Is it possible to lift heavy 3 times a week and still be flexible enough for boxing?

Is it possible to lift heavy 3 times a week and still be flexible enough for boxing?

I don't think flexibility is an issue is you stretch m8.


Dynamic or lots of static?

What level of boxing are you aiming for? Unless you are going to compete it shouldn't be a problem

idk my coach told me that you should be able to "explode" with the weights

so that kinda rules out "heavy lifting", atleast for me

If I'm correctly these things only become a problem with roids. Isnt it the same as the woman saying she doesn't want to go to the gym because she donest want to turn into ronnie coleman?

You should have no problem. The only issues are endurance and how you train to accommodate that issue. I recommend swimming

You can be explosive and lift heavy


Ah, forget it. Americans...

>oly lifts aren't heavy

I'd be more worried if you wanted to box and DIDN'T lift heavy three times a week.

Daniel-san. You can lift heavy and box, but lifting heavy won't make you hit harder (max. strength =/= explosive strength =/= technique). Being bigger and/or faster or having better technique is what will make you hit harder. Also, having good muscle endurance will help you maintaining your hitting power over a prolonged period of time. While not counterproductive, heavy lifting isn't that useful. You could use this time better.

Lifting heavy doesn't mean you become slow. Speed is largely down the genetics that determine the proportion of fast twitch and slow twitch muscle fibers you have. Lifting big weight slow isn't going to turn all your muscle into slow twitch muscle fibers.

mate, almost no boxers lift heavy

top b8 m8

Mahammad ali never touched a dumbell

Dynamic pre-lift, static post.

Course it is, look at Rocky Balboa, best fighter in the motherfucking world and look at the size of him.
He beat Thunderlips who was a giant at the time, Rocky can do dragon flags, fucking catch chickens and throw around full kegs of beer, not to mention beat Apollo Creed who was one tough son of a bitch , Rocky beat him so hard he changed his name to Dillion, joined the CIA and went missing Central America somewhere.
So yes, you can lift heavy weights and box.


>He can't even power clean 315lbs


How can I measure my increased punching power if I don't have a fancy thing to hit that measures the force produced?

Hit yourself in the face.

No self respecting dive bar is complete without one of those punching bag arcade games m8


You must suck if you think that weightlifting is actually gonna help your boxing