Why does everyone think native americans are extinct?

Maybe the US ethnicities are, but there's a lot of full blooded natives across the continent.

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I don't think pic related is even full blooded

See what I mean? native americans naturally have "caucasoid"-like traits but when everyone looks at them, they automaticallly assume they must be mestizos.

not allowed to be savages anymore

Maybe some tribes, but that guy has distinctively western European features. Full blooded native north-Americans usually look east Asian

Thing is, native americans mixed with europeans before they crossed the Bering strait, so these traits are naturally found on them. Native americans can range from asiatic-looking to caucasoid-looking.

Because most people's only exposure to Native people is in movies, and because current Natives don't all live in teepees and hunt buffalo, people assume that means they either don't' exist or they aren't "Indian" anymore.

That's pretty much it, and it's stupid, but you're just as stupid for saying that groups in the US are extinct. There are dozens of Native groups that have done a lot to preserve their culture. There's more to being a part of culture than a blood quantum.

>automaticallly assume they must be mestizos.
Do you know who Quanah Parker is? His mother was Cynthia Ann Parker, a white captive.

>His mother was Cynthia Ann Parker, a white captive.
Well shit example then, but you have to admit native americans can naturally have features that "look" european,.

Well there's people who think there's a white genocide conspiracy happening too. Much of this comes from uneducated people.

He's not, Quanah Parker was a famous half breed whose mother was captured in a raid as a child and raised totally Comanche. When white soldiers discovered her decades later she insisted that she stay with the Comanche.

>some native north Americans naturally have "caucasoid"-like traits
fixed that for you

>western Eurasian features

>native americans mixed with europeans before they crossed the Bering strait



>Median network analysis indicated that European and Native American haplogroup X mtDNAs, although distinct, nevertheless are distantly related to each other. Time estimates for the arrival of X in North America are 12,000–36,000 years ago, depending on the number of assumed founders, thus supporting the conclusion that the peoples harboring haplogroup X were among the original founders of Native American populations. To date, haplogroup X has not been unambiguously identified in Asia, raising the possibility that some Native American founders were of Caucasian ancestry.

>The apparent absence of haplogroup X in northern Asia parallels, in part, the situation already seen for Native American mtDNA haplogroup B. However, unlike haplogroup X, haplogroup B is present in Tibetans, Koreans, Japanese, and Mongolians. Moreover, haplogroup B is widely distributed among North, Central, and South American Amerindian populations, whereas haplogroup X is restricted to some of the most-northern Amerindian populations.

>Haplogroup X is remarkable in that it has not been found in Asians, including Siberians, suggesting that it may have come to the Americas via a Eurasian migration. However, a more extensive survey of Asian mtDNAs, as well as additional characterization of European and Native American haplogroup X mtDNAs, will be necessary to fully deduce the origin of haplogroup X in North America.

>In studies of Native American mtDNA diversity, the co-occurrence of the same haplogroup at significant frequencies in both the modern Native American and European populations is unique. Recent European genetic admixture cannot explain the presence of haplogroup X in the Amerindians. First, if the occurrence of haplogroup X were the result of female gene flow from Europeans, then other, more common European mtDNA haplogroups should also be present in the northern Native Americans, and they are not. Second, the Native American and European mtDNAs are very different and are connected only through an ancient common ancestor. Hence, Native American and European haplogroup X mtDNAs diverged long ago. Finally, Native American haplogroup X mtDNAs encompass substantial continent-specific diversity, implying an ancient arrival in America. Thus, haplogroup X represents a fifth founding mtDNA haplogroup for the Native Americans, supporting the conclusions of Bailliet et al. (1994), Forster et al. (1996), and Scozzari et al. (1997).

>Thus, to date, haplogroup X mtDNAs have not been unambiguously identified in Asians.

>Given the apparent absence of haplogroup X in modern eastern and northern Asia, it is difficult to define a source population for haplogroup X in the Americas. The similarity between the western Asian/European and Native American haplogroup X mtDNAs appears to indicate a western Asia origin of this haplogroup. Indeed, on the basis of limited RFLP data, the coalescence time for haplogroup X in Caucasians is estimated to be 30,000–40,000 years ago (data not shown), compatible with both a Near Eastern origin of haplogroup X and its subsequent spread, probably at a low frequency, into Europe and Asia. If this is the case, then it is possible that this mtDNA was brought to Beringia/America by the eastward migration of an ancestral Caucasian population, of which no trace has so far been found in the mtDNA gene pool of modern Siberian/eastern Asian populations.


>In the classification of the archaeological cultures of North America, the Archaic period or "Meso-Indian period" in North America, accepted to be from around 8000 to 1000 BC in the sequence of North American pre-Columbian cultural stages, is a period defined by the archaic stage of cultural development.

which natives are you even talking about? Plenty of them died out long before 1492.

All native americans excluding eskimos, since those come from a more recent migratory wave of humans that populated America and are more genetically similar to Siberians.

Andean natives also have caucasian-looking traits.

I've lived in two of the biggest metropolitan areas of the east coast all my life and I've never seen a full blooded Native American. They're all out west


>Straight nose with elongated nostrils pointing to the tip of the nose.

