That protrusion

>that protrusion
Kill me, end my fucking life

Train your abs skeletor

It's not even about the abs, look at that bulge in the lower part

Why is that area always the last fat that wants to go?
I know spot reduction is a myth but how the shit do I get rid of it?

dude try tp dp planks it works like magic

>Why is that area always the last fat that wants to go
Shit sucks, but it's always like that
And I didn't mean the fat, I meant the protrusion
I can hardly pinch my skin there, and even two veins are seeable, but that part still falls out.


Thanks for the advice, I saw that mentioned on some site yesterday, so I started doing it. I do it throughout the day a few times, whenever I remember. Hopefully it will help a bit.

id worry more about how your chest DOESN'T protrude, user

go eat more and lift big, you look like shit, and not cause of your stomach

Are you sure that I should eat more? If anything, I think I should lose that fat
What should I eat by the way? I'm a poorfag who can't buy fancy food. I don't eat sweets, bakery products, junk food etc, and drink only water. Is that not enough?

cut for what? you look like youre a skelly

Cmon are you serious?

so youre skinny fat right now who cares

your chest is caving in, thats the big issue here

Can you elaborate? Because I am not convinced

Height weight?

around 74,5kg
184,5 cm

Then stay looking like shit you fucking faggot.

Didnt ask for a math lesson sven, youre on usa website post freedom units

Not him but I'm also curious...

Get ur non AMERICAN units of measurement off my FUCKING WEBSITE

>this is what modern males consider killing themselves over

Consider killing yourself OP

Use a convertor you fucking mongoloid samefag

Stay away from me you disgusting non American. Non US Americans arent even human and need to be exterminated

If you're not baiting consider suicide

I have a hard time with love handles but low sugar diet plus cadrio and core ive notice they have gone down. But that midsection is really hard for me to get off but can't give up.

If youre not AMERICAN consider suicide

>stubborn abdominal fat, even though low fat overall
>lift weights
>gain muscle
>increased muscle = higher TDEE
>higher TDEE = body burns fat more efficiently and quickly
>lose belly fat
>have muscles

It's not hard to figure out. What the other user was trying to say was that your stomach only looks like it protrudes because you have no chest at all. If you had any musculature to speak of, your belly would look fine.

look at this obama walking in.
americucks are supposed to post their girlfriend and then get out.

Posture problem?