World's oldest images of dogs (with leashes) discovered in Saudi Arabia

Astaghfurillah! Ahmed shut it down!

what's the reason for dog hatred in islam? dogs like cats were common in the middle east before islam but one of them got the shaft afterwards.

By the looks of it they were getting the shaft before as well

>the dog owner has a boner

I've wondered this for awhile. Bedouin still hunt with dogs today, and there's evidence for domesticated dogs in Natufian Culture, so who invented the anti-doggo meme?

>so who invented the anti-doggo meme?

Dumb fuck Muslim scholars in the early middle ages. They read into a lot of shit like "well Muhammed loved cats, so ipso facto he hated dogs!" and "dogs are religiously unclean: therefore treat them them like shit!".

So do the canines.

I don't know. Abrahmic religions really don't make any sense. Why is a pig so much worse and forbidden than much more foreign and disgusting animals, for example?

>Northwestern Saudi Arabia

Isn't that literally Transjordan tho

no one lives in "Northwestern Saudi Arabia"

Because pigs ate poop in toilets before indoor plumbing was invented, no surprise people didn't want to eat that meat

Islamic theories about disease were based on disgust (haram), cats clean themselves and so are not disgusting, pigs wallow in mud, they stay separate from their faeces and the mud is harmless but it looks disgusting. Dogs are scavengers that eat anything and stick their noses everywhere, they are pack animals that lick each other and sniff butts so they are disgusting.

I think it is a product of a hot dry climate. In a cool climate things don't putrify quickly. In a wet environment it is difficult to avoid decaying material and many diseases are spread by insects so the links are less clear, in a hot dry climate the surrounding environment has little apparent decay, it is distinct from the home where moist objects are brought and decay, the distinction is more clear and so a society can develop an obsession with keeping things separate.

Mohammed didn't like them

>Abrahmic religions really don't make any sense
are you westerner?
pig are know to carry parasites and diseases, they were civilized and knew that

This isnt true. Some hadith author didnt like them

Post cute puppers

1. It is NOT haraam to own a dog, though it is not hygienic to keep a dog in the house.

2. It is NOT haraam to touch a dog or any other animal. If the saliva of a dog touches you or any part of your clothing, then it is required of you to wash the body part touched and the item of clothing touched by the dog’s mouth or snout.

3. It is incumbent upon all Muslims who own animals, whether for farming or work purposes or as pets, to provide adequate shelter, food, water, and, when needed, veterinary care for their animals. Arrangements must be made, if one is going to be away from home, to have one’s animals taken care of as well.

4. It is haraam to keep a dog or any other animal on a short lead for long periods without food, water, and shelter. Dogs need exercise and are social creatures who form organized “family” structures in nature. Dog owners therefore need to spend time daily with their dogs.

5. It is cruel, and therefore haraam, to keep any animal in a cage so small that it cannot behave in a natural way.

6. Fireworks cause untold suffering to most domestic animals because of their acute sense of hearing.

7. It is haraam to participate in any blood “sport,” like dog fighting and trophy hunting.

The greatest amount of hate for dogs comes from one hadith: The angel Gabriel came to Muhammad and said to him: You promised me and I waited for you, but you did not come, whereupon he said: It was the dog in your house which prevented me (to come), for we (angels) do not enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture.

To say an angel won't enter your house because of a doggo is pretty ruff.

this made me go and cuddle with my doggo
fuck muslims


>ancient Arabs got boners looking at animals
I should be surprised, but I'm not.

That part with the angel sounds stupid as fuck.

>can't eat bacon
>cats are better than dogs
>married Aisha when she was 6 consummated when she was 9
This is why I can't be muslim

literally tell the angel you're not decent and while the angel is waiting put the dog in the backyard

What kind of angel fears a dog? Mike was beating the crap out of giant dragons and this guy is afraid of a pup?




I thought you couldn't draw people in Islam

I don't think that rule is terribly consistent across sects. Kind of like how Orthodox Christians love icons, Calvinists hate them, and most denominations are inbetween.

It's because of the Kikes, doggos raided them when they were still roaming the desert and thus they decreed that dogs are impure creatures and Angels don't like them.

Because pork keeps the worst in the desert and made people sick. That's literally the reason.

Ottoman Turks didn't care. Also Shiites draw people too.

Lot's of Bedouins live there.

Why are Arabs degenerate buggers?

those are probably knifes.

t. have not actually read the Bible, where it quite openly justifies the dietary laws on the basis of "DON'T DO WHAT THOSE OTHER FUCKS ARE DOING", not anything about health.

More jojo

yeah the people already explained it pretty well
Mohammed was okay with dogs even though he was more of a neko person
it was probably some dickhead with phobia who put it up,just like how some guy coming into the mosque drunk made them ban alcohol

Sure, and I'm sure the dogs are carrying "knives" too.

Why do people think muslims hate dogs?
t. lives in a muslim country