Julius Streicher (12 February 1885 – 16 October 1946) was a prominent member of the Nazi Party (NSDAP) prior to World...

>Julius Streicher (12 February 1885 – 16 October 1946) was a prominent member of the Nazi Party (NSDAP) prior to World War II. He was the founder and publisher of the anti-Semitic newspaper Der Stürmer, which became a central element of the Nazi propaganda machine. His publishing firm also released three anti-Semitic books for children, including the 1938 Der Giftpilz (translated into English as The Toadstool or The Poisonous Mushroom[1]), one of the most widespread pieces of propaganda, which warned about the supposed dangers Jews posed by using the metaphor of an attractive yet deadly mushroom. The publishing firm was financially very successful and made Streicher a multi-millionaire.[2]
>After the war, Streicher was convicted of crimes against humanity and executed.[3]

So let get this straight, the Allies executed a newspaper publisher for saying mean things about Jews?

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>Published "The Poisonous Mushroom" and "Never Trust A Fox In The Green Meadow"
It was a little more than "saying mean things"

that sounds like mean things, user.

Sounds more like a dedicated attempt to indoctrinate children to me

is that illegal?

The Nuremburg trials decided it was, and he probably would have gotten maybe 10 years max if he shut the fuck up and wasn't accusing everyone in court of being Jews

It's quite clear that we didn't go far enough with that because this exists today.

>Not full of Jews exacting revenge
He wasn't lying with his accusations

>his last words were to tell the MP putting the noose around his neck "one day the Bolsheviks will hang you too"
based shitpost man

It's not like the Germans didn't kill people for saying things they disagreed with.

>the allies didn't jail traitors during war time

>Sentenced to death exclusively for shitposting
>Shitposts before being hanged
Was Juliaus Streicher /ourguy?

he literally was

>students handing out flyers disagreeing with dictatorships and genocide is the same as committing treason in the USA

that was ltierally the location of Hitler's annual nazi party rallies in the 30s

>Spent his time shitposting about other gauleiters
>Destroyed a synagogue because it ruined the aesthetics of the city
>Used to walk down the street cracking a bullwhip

He was good for his time. However, he’ll never surpass Garrison’s works.

>user, you have been sentenced to death by hanging for your shitposts having directly caused a genocide. Do you have any last words?
>CRACK swing swing


>if the US is in total war mode, yes it is.

How many anti-war protesters did the United States put to the guillotine?

not enough

wow what a nice democracy

>Streicher joined the German Army in 1914. For his outstanding combat performance during the First World War, he was awarded the Iron Cross 1st and 2nd Class, as well as earning a battlefield commission as an officer (lieutenant), despite having several reported instances of poor behavior in his military record,[7] and at a time when officers were primarily from aristocratic families. Following the end of World War I, Streicher was demobilized and returned to Nuremberg.[8] Upon his return, Steicher took up another teaching position there but something happened (unknown) in 1919, which turned him into a "radical anti-Semite."[9]

What did the jews do to based streicher in 1919 Veeky Forums?

His gf wanted Big Ashkenazi Cock


Jews wouldn't do that. They wouldn't try to overthrow the govt for their own nefarious reasons.

>Streicher, a vulgar man, was despised by most of his fellow defendants...Streicher collected pornography. He said that he bought it from Jews to show what filth they read...

He was executed for being a degenerate piece of subhuman filth that even his fellow Nazis detested.

a man puts his good name on the line to make sure he knows every facet of the Jews' lies and that's the thanks he gets?

The real reason they killed Streicher was because he could serve as a beacon for an eventual Nazi resurgence, since he was still a fanatic. That is also the reason why they let Speer off the hook, even though what Speer did was objectively much worse, Speer was level-headed enough to not start shit after release and would be good PR for the allies.

What are the odds that Schleicher was part Australian?

>So let get this straight, the Allies executed a newspaper publisher for saying mean things about Jews?

You better believe it, so if you know what's good for you, you'll keep your little goyitsche mouth shut!

Speer was imprisoned for 20 years though. Nuremberg really seems pretty random when it comes to the sentences

You may not like it, but this is what peak shitposting performance looks like.

>He complained throughout the process that all his judges were Jews.

a bump saved this post

Ben "The Walking Holocaust" Garrison

>"one day the Bolsheviks will hang you too"
What a man.

>this is the masterrace according to Germans

why is Tito so fat there? Did he lose weight fighting the Croatians?


I wish I could as fat as goring while retaining his confidence, I'm half as fat as him and am ashamed of it, it must be amazing being that fat and not giving a fuck at all.

He was rich and had power. He could have had any woman he wanted, hence he didn't really give a shit about anything.

Also, wasn't he a morphine addict?