What are your bench routines Veeky Forums?

What are your bench routines Veeky Forums?

atm my only bench exercise is regular bench press 5x5

Chestday 2 times a week:

>3 sets of 6-8 reps BB flat bench
>3 sets of 8-12 reps DB incline bench
>3 sets of 12-15 DB incline flys
>3 sets till failure on weighted dips

easy, 116cm chest, lean, come at me strength faggots.

No shoulders, back and arms?

chest day 3 times a week, only chest/biceps/delts fuck everything else it's irrelevant

BB Bench
Cable Crossovers
Weighted Dips

>incline flys

...why, that sounds far to fucking creative fuck you cunt

I do Upper/Lower year round, non-stop, no rest days.

I do Incline Bench, Dips and Flat bench, I do one of them on an Upper day.

5x5 flat bench, sometimes 3x5, sometimes 5x3. i don't really care about bench, it's a meme exercise and i'm on a cut so my chest isn't going to grow anyway.

I do Beyond 5/3/1, incline and some flies. On another day, I do close grip or dips after my OHP:

why not 5xF?

why have a set number of reps it seems fucking retarded

Shoulders are hit on Backday, my chestday is combined with biceps and triceps, lel do you even pump?


i do legday twice a week as well tho.


my upper chest exploded after 4 month of incline flys, maybe you start getting "creative" or you stay happy with your birdchest friendo.

>46" chest when chest is a focus

lmao my chest is 46" and i've only been lifting for a few months, are you a manlet?

5 x 5's with a drop set at the end. Do this for three weeks before moving on to a deload week with some tempo work.

Rotate between:
- BB or DB flat bench
- DB or BB incline bench
- Occasionally do a DB fly routine

I do chest day 2-3 times a week atm due to recovering from a broken leg.

Feels good mang.


might as well just do cardio, fuck legs women don't care about legs just wear trackies or jeans

4x5 bench + amrap
3x8 incline bench
3x8 cable flys
3x8 weighted dips
3x12 rope tricep extensions

Fuck I'm from Singapore. There are sl00ts amongst us :( I was 40% done convincing myself that Singapore girls aren't so aggressive. Oh well

Also 5/3/1 with jokers on strength days
5x10 on volume days
Dumbbell incline + regular 3x10 every workout day.
Did boxing so my chest is lagging af

post tits

Typical pump chasing retards


monday i start off with flat bench 5x5 and then do dumbbell press at the end of the workout

thursday i do incline bench or dips depending on how im feelin

Day 1 5x5 paused
Day 2 3x5 2 count pause
Day 3 3x5 3 count pause
Day 4 New 5 rm

Weighted dips 3x5
Bodyweight dips 4xF
Military press 4x8
Push press 5/3/1

>year of the lord 2016
>doing the bench press

sheiko intermediate over 80kg with inflated bench max

Watching you towel down in the shower Sitting on the bench

135 * 9
225 * 5
Fail on 315
275 for a grinder
Got me the freaky size and cuts I have today

> What are your routines, guys?

I do basic bench exercises and some variations of them

3rd year here, i'm on a road to 350 at 205 and here's what i do

1x3 bench/ohp @new pr
4x3 bench/ohp @95% of ^ (back off sets)
3x5 spoto/paused cgbp (~80% of pr set)
3x8 tric extension
3x8 side delts

Week 2 goes like:
4x6-8 (weight is of less importance here since i focus on more tut, butit's around 75-80% of last pr)
3x10 db incline/db flat bench
3x12 crossovers
3x12 tric extensions
4x12 side delts

I do similar thing for my back (lats, traps and rear delts) (which is extremely important for overall pushing/pressing strength)

I believe the key is to hit it with a strength-focused set/rep scheme untill you hit 230-240
Then switch to lot of volume (since doing similar 3x5/5x5 stuff won't work as well (though you could still go heavy on main lift (3-5x4-6), just up the volume for 2ndary lifts and accessories) untill you reach 280-300 then periodize after that

deloads make you stronger

>going to failure each set for 5 sets
>not fucking your CNS as well as your overall recovery
You can only pick one my friend. If you keep going to failure like that youre going to wind up with shitty form, (increasing the possibility of injury), tax your central nervous system, (which will lead to longer recovery time and if done for an extended period of time can actually make you feel sick), as well as make you get DOMS like a muthaphukka without any actual increase in gains