I used to make fun of the French for surrendering until I learned about WWI and how bravely they fought...

I used to make fun of the French for surrendering until I learned about WWI and how bravely they fought, now hearing people make fun of the French surrendering makes me angry because of how many millions of young French men died like cattle.

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Why did that meme even start? France was never bad at war.

They fought with great bravery and self-sacrifice. Something like 1 in 4 Frenchmen of military age were killed or seriously wounded in WWI.

France is actually the most militarily successful country in the world by number of wars won.

>France is bad at wa-

Lol. I had a professor once who compared Revolutionary France to if the current United States just went psycho.

All the young men of all nations who fought in WW1 are deserving of admiration for their bravery. The French are no different

>The safety of the country is at stake... We must let ourselves be killed on the spot rather than retreat... No faltering can be tolerated today.

Fuck that retard

>France was never bad at war.

That image isn't accurate.

The one time we fought France we beat them and we jerk off thinking about that to this day...

>one time

>the shop was valued to 1000 pesos
>the shopkeeper complains to the King and asks for 60000 pesos
>the King demands 600000 pesos

What the hell is wrong with frenchmen ?

“Should you encounter the enemy, he will be defeated! No quarter will be given! Prisoners will not be taken! Whoever falls into your hands is forfeited. Just as a thousand years ago the Huns under their King Brennus made a name for themselves, one that even today makes them seem mighty in history and legend, may the name French be affirmed by you in such a way in Mexico that no Mexican will ever again dare to look cross-eyed at a Frenchman."

Unironically American butthurt because they didn't follow them into Iraq.

>they didn't follow them into Iraq.
The first or the second time?


They also abandoned us in Vietnam

You defeated a small French expeditionary force. If France had wanted to go to war with you full-scale, they would have knocked you on your asses faster than you can say "¡Ay, caramba!", sort of like the Americans did back in '48.

you have a holiday to celebrate the battle you won, in the war you lost against france.

Easy for the fat cunt in his hq to say.

Let me break up this pathetic circlejerk right now.

Yeah the French fought bravely in WW1, but their actions in WW2 were so embarrassingly pathetic they deserve to be call cowards.

They didn’t just surrender to the Germans, they essentially fucking joined them. France was the single easiest part of foreign territory for Germany to control, and the Germans could actually conscript people from France to join them. The Poles at least put up a real resistance.

Any Frenchman with an actual pair of balls and sense of decency left Mainland France to join Vichy France.

This is what American education does to your brain

This is bait right?

>american education

>Vichy France

pic related: your rebuttal

user I don't know where to begin correcting that mess of a post, did you pay any attention at all or read anything about WW2 France in your history classes

I always thought it was the brits that pushed the surrender monkey nonsense

>Vichy france
Do you mean free france by any chance

>France leaves the country for peaceful reunification through an election
>America is so butthurt at this that they tamper with the election and get it cancelled, started the Vietnam war
>"hurr you abandoned us"

>get btfo by Prussia so hard they take Paris
>put up a token effort during WWI while Britain and Russia did most of the work
>get btfo by Germany in WWII, help the Nazis until Britain and America 'liberate' you
>get btfo by Vietnam
>get btfo by Algeria
>get btfo in Libya and beg America and Britain to intervene and take the fall for you mistakes
Hmmmmm, wonder how they got their reputation? Truly a mystery.

>all these buttblasted responses
>still zero arguments

Turning around and joining the Axis was the correct thing to do.
Why would they want to fight against the good guys?

>France takes zero military casualties and destroys Libya's army
really activates the old almond box

>While Britain did most of the work in ww1.
Shut the fuck up. Britain was the one who put up "token resistance" in both world wars.

French have one of the hightst win/loss ratios of major nations.

Those who mock the French don't know shit about history or are just retarded anglos and should gas themselves

When are you gonna do that with india

Let's get this shit started


It's older than that.
France was incapable of projecting that much power across the Atlantic.

