What is with the HEIGHT, FACE, FRAME meme that's been pervading Veeky Forums?

What is with the HEIGHT, FACE, FRAME meme that's been pervading Veeky Forums?

The whole point of Veeky Forums is to focus on what you CAN improve and be a sikkunt. You can still get girls as long as you aren't deformed. Even if your HEIGHT, FACE, FRAME aren't up to par, focus on what you actually can change. Those three aren't the only things that matter. In fact, status is probably the most important and you can change that.

Unless you are an incredibly ugly motherfucker, it's very defeatist to think that because you don't have top 5% height face frame, you can never become attractive.

Other urls found in this thread:


>falling for /r9k/ cancer memes

you are not going to make it

Height was always an issue on Veeky Forums(see manletism)

Also, I bet you're just a lanklet who has nothing else going for him who just now starts complaining because he feels attacked

>Unless you are an incredibly ugly motherfucker, it's very defeatist to think that because you don't have top 5% height face frame, you can never become attractive.

I was with until there but then you just had to go and remove the entire point of the fucking paragraph.

Bottom line answer is for this bs- no. No it won't.

And this is based on your experience of having average genetics, not getting girls, doing nothing to improve, and still not getting girls?

I used to be a virgin faggot before I started lifting and working on my social skills. I still get rejected a shit ton but usually I can sleep with a different girl each week or two weeks.

It took two years of lifting and actually talking to people. Then talking to girls. Then getting rejected a bunch. It was hard work.

Yes, some people enjoy sex and love without hard work. But you're not one of those people, so suck it up, stop being a bitch, and put in the work you need to. You'll grow more as a person than those who cruise by in life without ever lifting a finger.

Self improvement brahs


You hit the GYM HARD, while Chad eats pizza

Girls look at your gymcel body and think "ewww what a try hard" while they look at the chad and think "i love him, he just does what he wants, not even concerned about the whole bodybuilding thing".

Chad STILL looks INFINITELY better than you because of his GENETICALLY DETERMINED HEIGHT, FRAME and FACE.

Women are getting more and more choice and validation and its either CHAD or NOTHING

Why haven't you gymcels learnt yet?


It's the new generation of faggots circling this board. I've been posting here since early 2010 (before that I stayed to /b/) I actually ended up migrating to /pol/ for the most of my time spent here. Coming back here though shit has changed

Now it's all about the genetics meme and chad and "DONT YOU UNDERSTAND IT"S ALL IMPOSSIBLE CAUSE OF GENETICS" with these little bitches crying because they cant be the top 1% of genetics but dont understand that you can achieve shit tons with even average genetics and still look and be better than 99% of the population out there.

but no, everybody wants to cry about how chad can eat a pizza and still have biceps and fuck womyn instead of actually trying and lifting for self improvement and bettering themselves because they would rather convince themselves they can never be chad instead of wanting to actually be who they are and focus on their own fucking life.

Veeky Forums is all about chad, genetics, klinefelters meme and crying threads about wide hips when 99% of those faggots have bodies like that as a result of bad nutrition, no muscle mass, and don't understand how to symmetrically build their bodies to proportion.

When I left it was all about zyzz and his death and then scooby was posting here for awhile back when Veeky Forums had a huge fucking base of posters (all of these people seem to have moved on) now what we have left are weak kids born after the year 2000. Fuck I'm 22 and I feel like a grandpa here. It's sad that I still post here and still genuinely try to give people solid advice when they come here crying for it - at least those people are trying unlike these genetic meme fags

I know this is pasta, but how about when Chad gets older than 30?

He is going to become fat and can't hold a job because he is lazy. Very few people can continue a "Chad" lifestyle after college. Some certainly do, but that is a small percent.

Plus, you can eat pizza too if you want. It's not like it will kill your gains.

>Veeky Forums

It's like fucking clockwork.

>and working on my social skills.
...post routine bruh

It's /r9k/
Stop giving them attention
Report and hide /r9k/ threads

HHF is fits version of muh genetics.
Basically says dont do the hard work because genetics.
Its tumblr level meme. Tho funny to poke fun at
Someone make a Gary/Ash version of it.

Started at /b/ went to Veeky Forums then I heard rumours of some Trip user here (forget his name) who posted on /pol/ checked it out and it was hitler nazi shit for the most part. Turned me off, but then I kind of understood /pol/ is mostly satirical; but genuinely conservative with some pretty interesting out of the norm shit. Basically where all the olds of /b/ went to as they got older.

