I just realized the sole reason that I lift is for an imaginary anime girl

I just realized the sole reason that I lift is for an imaginary anime girl

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You lift for Trappy too?

I've known since the start

> i lift to get strong but no girls are stronger than me
Life is pain

it's okay user

one day you will only remember your waifu as a faint memory, like normies used to remember their exes

the feelings faint but the gains stay

Sauce now!!!!


love/hate letter

By yuuki ray
If any grills this thick in LA pls bully


Im a guy in la

My love for her will never fade user. Because it is an idea, and ideas are immortal. Ideas are bulletproof.

>Dons fanciest trilby and sips MD code red

Wew lad


Make her proud user, make her proud.

Same here OP


same here familia, put on youtube.com/watch?v=ql0NtjXIv_s&ab_channel=froggerzalias
when doing sets to failure, feelsgoodman

>Not lifting for Mistress Vayntrub

everyone has got to have a hobbie

does she do porn?

If she ever did, I think Veeky Forums would literally explode.

No....she's Lily from the AT&T commercials, amongst other things.

Is Veeky Forums a metaphor for my cock?

I find that a lot of Veeky Forums anons like Satsuki-sama too. I guess her lifelong motivation to training is an inspiration to us Veeky Forumsizens.

I just wish I could one day be considered her equal...

good choice

it does fuck with me that she and ryuko ended up being blood sisters tho because i hella identify with matoi

I guess it's less weird if others have the same reason that I do.



Could be worse. I lift for an imaginary male anime vampire

Tbf she is a qt though OP

its okay I lift for an impossible dream. A smart pedophile woman into large insertions.

Babbie's first episode of realizing that his idealized women is far from actual women.

Ayyyy she looks like a younger version of shizune.

Awesome taste, guys.

The sole person I lift is to be an imaginary anime girl.

I know that feel, but at least yours isn't a lesbian on top of it.

Girls like your pic exist senpai. Not in any abundance and not without strict prerequisites for dating them, but they exist. You can always at least work towards it man.

I don't believe you. No one this perfect exists.

Woah damn
I thought I was the only one who cared about Marseille

I literally saw that commercial for the first time yesterday and though
>dam she thcc

>girls ever being 100% lesbian
>ANIME girls being 100% lesbian

user, the only thing she's gay for is your dick

Muda muda muda muda.

Be muh waifu

Do it for her

Cutest horse

Na, she's been my favorite Witch and 2D character for a long time by now.


>tfw this is the only reason i even got motivated to get in shape

Been my waifu 4 years now
I've been super busy this past semester though so I haven't paid her much mind for the past few months
I don't think I deserve to call her waifu anymore :(


She's also The Ultimate Warrior

ayy show me dat boipussy

>TFW 6'3"
I will never be manhandled by a 7' Amazonian goddess.

>TFW Milana will never orgasm hard as she chokes you out with her thighs in a match for the intercontinental belt

You shouldn't forget her, user.

Thanks, I needed that

short hair togame is better imo desu senpai

one day, I will bury my head in her armpit and die.