>constantly feel full and have to force food into body
>180 lbs and barely beyond skelly mode
Meanwhile there's a 5'2" manlet in my gym who probably weighs 150 and is sculpted like zyzz
I'm jelly as fuck of them manlet gains, but I'd still rather be tall

Bro, I know you've heard it all before but you literally just have to eat more. Eat denser calorific foods and don't be afraid of fats, just don't eat trans fats coz don't die lol.

Oh my god, I get it, you are above average height and that is your biggest achievement in life

lanklets can eat like 4k cal and have abs naturally so you guys got that going on for you

Malets weigh like 130lbs so its not a big achievment although they do have iddy biddy baby arms so I guess it is an achievment for them

>be me
>5'5" manlet
>haven't been on Veeky Forums in a while
>starting to feel good about myself
"I haven't been on Veeky Forums in a while, I wonder if they have any tips on core exercises"
>Instantly get roasted for being a manlet

Why the fuck do I come on this website

5'6" manlet here

Fuck you dude quit being a little bitch. People make fun of others. Why are you such a little cunt that a cambodian tiger trapping board can make you feel bad. Whore


What's with the cubism shit? I thought more weight gets Hader to lift regardless of bodyweight.
Say a manlet benches 225 and a man benches the same, it should be as hard for both of them if they are relatively equal in musclemass. But from a certain point on it gets harder and harder, say a 7' guy cannot just bench 300lbs as easily as a manlet can bench 200

>tfw 6'1
>eat 3500 kcal / day and have abs visible in natural lighting
Meanwhile, my 5'8 powerlifting friend bulks on 2800 kcal / day. It's amazing how much height affects TDEE


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5'4 manlet, 155 lb, here. I bench 245. 6'3

i don;t think it's the same, i reached 2pl8 bench (for reps) without much issue as a manlet but can barely squat 130kg for a single