Are there any fellow gypsies around here? Eastern Europe represent

Are there any fellow gypsies around here? Eastern Europe represent.

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u iu iu iu iu

te pup
no homo

Vreo comunitate de fitness /ro/ care sa nu fie penibila?

Nu exista, dar macar am bara de genoflexiuni si ridicarea mortului libera la orice sala merg.

Nu stiu ce vrei sa zici, la mine la SAS rackul pentru curl-uri este intotdeauna ocupat. Nicio sala in bucuresti nu e Veeky Forums approved

Fuck off, I dont have any money for you!

Fuck off to

Gypsies are the scum of the earth

pupici mici

pupici cu furnici

Cine e din Alba? Unde e baiatul ala care face doar biceps de 5 ori pe saptamana?


death to roma scum. you assholes even stole transylvania from your magyar overlords.

come take it back

Baiatul care face biceps de 5 ori pe saptamana se cheama roman.

Da, buna seara! Brasov rasa suprema raporteaza.


Nu, doar tu.

>thread started by hungarian faggot

kill yourself slanteyed manlet

Face careva oly? Si dacă da UNDE domnyezău?

How many bars and weights have you managed to steal?

nu exista.

Oradea represent. Postati si voi statsuri retarzilor.

1rms :
50 OHP
65 BP
80 SQ
110 DL

Da, sunt slab, ce mm.

fmm viață

cred că mă duc la CS Olimpia

ah si mai e si varianta de a merge la un box de crossfit, pentru cine are bani si nervi sa explice de ce nu vrea să participe la WOD-urile lor retardate.

uite aici bo$$:

40kg OHP
62.5kg BP
80kg SQ
90kg DL

te-ai apucat recent?

Daca nu gasesti o sala daia mai underground care sa fie pe profil de powerlifter sau de olimpice e greu. Nici o sala comerciala nu are power rack si toate au cam 1 rack de genoflexiuni in care fac baietii shrugs si curls

60 ohp
100 bp
100 sq :(
140 diddy

esti ca mine doar ca eu am 135 la sq

probabil mai trebuie sa lucrezi la tehnica ca altefel nu imi explic cum ai banca egala

da bo$$, cam de o luna juma, tu?

merg f des cu bicicleta si d-aia nu prea lucram picioare(THICK)
am inceput cam acu o luna sa fac srs legs 5x5

eu m-am oprit cand am ajuns la 135 si acum fac doar cu 100 pt ca am niste picioare imense pt eram si foarte gras acum un an. Am zis ca totusi nu vreau sa fiu trex pana la urma.

ba exista stiu sigur ca am pe unu pe facebook dar e din timisoara parca si au o sala dasta numai cu greutati libere si platforme facuta de niste baieti care tot asa nu gaseau ce voiau. Daca nu gasesti asa ceva nu ai unde. Decat la cluburi de atletism poate

>stiu sigur ca am pe unu pe facebook
profilu lu băiatu ca să îl stalkuiesc pe fb?

kill yourself

m-am apucat de ceva timp dar m-am tot lasat si m-am reapucat. de vreo doi ani in and out, injuries si chestii. im weak :( never bulked though. mai vreau sa dau jos vreo 10 kile si apoi bulkuiesc cum trebuie


Fuck off from Eastern Europe you fcking gypsies, not only that you are lazy fucks that don't do anything. You are dirty pigs who have 0 education and mass produce like rabbits. I am from Motherland Serbia, we are born Kebab Removers. My ancestors cleared our land of your disgusting race, you came back again. We will remove every last one of you along with fcking Turks and Arabs, be warned.

goal upper pentru mine. cat timp ti-a luat?

While browsing this thread, I noticed my wallet is missing....

You guys are good.

nah nu fac dastea da asta e parca e sala

Comentariile sunt misto

e multa trolleala proasta pe site-ul asta, dar un lucru pe care-l pot observa e ca tre sa mananci ca sa cresti, baga niste hrana si poti sa tai dupa, eu asa planuiesc sa fac, am mai ridicat greutati la 16 ani cateva luni dar n-am facut progres ca n-am mancat si m-am lasat de treaba.

desu n-am idee
cam asa e la mine
sala 2 luni,pauza 5
sala 7 luni,pauza 1 an
fara intrerupere fac de cam 1 an juma
(de notat shit diet,skip gym,etc)
sry :(

kiss my brown ass you neckbeard pale cuck. you're not going to do anything apart from bitch and moan on this jewish heater making forum until the end of your days

t. friend from mother romania

nu fac dar stiu ca exista in bucuresti la olimpia, dinamo si la 23 langa stadion. probabil mai exista prin alte parti doar sa le gasesti

sincer sa-ti zic nu mai suport grasimea asta pe mine. love handleurile ma omoara. am fost gras toata viata. as vrea sa am macar o perioada in care sa fiu si eu mai light. anyway, sunt putin mai fortos decat your average schmuck(not your average gym going schmuck) si deocamdata e ok pentru mine.

