I thought high test women were a meme

>i thought high test women were a meme

i fucked a high test woman last week and since then my eyes have only been concentrated at women with a little bit of chub and thick asses and thick ass legs

skinny women are completely out of the picture because i dont even acknowledge them anymore

i just want to worship a high test queen sheeba

Other urls found in this thread:

m.spankbang.com/djjc/play/rosee divine/480p/


It's a meme. Real Chad's only fuck skinny bitches.

kek, he wants to worship a fat girl, never going to make it. oh well.

Once you go THICC you never go back

Seriously, I don't even give skinny bitches the time of day anymore. I'm just not attracted to them, maybe I never was

wanting to fuck a skinny bone girl instead of a soft and thick sexy high test woman that you can really fuck

Bro its weird it feels like thicc girls i see on the street know that i dont fuck with the skinny bitches and love their thicc ass

or they think you ugly

Why u trying to make me upset

stop trying to force your mental illness fetish onto others, thanks.

How is it a mental illness to prefer women who will physically and scientifically be a better mother for my child

Lol lowtest beta

You can't follow your instincts because you have low test, healthy chads secretly fuck thicc women but you don't know that cause they don't want to ruin their status

So you think tumblrinas will be a good mother physically for your kids?
Good lord, neuter yourself right now lad

High test =/= land whale

>tires out from walking a block
>pass down shitty eating habits
>shit-tier genetics pass down to child, litteraly making a son into a SS meme without doing SS
>literally will die sooner due to poorer health (higher fat)
>beta mom who would be insecure around skinnier girls thus passing down mentality to child

Maybe the only thing scientific thing shes a better mom is because she wont leave your ugly ass because shes settling for #2 because she is a #2.

But nice try fatty.

Girl in OPs pic looks like a whale to me, face is prettier than a tumblrina but other than that i dont see the diffrence

jesus christ you retards just fap to whatever you want to fap and shut up about it
who the fuck cares

you might need this for research reasons:

>No fat rolls
>No shitty meme tats
>No Tumblr jewelry or glasses or make-up
She looks nothing like a tunblrina

>No fat rolls
Fast as hell yo
>No shitty meme tats
Cant fucking see all of her skin you mong
>No Tumblr jewelry or glasses or make-up
Face is the only thing setting her apart from them
Doesnt make her any less fat, im not saying youre wrong in wanting to fuck chubby women but dont act like youre not

Someone on this board gets it.

My God are you retarded? Have you ever read about the gynoid fat distribution? Gtfo idiot

>skinny bone girl

Not a fit muscular girl. Firm and soft in all the right places at all the right times

You are settling for forth place 2bh
>1 fit grills
>2 curvy (real curvy in between high test and fit)
>3 any skinny grill with a bit of an ass
>4 high test fatties

>Tips fedora

>high test women were a meme

Consider this, comrade:
High test women have the most exaggerated feminine features. The higher BF% may indicate a higher chance of conception and successful pregnancy. The high test male is not really concerned with this, as pregnancy doesn't really affect him. He spreads his seed with women far and wide of all body types, whereas the low test man tries to secure a woman with notable fertility. The low test man knows he isn't Johnny Appleseed per se, so he wants to maximize his chances.

essentially: high test will be attracted to anything, low test only attracted to the most exaggerated feminine features

Veeky Forums's "high test" women are actually :"low test"

Holy shit what a faggot

The girl in the OP is Rosee Divine or something. She's far from fat. She's thick and actually manages to have abs. There's a really nice video that showcases all her assets if anyone wants to bother finding it.

Thank you Dr. Shekelberg PhD Jerualism university

I've seen her on Worldstar

She's French IIRC well French in the sense that's where she lives but prob Moroccan or something judging by her looks

top kek

I've never seen a fatter ass on a girl that still manages to have abs and low bodyfat like her before. If it wasn't for that face, she would be ideal in every physical way. T&A and a nice innie. Fuck it, I'd still wife even with that face. Just gotta tell her to smile more so people don't automatically assume she's a bitch.


What's this high test meme? High testosterone? Is this a way to mask fatties?

It's hard to find vids of her now. They've all been deleted for the most part. Her instagram used be all thong photos and tight jeans, then she deleted all of those and only put up make-up promotions. Now if you want to see that vid of her in the shower with the green bikini (i think this is the video you are referring to) you have to go to some lesser known sites.

sidenote: I've been trying to have sex with this girl for like 7 years who looks almost exactly like Rosee Divine, ass and all. She is the reason i'm trying to make it.

extreme butterface

She's a Jew.



