Veeky Forums Advice: What To Work

Hey Veeky Forums what do I need to work on? I'm 187 lbs. Give me your criticism.

You should work on holding your camera right.

Your body?

Your acting. Other than Keri Russel, you're the worst actor on "The American," Matthew Rhys.

Yeah sorry it uploaded rotated.

Haven't heard that one before kek

Actually you look okay. Traps could use work and you can always have a wider back.

My back is pretty wide for my size (more work wouldn't hurt though) but I fell like my forearms aren't big enough and biceps are lacking. I work upper body a lot as well as lower body but I feel like I can't get past this current size.

Also how do I really work traps? That's something I've been struggling with.

We have different definitions of what looks good then. I don't really care for huge, bloated upper arms. Tbh yours look good, but you're right about your forearms.

You really do have to work your traps/neck though man, it'll even out the size of your head compared to your body. Not that it looks bad now, but your shoulders are wide and bigger traps would enhance the transition from your shoulders to your head.

Traps are like shrugs and deadlifts.

As far as total size, you probably need to eat more. I know I do.

Ive also felt traps in heavy weighted dips, but im not to sure on that one.

Atlas Shrugs.

Cut for summer.

So that's another thing: cutting. I'm 187 lbs right now, but would cutting make me reach 'mirin mode with my current size?

Your obliques need more work.

On your rotators

What should I do to really target obliques?

Also, any advice on calves? Because for the love of God I can raise 750 lbs on standing calf raises and they still look like picks. They just get more defined.

How should I hit rotators?

Two ways I know of to get huge calves.
1. Be really fat and then lose a shitload of weight.
2. Trail run a lot.

Beyond that, I've read that calves are similar to forearms in that its a lot about genetics. Maybe try for 1000lb calf press? ;)

can confirm option 1
my calves are impressive, yet I still have weight to lose...sight

Damn. Gaining weight for me is hard. I feel like I may be doomed to have skinny calves forever....

don't lose hope... I also think it's mostly genetics, since I'm Mexican, I come from a family of working. Maybe, doesn't make sense but well.
try runnig, and I mean running a lot. If you can find some hill where you have to run upwards, you work your calves more. Or adjust trademill to the gratest resistane you can handle, and then add more. That's how I got my calves :)

traps and delts.

exspecially traps

GD I love Mexican people. They work hard, but they're always good for a laugh and a good time.

Yes, you have good muscle mass. A decent cut will make you mirin material for sure. You could probably lose a lb a week until mid June and have a joocy six pack.