>you have a holiday to celebrate the battle you won, in the war you lost against france.
>Mexico lost the Franco-Mexican war of 1861-1867
I knew Veeky Forums was retarded, but this really is surprising.

>UK: Total military dead at 743,702. Total of 1,675,000 wounded from the British Isles

>France: 1,357,800 killed and died, between 2,300,000 - 4,266,000 injured.

Me thinks that a lot of that large British army was dicking around on other not so important fronts.

Not indicative of the british role in ww1. Britains ventures on land were more often than not failures and minor successes. But britain is most certainly the country that contributed the most to the war, however. All that was needed was for the french to hold the line (with british assistance, mind you) while the british blockade did its splendid work.

not that other guy, but the French basically abused the Truman doctrine and lied to the US about the "communist threat" in Indochina. The idea was that the US would send aid to fight the "communists" and then the French authorities would funnel the money back into post-war France. After the French lost Dien Bien Phu they ran away, leaving America to pick up the pieces. Oh and the US didn't tamper with the election, Diem committed fraud and the US authorities were seething

Implying it wasn't the BEF that saved France in 1914

>Any Frenchman with an actual pair of balls and sense of decency left Mainland France to join Vichy France.

You mean Free France. Vichy France was the nazi-collaboration government.

>How much you contribute to war is directly correlated to how many of your men die.

>wow this temporary strength that they reached in the end of the war and which is mostly composed of indians is sure equivalent to the French having an army constantly in the field that dwarfed the British army for most of the war and which did an even larger proportionate share of the fighting than just this numbers imbalance
teaboos remove yourself

It wasn't the BEF that saved France, but the French army which saved Britain

The planned 1956 re-unification referendum and Diem's election were different things. The US thought Diem was stupid in using such blatantly obviously fraud when he probably would have won anyway (so the Americans though, I don't know if that was actually true). But the Americans were fully onboard with Diem cancelling the planned re-unification referendum in 1956.


The professionalism of the BEF against the mass of conscript armies is what saved the BEF.

The Somme and Third Ypres were launched to relieve the French army whose moral was collapsing

>How much you contribute to war is directly correlated to how many of your men drink tea.

The BEF took huge casualties in 1918, there are times when it lost battles to smaller German troops
It being some sort of miracle force is just another anglo lie.

Somme and Third Ypres are not 1914, and the French were involved in both battles - they were half the troops at the Somme, and the only ones who were actually effective in the beginning

The Somme was a fucking disaster my friend. The BEF did its share, but on ground it did not do as much as the French did (I am biaised, I am French). However, the Brits may have done more if you consider that indeed, their sea blockade was a key element in the war. Also, the fact that they brought America along is quite important. But know your place, l'ami. On the ground, you're not -and have never been- the most relevant in Europe.

While we're at it, you do realize that the Battle of France saved the Battle of Britain in WW2, right? Without the Luftwaffe casualties suffered over France (slightly more than the Luftwaffe casualties suffered over the Channel and UK btw), the BoB would have been a disaster :)

The BEF delayed the german army at Mons, making the success of the schleifen plan untenable, meanwhile the french army was in full retreat

That's in Belgium. While I don't mind "integrating" the effects of past battles in a war, as I do believe it's quite important, this is not something you people usually do (example: world war two (2, II)). The Germans were still 50 kms from Paris in 1914.

Well I integrated it because it was essential to Frances survival. Have you thought up any other reason why the german army got 50 kms from Paris?

You don't get my point. My point is that two can play this game. The Battle of England in 1940 would have been lost without the Battle of France. El Alamein would have been lost without Bir Hakeim. Dunkirk would have been a slaughter if not for Lille and Dunkirk (you know, the lines deserted by the BEF).
My point is not removing the credit for fallen soldiers, wherever they come from. Of course Britain played a capital role in WWI. But simply saying that it was the major continental power -even amongst the allies- is wrong. I mean you have to stop listening Lindy fucking beige and acknowledge for a second that the French fought a shit ton more in WWI than anyone -but Serbs-. We lost 4% of our total population (Serbs 20% if you're wondering), and 25% of the fighting aged male population. Guess how.