>Light skin complexion

>Precolumbian inca mummy (note the elongated, oval-shaped skull, most commonly associated with caucasians)

is that progressive? Neat.
Can you rule out modern influence in this particular case?

I'm obviously not saying this traits are the norm, just that they are present naturally in these populations.

Why is everybody so fucking obsessed with genetics? What does genetics have to do with culture?


>Can you rule out modern influence in this particular case?
Another precolumbian mummy, this one is extremely well preserved, look at her traits, straight nose with the same nostril shape I mentioned, but in this case her skull shape is more rounded and asian looking.

hey I'm not banned anymore




nope, nothing to see here. Pay no attention to the man behind the Smithsonian.


>an Early Archaic (6000 to 5000 BC) archaeological site found in Brevard County near Titusville, Florida, USA, on the central east coast of the state. Windover is a muck pond where skeletal remains of 168 individuals were found buried in the peat at the bottom of the pond. The skeletons were well preserved because of the characteristics of peat. In addition, remarkably well-preserved brain tissue has been recovered from many skulls from the site. DNA from the brain tissue has been sequenced. The collection of human skeletal remains and artifacts recovered from Windover Pond represent among the largest finds of each type from the Archaic Period.

don't mind me

>As the sea level was considerably lower 7,000 to 8,000 years ago than it is today, the pond originally sat above the water table, and was filled only by rainfall and runoff from the surrounding land. At that time the pond had a relatively thin layer of peat under a thin layer of water. The subsequent rise in sea level raised the local water table, and in more recent times the pond has been fed by groundwater as well as rainfall. In 1984 the pond had a thick layer of peat, with five strata described by the archaeologists who excavated the pond. The peat in the center of the pond was covered by 6 feet (2 m) of water.[3]

>At least 90 of the recovered bodies had brain tissue that survived, due to the preservative effects of the peat. The state of preservation of the brain tissues indicated that the bodies were buried in the peat within 24 to 48 hours after death. This preservation allowed researchers to sequence DNA from the brains.[17][18] The DNA indicated Asian origin and a rare haplogroup, X.[19] The DNA also indicated that the same family used this grave site for over a century.[8]

""one of the most significant archaeological sites ever excavated.".[25]"

I might get more out of your autistic blathering if you explained what the fuck you meant by it rather than just acting smug and quoting wikipedia

The only thing I know is that the solutrean hypothesis is delusional and has no basis.

He thinks that Native Americans genocided Solutreans. Every thread remotely related to pre-columbian america on this board gets shitted up by his autistic nonsense. I guess maybe he's given up on directly saying his point because no one takes him seriously.

don't strawman me stupid faggot, address the facts I've taken the time to collect and present if you're so inclined or fuck off you shill.

>the solutrean hypothesis is delusional and has no basis.

this isn't a complete sentence.

you wanted to know about natives that have disappeared, no better place to look than those of the North American east coast. Just off the coast, actually. Lot's of people don't know there was a lot more land there once.


#stillhere #neverleft

In the US, the last Natives are only like, 40% Native, and live in crushing poverty in the middle of nowhere and at best borderline LARP some of their old rituals.

Most of Latin America is Hispanized Mestizos, but there's still pretty sizeable portions of not totally Mestizo-y Mestizos who speak the old languages and kind of practice the old culture


Indians basically went extinct when they stopped being allowed to kill whitey

no doubt, there’s probably millions who have legit native blood in the states but for actual enrolled tribal american indians, those guys are legit like 60-95% native blood. Everyone of every race has a mix these days anyway tho. As for latin america, its actually even more pure. Mexico has thousands of pure blood (no mestizo or spanish blood at all) 100% Mayans and other tribes today who are brown af and still speak their tongue instead of spanish. Keep in mind that these thousands of pure natives only make up about 1/4 of Mexico and the other 75% of Mexico is indeed Mestizo

Yes it is. And there is nothing to support the solutrean hypothesis. The most probable explanation is that humans came from Siberia.

I think they try to point to a few tools that slightly resemble a certain kind found in Europe and how it was theoretically possible to have done it at some point as their evidence.

Actually I think there is some book some fag wrote about how it's all a big conspiracy and if people found out that the Soultrean Hypothesis was correct than it would shake the entire world to it's core or some shit. Honestly it kinda sounds like a half assed Turner Diaries but with archeology instead of a violent uprising.

They're still here. I live in North Dakota and see them on an almost daily basis. They are pretty much integrated into mainstream American culture. We all wait together in the same line to buy our groceries at Walmart, lol.

I'm not talking about the solutrean hypothesis dummy, I'm trying to address the issue of archaic para-caucasoid native north American peoples and their culture.

There are multiple theories regarding their origin, the solutrean hypothesis is just one of the better known ones because of the History Channel.


>As the North American Laurentide ice sheet began receding for the last time some 10,000 years ago, water levels in the future Great Lakes were sometimes much lower than at present. Forests covered the southern end of what is now Lake Huron. Then as the glaciers melted and waters rose, these forests were inundated and drowned. Today their remnants, well preserved logs and stumps, have been discovered in waters over 200 feet deep.[9][10]

I'm sure this doesn't matter at all.

>Another submerged forest has been found in Nantucket Sound, off the coast of the state of Massachusetts.[11] In 2012 a submerged bald cypress forest was discovered in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Alabama.

nothing to see here.