My women is 95 kg. In last months she lost 10 kg...

My women is 95 kg. In last months she lost 10 kg. She is dieting (counting calories - 1700 daily) and exercising (45 minutes daily, cardio and stretching mainly) + swimming pool and walks in park + sex.

Yet, from three/four weeks she doesn't lose weight. What is happening Veeky Forums? This chick really want to lose her weight, is determinated and I will do everything to help her stop being a fat sow.

What is wrong?

she's eating when you aren't around because she has the week will of a woman

also why would you get a 95kg gf lmao you can't be that ugly

She might be retaining more water, sometimes you gain 5 pounds in water for no real reason
Might be that she lost ~22 lbs and you need to recalculate her daily calorie amount, but I don't think this is it because she's still really heavy
Idk, if she's sticking to the plan just keep going and she's bound to lose weight

Or maybe she's eating some cake and candy behind your back bro

She is not eating. She present me all of her calculations and when i'm around there are absolutely no signs of not giving a fuck about counting calories (like forgetting to count them). I also see what is in her fridge - nothing that she isn't tell me that she eat. Everything is fine.

Well, I was virgin till i met her at 25, that first. And second - she really have nice personality. Don't fuck chads, let me do what I want, her cooking is really great, pretty funny, has only one bf before and till' she met me, she was antisocial, is eager to change her weight... I dumped her at first because of her weight but she told me that she is gonna change. And from that moment she is dieting.

She is a good girl. And women in Poland are generally less bitchy than these from US.

Sorry for my english...

your english is fine mr yurop man

i recalculated, she changed from 1800 to 1700.
She was retaining water when she was on her period, but anyway this looks different. From almost months her weight doesn't change and she is discouraged.

Try lowering the calories a bit more idk maybe 1600kcal, does she have any hormonal condition? Hormones can fuck up your TDEE by 100-200kcal.
Also, did she start eating a new food? Maybe she's not aware of the portion size of the new food, just saying

None that i know about. Hormones are fine, food is the same as always...
Okay, lowering calories, she will not be happy about that probably.

every time i cut i get this. after a month or 2 of steady progress i just plateau for a week, 2, sometimes 3. it always passes, sometimes i lower my cals by a little bit but usually it just goes away by itself. no idea why or how it happens but in my case it fixes itself with time. just be patient and keep at it.

if it doesnt work, lower cals until it does

In fact you have 2 options:
1- Lower the calories a bit
2- Exercise a bit more, instead of 45 min make it 60 min

Women lose weight at a slower rate than men do, their body wants to hold onto fat more since they do the whole baby-making deal; even if they arent pregnant, this is still true.

Also im not quite sure how true it is, but ive heard a few separate times that its more difficult for fatter people to lose weight. Which makes sense, ive just never looked into it myself.

All in all though, just tell her to stick to it, 10kg isnt a bad milestone to reach. Working out and becoming healthy is a marathon, not a sprint. Plus the other option is to quit and go back to being a lazy-fat, which is exactly the opposite of her goal.

thanks guys gonna tell her
Here, I can't give you anything for helping me but this delicious ass

and some tits for you, fine gentleman, thanks for contributing

Im reading this in like a james bond villan type russian accent lol


Yeah no try maybe 1200-1300 with strength training and get back to me.

Don't go off TDEE, it's inaccurate unless you can calculate your expenditure daily, and even then metabolic rates are impacted differently. She needs to drop her calories lower and incorporate strength training. If the scale isn't moving it's because she's still eating too much.

1200 calories for women that weights 95 kilos!? This not gonna end well...


lmao that's a YYYUUGE BITCH

yup, that's why she is dieting and exercising

Maybe the fact you're having sex with a 100kg beast?

nah it's fine mate, pussy is a pussy

exercise less. and stop doing so much cardio. it's worthless, it just makes you feel good.

45 minutes of busting your ass running is like a bagel burned off.

the real trick to getting rid of fat is to let muscle burn it off. (by putting more of it on)
and if you are impatient, cold exposure.

3 workouts a week maximum. and get her doing weight training.
if she feels like she should be working harder, then she is welcome to lift heavier weights.

but don't try to burn off calories with exercise. utter waste of time.

>he actually believes this

Women fluctuate a lot, and weight loss isn't always linear...

Don't wanna broscience it up but I always lose fat for ~2-3 weeks and then it completely plateaus forever until I lower it by ~150kcal. It always eventually evolves into eating disorder levels of deficit, so I've found that eating at maintenance for a week and then going back to cutting helps immensely.

Guess I have a fucked up metabolism.

t. used to be 95kg polish woman

Maybe because your old slag is like 40+ years old and her metabolism is fucked. Time for mutual suicide.

Don't lower the calories yet.
Try a flush before that.
High carb day or two and lots of water.
She is probably holding water, she'll piss it out.
If that doesn't work lower the calories.

>1700 calories intake
>cardio, swimming pool, walks in park and sex
>not losing weight

She's eating more then 1700 calories, who counts her calories?

Tell your GF to start adding literally everything. Did she take a small bite from someone's cookie? have her add 1/4th of a cookie

She is either hiding the fact that she's eating behind your back or she has not hit the realisation yet that cheating her input doesn't work

I'm guessing the first cause when women fail dieting they start feeling bad and start blaming it on everything else so people will not think less of them

It's one of the reasons I din't give diet advice to women, only exercise advice.

Used to be fat, lost weight, had a few women ask me, told them all about calories in out, eventually they started bitching it didn't work, turns out they only added what they wanted to add, ever since I always just say "I can help you with exercise but weightloss is mostly diet and you'll have to figure that out on your own"

Chad's only exist in your head user.

Also you're incredibly naïve
>she has nothing in her fridge

I used to be put on forced diets cause I was fat (nothing worked until I started dieting on my own cause I wanted too) and I would sometimes just buy a chocolate bar and finish it & trash the evidence before I even got home.

SJW horseshit, a 500 calorie defecit makes little to no difference between men and women

as long as she gets enough calories to keep her lean body mass intact it should be fine

Mirin that bulk, hovering around 89.8kg at 6' 1" myself. What is her average daily intake?

Bro science garbage, Don't listen to this bullshit.
People on here are fucking stupid.

Eh? Whats wrong with him suggesting weight training rather than full blown cardio? 45min run for most people is mundane as hell and you can get your HR up enough into the training threshold by pushing weights.

Granted that his explanation is a bit odd because training 3 times a week with weights is exercise, but he then says not to burn of cals with exercise.