Selling LINK right now is stupid

Selling ChainLink right now is like selling OMG when it was around $3. Look at what happened right after the sell off in the red circle. That's where we are right now with LINK.

What happened after that sell off? MOON!

We are also in the lead up to the SIBOS conference hosted by SWIFT which happens on October 16th. Market cap is only $130m. Connect the dots.

And don't forget ChainLink has much better fundamentals and use cases than OMG too.

Other urls found in this thread:

Of course it is, everyone saying sell now are either fudding or just have low IQ. 1$ by the 16th

I sold and now I'm trading coins to get more bitcoin. Then buying back in later.

Ive seen this copy pasta too many times

>And don't forget ChainLink has much better fundamentals and use cases than OMG too.

If chainlink mirrors OMG were closer to that first pump, not the 2nd one you have circled.

Look at any coin that had an enormous moon. Exact same pattern every time.

Proof that whales are accumulating:

what the fuck, only 4k link here. I'm actually so sad right now, not fair how these guys are so rich

I think 1$ is a bit much, 80 cents more realistic.

Whats wrong, you don't like money?
Sell now when there is nothing happening and no news, then buy back in before the demo.
Profits increased.

it's probably a group, not just one guy. Or it's one of the venture capitalist fags

Hory shet

if theyre in that much im staying in. follow the money

Want coins? Earn them faggot

Dude, its a 30 minute talk by the toilets. It isnt changing shit.

High supply means the price is pretty much at its peak. So this is the shitcoin of the month and everyone will end up bagholding as the coin slowly bleeds out as it is already now

>its a 30 minute talk by the toilets. It isnt changing shit.

was this an intended pun? because i really like it...

link fud is best fud

Yeah you can look at the left side of the graph to see market cap. Where he circled is 300+ Million market cap but the first pump is ~130 Million market cap which is exactly where ChainLink is now

you missed out the part where omisego was partnered with a real company like mcdonalds, recieved funding from a bank and has a financial multimillion company behind them called omise.

chainlink haaaas....some slav neckbeard. that about it

Swift partnership confirmed, PayPal partnership tba before end of the year

It's not stupid, look at the price.
It's literally going down the toilet.

it could also pull a DNT once the hype dies down

dont be delusionial, and dont be emotional towards your meme coins

>once the hype dies down
It hasn't even started.

>head engineer at Facebook
>PayPal rumors

>selling at a loss

Jesus christ, that's why you're so poor.

and theres the delusion

>dont be emotional towards your meme coins
Do you not know how invested Veeky Forums is in Link?

Let's not forget that actual industry researchers don't put shitcoins behind a 500 dollar paywall on how fucking amazing it is.

whoah what is this

Sold my 80k. Absolutely believe in this 110%, but this is going down to 7k sats. have my buy orders in and ready, and holding my other 60k. I'll buy at a loss if it moons past my sell point, but that was at 9800 sats.

Don't get emotionally attached. You're to make profit. Capitalise on the downtrend.

Enough to make sure nobody else touches it?