>black women

>I've been trying to have sex with this girl for like 7 years who looks almost exactly like Rosee Divine
nignog are you serious?
If see girls looking like this more or less most of the time, how have you not gotten laid with one of em yet?

More for me I guess.

She's kind of a cunt, honestly.

Well most women are but thats beside the point
If you cant be with her because she is too much of a cunt then find another one who looks like her and pool your efforts there

It's a very distinct look, though. I can't even describe it. "Statuesque" maybe. So i don't know. I just try to be friendly with her, even though she only pretends to do the same with me.

I've also hear from at least 3 different people on separate occasions that she fucks black dudes. So there's that, too.


If she looks anything like the pic you posted nigr i see women like that all the time
I dunno if youre black or not, if you are then grats i guess? if not dont know if you think its a bad thing

Nah, mang. I'm not black. It's her alleged promiscuity that gets me more than anything. And that it happens to be with blacks makes it a little worse. But than again, what 23 year old woman isn't going to test the waters heavily? But I digress...

I'm going to go lift now. And get a really dark tan.


Someone post the bitch grinding from the last hightest thread pls, forgot to save it

Well girls who are sexually active are hard to find, ill give you that so thats definetly a pull
good luck bro, hope its worth all the trouble

>be in uni
>start hanging out with dudebros
>mostly Chads if not super normies
>start fucking high test girls
>be the guy fucking the most girls in the group
>they get butthurt and make fun of me for fucking fatties
>give no fucks whatsoever
>all the guys try to compete with me
>they all fuck normal skinny girls, even one guy surpassed me in the # of girls fucked
>still fuck the same high test "fatty" girls
>girl I'm fucking now is the epitome of high-test
>32HH tits, nice ass, almost 6' tall, definitely not a landwhale by Veeky Forums standards, only fucked one other guy besides me (her ex), would date/10
>every time I bring her up I get made fun of
>they started calling me Captain Ahab
>mfw Veeky Forums may have rused me

Yeah it's definitely just a meme. I get so much shit for liking/fucking this girl it's unbelievable.

Making it

If you find the one where she's oiled up in the shower, you will pull your dong off.

>giving a shit
Either you do get attracted to em or not. Just fuck some skinny chicks to test yourself.

I myself enjoy all ranges except bbw.

just nutted 2 this

>gf had Achalasia for 3 years
>SUPER skinny (86 lbs.)
>gets surgery in Canada, so that shit's free
>starts eating
>I teach her how to lift
>literally build-a-girlfriend
>"You should probably do more squats."
>"Nah, you should proooobably do more squats."
>She's 128 lbs. now
>Weight went to her chest, ass, thighs & arms
>no horrendous gut

Now that she's got some weight, I literally cannot stop thinking about wrecking her. Started doubling up on my pump time with her & I'm lifting heavier than ever. It's a good addiction.

How is a body like this possible???

I wanted to post some sweet vids, but stupid system thinks my links are spam. This isn't spam goddammit.

m.spankbang.com/djjc/play/rosee divine/480p/

Hold me brehs...

It's like God photoshopped a person.


>those cellulite riddled ham hocks

fucking revolting

Be gay elsewhere

black women can definitely be attractive but don't make the mistake of marrying a thick one. Something like 70% of black women over the age of 35 are obese.


> marrying in 2016

high test women are not a meme
calling them high test is

>literally will die sooner due to poorer health (higher fat)
Higher BMI is actually correlated to living longer.


that drink is spilling onto the counter and she's just ignoring it. What if it drips on to the floor, or gets on her hands when she picks it up. Then it'll be over everything she touches.

That is how you get ants

> tfw high test alpha


>tfw high test alpha

Lurk a bit more and welcome to Veeky Forums, newfriend.

>tfw high test alpha

>tfw high test alpha

>tfw high test alpha



>tfw high test alpha


>tfw high test alpha

>tfw high test alpha





>Y chromosome will disappear forever

Happy hunting my friend!

This has been a good day for high test individuals. Truly a time to be alive :)



>tfw high test alpha



Kill yourself

>Abercrombie and Witch

>bro fist.

higher, maybe. but once you become overweight you become less healthy than a human sized person. that's, like, the fucking definition.

>Bernie 2016

>tfw high test alpha

>tfw olivia jensen is releasing a bikini vid within the next month and you've been no fap until then so you can bust a nut so hard that you transcend our dimension and catch a glimpse of Nirvana

Shape my nigga, shape. She has curves, not rolls