>But britain is most certainly the country that contributed the most to the war, however.
This is your brain on anglo propaganda. Revolting

>You don't get my point.
Its a stupid point. How can you compare the halting of attacking armies in france with defeating enemies outside of Britain?

Compared to the performance of the french army in WW1, the British army is far superior
-Delays the schliefen plan while france plan 7 is a catastrophic failure
-Breaches the Hindenburg line in 1918 causing the unconditional surrender of the german army compared to not appreciable advances from the french army.

Losing a shit-ton of soldiers in a war doesnt make the french army in anyway better, it makes it worse.

>Its a stupid point.
>Germany collapsed after a single British offensive in 1918, thus ending the war in time for tea

Mokay, next troll please

Brilliant rebuttal, did you raise a leg and break wind while you composed it?

The French won that militarily, they only pulled out afterwards to maintain good relations with the U.S.

Why would we? We've fought dozens of wars against the French and, frankly, lost more than we won.

France is historically pretty badass.

>get btfo in Libya and beg America and Britain to intervene and take the fall for you mistakes

What the fuck am I reading

The professional core of the BEF was gutted in 1914.

The army you're talking about was no more professional than the conscript armies they were facing, and by Third Ypres included conscripts of its own.

The French army's moral was collapsing because they were shouldering 90% of the Western Front while Britain fucked around on other fronts and wasted men in places like Iraq and Gallipoli.

I said we won


It was the fucking Belgians actually. The BEF was just here to say hello and good bye.

>French have advanced weaponry and only survive one month against Nazis.
>Poles have horses and trenches and survive one month against the Nazis

>Poles and French survived and won the war

Yeah. But that doesn't excuse the french for pussying out.

The french were in no position to make any effective blockade of german trade. Their navy was markedly inferior to the german one,both technically and in terms of tonnage.
German strategic doctrine stresses quick decisive conflict because germany is in a terrible position when it comes to conflicts of attrition. It is frankly amazing that Germany lasted as long as it did, given its precarious position. Nonetheless, against an opponent that's gonna run out of food, the most effective strategy is reducing their capacity to feed themselves, which is what the brits did.


It only takes once

There were only 5000 gestapo in france at any one time, yet after Poland , France had the highest amount of Jews were deported and executed. You know why? Because the French happily collaborated and rounded them up for the Germans.

Only the "state" pussied out, not the armies nor the people. Both Pole and French societies were divided and some sided with the enemy because that's life, the concept was tempting, but the core still fought until the end.

>France had the highest amount of Jews were deported and executed
lol, check your sources.

>they were shouldering 90% of the Western Front
Is it unreasonable to expect an army to shoulder the burden of protecting its own fucking country? Isn't that what armies are for? For a country that's constantly jerking off to its great martial past, frogs sure are good at shifting the blame when they can't defend their women and children against invasion and their army is pushed to breaking point.

Tell that to the Arabs and Gooks.


They weren't in battlefield 1 so they probably weren't that important

>Of the approximately 330,000 Jews in metropolitan France in 1939, 75% survived the Holocaust, which is one of the highest survival rates in Europe.[3] France has the third highest number of citizens who were awarded the Righteous Among the Nations, an award given to "non-Jews who acted according to the most noble principles of humanity by risking their lives to save Jews during the Holocaust".[22]

>now hearing people make fun of the French surrendering makes me angry because of how many millions of young French men died like cattle.

It should make you angry about how cowardly they and their leaders (especially Petain) were and how they betrayed those who died.

French bravery in WWI does not excuse their cowardice in WWII just as this cowardice doesnt erase their conduct in WWI.

