I've worked out for about a year now. At 6'4 I went from 130 to 200 and then cut to about 185...

I've worked out for about a year now. At 6'4 I went from 130 to 200 and then cut to about 185. Right now I've started bulking again, is that the right choice? I feel like my chest is still lacking. I've recently switched to a PPL 6 day a week workout. Thoughts, advice or comments on my progress?

That's not a happy trail, that's a happy highway.

Holy fuck, I look EXACTLY like you on the before picture, except I'm 5'11.

What was your first routine?

Hard life.

dont follow his routine, u can already look aesthetic as fuck after a year of CONSISTENT and HARD training with a GOOD diet

nice belly button progress

Have you personally met Dr. Mengele?

Actually just a smudge from my broken camera. It does look fucking hilarious though.

You still look tiny. You need to keep bulking,

OP here, listen to this guy. I made progress, but I was so tired of being a skeleton I bulked as fast as I could by whatever means. I ate a lot of shit dorm food and Ben and Jerry's. I did strong lifts, but probably not the best program. Only since cutting have I fixed my diet and changed my routine to aesthetics instead of size.

Yeah that's what I was thinking

The before picture could be a guy that escaped Auschwitz..

What would you say your caloric intake was?

I'm getting 3000kcal a day, but not gaining a single pound since I've stopped lifting.

dont focus on that.

take a look at GOMAD (Gallon Of Milk A Day). full/whole milk
Sounds like a lot, but you already have half of that by making 2 shakes a day. Drink at least a full cup at breakfast/lunch/dinner. Maybe some before you sleep. If you can't see any more milk you can have some ice-cream instead.

How to achieve the mode on the left?

Spooky before pic. Decent gains, including hair gains. Doing cuts in your first year of lifting is pretty dumb though especially when you started as a skeleton, bulk slower next time.

You're either calculating it wrong or you are gaining and not realizing it. Don't be demoralized if you're not seeing weight go up every day, you're weight will fluctuate around 5 pounds a day. I consumed anywhere from 3000-4000 calories a day. That's unnecessary though, you'll just get more fat than you need.

don't eat

but that's a bad mode

Yeah I'm definitely doing a slower bulk. I just wanted to be done being skinny. The scary thing is, I knew I was skinny, but I didn't know that I was THAT skinny.


And this is right before my cut at 200

>Hungry skeleton
>slightly less hungry skeleton

C'mon keep bulkin

Lol, well I mean you're not wrong. The only downside to being tall af is progress is so much slower.

Should've just kept bulking.

Maybe. I felt pretty fat though, and I did have a pretty bad double chin.

Not going to blow smoke up your ass here...something was terribly wrong with your program/routine and your nutrition. A full year of lifting in a calculated caloric surplus (see: not eating everything in sight, only 300-500 above TDEE with 1g protein per lb of bodyweight), and a solid hypertrophy routine could have yielded significantly better aesthetic gains - if that was your goal.

Remember this - the average *natural* human male under optimal training and nutrition can gain between 1 to absolutely max 2 lbs of pure muscle per month in their first year of lifting. Meaning if you were extremely genetically gifted + executed all workout/diet plans with the disciplin of a professional bodybuilder, you could have went from 130 to 155 or so. You ballooned to 200 pounds - meaning a bare minimum of 45 extra pounds of fat you didn't need, probably closer to 55 lbs of fat.

Now you're in a situation where if you cut you won't look much better than before, so you need to keep bulking. Good choice on switching to PPL. Now just get a hold of your diet for gods sake.