Fuck off, that's the romanian flag, not yours you dirty gypsy.

tot Oradea. Unde mergi la sala ?
70 OHP
120 BP
130 SQ
140 DL

Oh shit. It's getting real. Lotus, tu?

am fost la gymar pe transilvanie isi la perla mult timp, acum merg la fit4u. cu inca doi retarzi de aici de pe /fit.

Believe me fampai, white romanians are the ones who want gypsies dead the most on this world.

Baieti,a avut sau are cineva tendinita?De 5 luni nu mai pot sa merg la sala.Am dureri in cot( lol) si cand exersez incepe sa ma doara tare.Am luat repaus timp de 3 luni iar durerea tot exista.
Stiti ceva care sa ma ajute?Am fost la medic si mi-am facut analize de sange si radiografie,nimic insa nu a iesit prost.
Poate sa merg la RMN,acolo sigur iese ceva.


si eu am avut. era o durere foarte sacaitoare. am continuat sa merg la sala in ciuda durerii. dupa ce am luat pauza doua sau trei saptamani m-am dus cica la fizioterapie unde mi-au facut niste chestii gen electrostimulare si alte vrajeli care cred ca nu au avut niciun efect, sincer. poate au ameliorat foarte putin durerea. in rest nimic. am mai asteptat o saptamana inainte sa ma reintorc la sala si apoi durerea a inceput iar.

cazul meu e unu fericit ca pot sa ridic greutati si in ciuda durerii.

Nu stiu ce sfaturi sa-ti dau. am tot incercat sa iau ba suplimente, ba terapie la rece, ba la cald. nimic nu m-a ajutat. ceva ce nu am incercat dar am inteles ca ar putea fi o solutie:

nu executati exercitiile corect.

foarte probabil

>I am from Motherland Serbia, we are born Kebab Removers

>assfucked by Ottoman Turks for 500 years
>kebab removers


maybe you removed kebab from between your buttcheeks after every session

La noi exista efedrina pt ECA stack? Sau tre' sa ne multumim doar cu CA? :)))

Fuck off. Romănia are doar doi vecini buni - Marea Neagră şi Serbia. Sârbii aveau Adriatica, iar acum ne mai au numai pe noi.

Kosovo je Srbija, komshija!

>mfw Serbians literally have no Slavic genes left from all the Arab dicks that fucked them for 5 centuries
>mfw the average Serb is dark-skinned and dark-tanned
>mfw they think they're anything else than bastard Ottoman sons

Source: tall, blond Montenegrin male.

Stay mad, Serbfags. You should try having some mountains in your land, we all know Turks are too lazy to climb mountains, even for the sake of pussy.

You're a Serb yourself, you deluded idiot. The only reason your state exists is to deny sea access to Serbia.

Ustasa please

>The only reason your state exists is to deny sea access to Serbia.

We exist because you were too weak to stop us from existing.

Stay mad, faggots.

lol @ Serbia being by far the biggest country in the south slavic world and yet consistently being too retarded to have any influence at all on its surrounding nations, except by invading them and then retreating once they realize their army is complete shit

Is Dave here?


Iz rumun, crnogorski user. ;)

sebes represent

Bulgaria e un vecin bun. Serbia, who gives a shit about those genocidal Russian sympathizers?

>Kosovo je Srbija

lolno. Keep sucking Serb dick faggot while they oppress the Romanians in Timoc and try to rid them of their national identity (claiming that "Vlachs" are somehow different from "Romanians"). Serbian girls also love Turk dick. Never trust a Serb. Albanians on the other hand are bros with Romanians, we are of the same genetic and linguistic stock, their national anthem even has the melody from Pe-al nostru steag e scris unire.



I don't know where the fuck your gypsy ass is from but I'm from România.

you first m80

The day of the rope is coming, gyppo. You, your aishe and your 15 kids will hang.

>t. gypsy

>gypsy wants to genocide gypsies

strong logic there, m80

>t. gypsy in denial

lol, balkaniggers always make me laugh.

100 ohp
160 bp
220 sq
240 dl

albuterol/salbutamol 7 lei cutia