I don't know what happened to Veeky Forums board used to move fast as fuck, now it's one of the slower ones with posts from fucking days ago still being on the front page.

Pretty much

I'm laughing cause I'm in the same boat user.
>started off shit posting at /b/ when I was a lonely faggot
>slowly started exploring the boards
>find camaraderie and a community that accepts me within /pol/
>get "redpilled"/brainwashed for a few years
>start lifting when the ferguson riots start occuring for the "upcoming race war"
>slowly start falling out of my neo-nazi beliefs later on
>rejoin society as a somewhat normie

There's a reason they call Veeky Forums the exit out of this place :^)

>/pol/ is mostly satirical;
No it's not.

And maybe you just come on Veeky Forums during the slow hours? It's always somewhat fast for me.

D-did you really start lifting because of a "looming race war"?

you are such a fucking retard OP

It's a forced meme, don't give it any more attention.


I was young tho man. Literally underaged b8.

Literally like Dylann Roof apart from having the balls to go out and start a conflict.

Anyone have the female version of this?
Saw it posted a while back.

What's your poing? Everyone starts with /b/.

I never I understood HEIGHT FACE FRAME, I thought it was a bunch of negative autists who like to blame their problems on non controllable factors such as genetics but after watching this video it's half right.

If you're not attractive no amount of lifting is going to make you attractive. Unless of course you're a recovering fat who was always attractive under that fat. It's gymcel/meathead mentality to think that any amount of lifting is going to make you attractive.

When I started lifting I did it because I enjoyed it, I had no idea about this whole females are attracted to muscles BS. I didn't even care about females, I had no desire for a GF or getting laid. I was in school and too busy playing video games all day and being a depressed cunt.

That said if you're already attractive lifting and gaining muscle will enhance you're looks.

Tldr; HFF is right if you're ugly and lifting with the purpose of attracting females, don't bother.

What a stupid fucking thread. Why is it that Americans can't handle banter? Who honestly takes Veeky Forums seriously?

At least you're on the normie path now

you are unhappy because you attach value to things that are outside your power

How's high school treating you?

Thing is, it's very possible to believe this meme. That'd be because it's true. However, to refute it, all you have to do is turn the chessboard over.
Going by this logic, the most important things for a woman would be FACE, TITS and HIPS. Is it true? Yes. However, a woman does not necessarily need to have all of these things for you to be attracted to her. Some men like huge tits, some like flat chests, some like both. Do you understand? Stop being insecure.

for me it's been
>Veeky Forums
>get a gf
>lose her because we have nothing in common
>come back to Veeky Forums
and repeat
but now im doing well in university and been mainly on Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums is just a wake up call if im slacking

>lose her because we have nothing in common
Why didn't you make something in common between you two??

sex was the only thing in common :)

Oh for fucks sake you have to have this shit explained to you?

It's faggots that don't even lift invading Veeky Forums and fucking trolling. Nothing more complicated than that.

Just fucking ignore and hide those threads and don't bother us with posting retarded threads asking about it anymore.

negativity all around here

Its one of many excuses men use to justify their failure with women

>as long as you aren't deformed
HEIGHT, FACE and FRAME are the three most common "deformities".

If you became a grandpa by graduating from /b/ to Veeky Forums by age 22, I'm wondering what this makes me at 29, also having taken the b>fit route. Like great-great-grandpa or some shit.

Good post nontheless, basically summarizes how I feel about 90% of the threads I see here nowadays.

Life is very simple - there are things that you can't change, things you can have an influence on but can't entirely control, and things you have 100% control of. Assess every card life gives you through this lense, make goals based on what you can influence or change, and don't dwell on what you can't. Making it any more complicated than this is like pissing in the ocean - no one cares and you aren't changing anything. Are you with me?

This picture is 100% accurate. I've given up

For me it's been
>back to /k/
>eventually go and check out Veeky Forums
>"Wow, it's not as shitty as I thought it'd be. As shitty."
>now cycle between just Veeky Forums and /k/

It's just a bunch of summerfags from /r9k/ and fucking reddit probably.

/b/ /pol/ Veeky Forums /a/ /jp/
Veeky Forums is not an exit

Have memes gone too far?

/k/ to
Veeky Forums to
/v/ to
Veeky Forums to
Veeky Forums to
/r9k/ to
a final pinball between Veeky Forums Veeky Forums
and sometimes /k/ /mu/ /v/