Why arent you eating chicken liver for max gains brags?

Why arent you eating chicken liver for max gains brags?

>TFW eat 100g of chicken liver with eggs every morning

Enjoy vitamin A poisoning

it tastes like dust mites.


Have you tried it deep fried? Not healthy but literally my favorite food of all time

100g is 2.5x the needed daily dose, it's not a meme.

Liver every day will hurt you. I have it once a week, but calf instead of chicken

yeah , you know the NEEDED dose is just the minumum.

That's a little excessive. I'd probably cut that down to just 50g a day if I were to do it every day.

I do it once every five days.

It tastes bad, plus extreme excess of any particular vitamin worries me

>you can overdose on vitamins

>you can't overdose on anything
ever heard of Paracelsus?

Actually, overdosing on Vitamin A on a sustained basis is terrible. But you have constantly overdose on Vitamin A for a sustained period

It's called hypervitaminosis A

OP should be fine for awhile but if he continues for say 8 months, there might be trouble.

Pls be b8

Vitamin A is poisonous if overdosed, down to the point where it can kill you.

Chicken liver tastes of iron and has a horrible texture. Gizzards on the other hand are amazing.

A lot of different organ meats are super nutrient dense, but there's no real benefit in eating them if you're not deficient to begin with.

>not knowing about toxic dosing limits

I eat about 150grams of either chicken or pork liver pate everyday... am I going to die?

Liver macro ratio is 2% carb, 35%fat and 63% brotein. Alright every now and then. Kinda high in fat for my taste

i hope you prove us wrong on vitamin k

This is good news for keto.

You're already dead.