Poland with their active resistance, cracking of the enigma and stealing a VII rocket played a greater role in the defeat of the Nazis than the French. Hell even at its peak the French resistance was smaller than the Polish Resistance.

and yet they keep harping on about "the darkest hours of our history".

>Chutzpah a la francaise


We understand that you niggers want to exist, but stop rubbing your existence in EVERY FUCKING THREAD about WW2, ever. You're making us regret fascists and communists BOTH.

The only unreasonable thing was for France to believe the anglos would contribute just as much in holding the Western Front rather than sit on their ships or go trekking in Turkey and Palestine to grab more clay from behind while others do the real fighting.

>We understand that you niggers want to exist,
Not Polish, I just used that as example showing that a country that is perceived as a minor ally was more relevant and helpful than a "major" one. Frances conduct during WWII is nothing short of shameful.

> rather than sit on their ships or go trekking in Turkey and Palestine to grab more clay from behind while others do the real fighting.

The Anglo Blockade of Germany alone aside from crippling industry killed twice as many Germans as the entire Russian Empire did. They were a necessary part of an Entente victory.

You lost ese

>Frances conduct during WWII is nothing short of shameful.

You mean Vichy France. And only because the fascists lost. One does not understand WWII without considering the civil wars happening left and right. Pétain was a fascist, that's all. That's why he surrendered. To be a dictator. That does not remove the fact that yes, Free France was more relevant than Poland. From the Battle of England, to North Africa and the D-Day, the Free French sacrifices were vital to the allies successes. Your view that Polish resistance being important is literally a 12yo's fantasy. The bravery of some men -however brave- does not count in the Eastern Front. Likewise, the only allied unit to be fighting on the Eastern Front along the Russians -the French Normandie Niémen squadron- while brave, did not turn any tide.

>Normandie Niémen
I didn't know this story. Interesting.

A prime example of the Perfidious One’s attempt to falsify history by including their colonial militias to their army numbers.

Yeah, some people collaborated, but that's because France has something of a history with Antisemitism. Plenty of people were willing to join Germans in what they saw as the greatest struggle against Bolshevism. They're still traitors, but only talking about them ignores the entire Free French forces and the French resistance, which is just ridiculous.

>get btfo by Prussia so hard they take Paris
In one war, when Napoleon III was being a complete dumbass. France got revenge in WWI anyway.

>put up a token effort during WWI while Britain and Russia did most of the work
Objectively wrong. You can look up the French mobilization and casualty figures; even in 1918 (with Britain and America involved), French troops held the vast majority of the trenches. Moreover, Russia surrendered in 1917, and their forces utterly failed against Germany throughout the war, so you can't credit them.

>get btfo by Germany in WWII, help the Nazis until Britain and America 'liberate' you
Again, it's one war. Napoleon took Berlin (without a motorized army) in less than half the time it took Germany to take Paris. Most of the French didn't collaborate.

>get btfo by Vietnam
France was trying to hold onto an empire when it was logistically impossible. It was a matter of pride, and a waste of time. Did America do any better?
>get btfo by Algeria
Same as Vietnam.

>get btfo in Libya and beg America and Britain to intervene and take the fall for you mistakes
Yeah, no.

>In one war, when Napoleon III was being a complete dumbass.

He wasn't being a complete dumbass, he was sick and should have been on the operating table. His government and officiers are to blame for the debacle, all he did was manage to save several tens of thousands soldiers whose fates were sealed by surrendering after Bazaine's incompetence fucked everyone up.

What makes me angry is how much cattle die like frenchmen everyday

Yes, stewed in their own juices and stinking of onions. Sounds just like a typical Monsieur Froggy alright.

>we lost the Algerian war
Tu quoi l'ami?

Imagine believing that the French were capable at war. Literally dying of laughter right now.

Speaking of the world wars, remind me which parts of England were occupied by the Hun. What's that, you can't?

Face the facts: UK saved France both times. Left to her own devices, French "people" would have gotten their baguettes shoved even further up their arses than what actually happened.