What does Veeky Forums think of the pre ww2 Japanese Empire

What does Veeky Forums think of the pre ww2 Japanese Empire

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Opportunistic empire that got too ahead of itself because western nations wouldn't recognize it.

Extremely aesthetic

The only place that really benefitted from being part of the japanese empire was taiwan desu.

This, actually. The Japanese were better to the indigenous Taiwanese than the Republic of China was.

Well its not just that, but Taiwan as far as I know, outside of the conquest of the island, benefitted from large amounts of infrastructure building, and escaped having women pressed into service as comfort women.

Is that why the Taiwanese are such massive weebs?

the natives were still treated badly, some were used as comfort women, but Taiwan was the first japanese colony and they did shit by the book.

residents were given legal and political rights under as citizens of the empire, the administration focused on improving the lives of the people who lived in taiwan. Taiwanese volunteers who fought in the IJA are also interred at Yasukuni.

Basically Taiwan was the least worst of all of Japan's colonial holdings

fpbp. they had zero gameplan until really late, and even then they still had a huge element of making things up as they went.

muh miritary honoru was a bit outdated, especially given the industrialization of warfare, they were also somewhat autistic when it came to international relations (for gods sake you know the US won't sell oil to you if you massacre the Chinese you're invading ect..)

The Japanese knew fully well that they relied on foreign oil and still chose to torpedo their foreign relations while their empire was still growing.

What set the wheels in motion that eventually lead to their defeat was the May 15th incident. This event is mostly to blame for the issues i've explained above.

Shit borders/10

>What set the wheels in motion that eventually lead to their defeat was the May 15th incident
100% agree. IIRC the US was actually okay with them keeping their pre-1937 borders, the japanese were just stupid to be content with what they had, read too much into their own hype, and had too big a boner for the autarky meme.

Does anyone else find it weird that the Japanese who migrated to the United States did not form a fifth column?

Woah, you mean most immigrants don't try to immediately overthrow the nation they've immigrated to?

It's almost as if people are not hiveminds and are able to form opinions based on their own experiences!

The Germans in Poland did. And the Volga Germans attempted to. Germans American were keen on trying to keep America out of the War. Even as the Americans were being sympathetic to Britain and France, and china

>Germans American were keen on trying to keep America out of the War
There was a huge isolationist movement in America that included almost every section of society, not just German-Americans.
Also, I don't think Germans who are living in what used to be German territory but got switched around due to WW1 count as "immigrants".

Japanese immigrated largely because they disliked the China-tier working conditions and asshole militarists back in Japan.

>A national survey found that in the summer of 1940, 67% of Americans believed that a German-Italian victory would endanger the United States, that if such an event occurred 88% supported "arm[ing] to the teeth at any expense to be prepared for any trouble", and that 71% favored "the immediate adoption of compulsory military training for all young men".


Huge doesn't mean majority. In any case, isolationism was not limited to Americans of German descent.

Niihau incident disapproves your statements

>one incident means the entire population of Japanese Americans are trying to overthrow the nation

Trick question.

Japanese nationals were interned: there was no opportunity to form a fifth column.

If they had just stuck with their colonies prior to taking Manchuria while broing it up with Jiang to crush the commies in exchange for continued economic concessions they probably could have survived, but the autistic militarists won the day.
if you mean what the colonies were like than they were absolute autists when it came to Korea, and it is no shock they are still hated there
>requiring everyone to give up their Korean names for Japanese ones
they might have done better if they'd just stuck to having Korea as a protectorate but Ito Hirobumi got assassinated and we all know how it goes.
Taiwan had a relatively mild colonization as far as colonization can be beneficial, and Sakhalin/Kurils should've been Japanese if only to keep the Ainu under one polity (they were still treated like shit but still, and they just got deported by the perfidious tankies)

When they took Manchukuo they should have bargained with the KMT for keeping it they would support the KMT but Japan's autistic military probably wouldn't settle for that.

they wouldn't, nor would many of the northern KMT warlords. even chiang found it expedient to have japan as an enemy.


was chiang a cuckold? He seems to fit the bill

There are Taiwanese comfort women still alive today.

That is a meme. Overall public opinion is low towards Japan. Cuckolds in Taipei are not all of the RoC.

Let’s not forget that 3 million live right next to the mainland.

Korea did very well under Japanese rule prior to WW2.

>people who move to get away from a country don't like that country

do you have any actual polls to back that up
lose the /pol/ vocabulary, bud

he was top dog for most of it, but it actually did happen shortly before the japanese invaded. when the japanese took manchuria they displaced the local warlord there who took upon himself to preach the dangers of japan. dude went as far as kidnapping chiang and forcing him to sign a united front deal with the commies.

Wanting to be recolonized and abandon your national identity is the definition of a cuckold.

Do you have sources backing up your claims?

i'm not the one claiming things, you are.

>Wanting to be recolonized and abandon your national identity is the definition of a cuckold.
At what point does this lead to your wife's infidelity and your incapacity to do anything about it becoming public knowledge?

>Prime Minister Inukai Tsuyoshi was assassinated by 11 young naval officers. The following trial and popular support of the Japanese population led to extremely light sentences for the assassins, strengthening the rising power of Japanese militarism and weakening democracy and the rule of law in Japan.
>Before the end of their trial a petition arrived at court containing over 350,000 signatures in blood, which had been signed by sympathizers around the country to plead for a lenient sentence. During the proceedings, the accused used the trial as a platform to proclaim their loyalty to the emperor and to arouse popular sympathy by appealing for reforms of the government and economy. In addition to the petition, the court also received a request from eleven youths in Niigata, asking that they be executed in place of the naval officers, and sending eleven severed fingers to the court as a gesture of their sincerity.[3]

The punishment handed down by the court was extremely light, and there was little doubt in the Japanese press that the murderers of Prime Minister Inukai would be released in a couple of years, if not sooner. Failure to severely punish the plotters in the May 15 Incident further eroded the rule of law and the power of the democratic government in Japan to confront the military. Indirectly, it led to the February 26 Incident and the increasing rise of Japanese militarism.[4]
For fuck's sake.

>Taiwanese are massive weebs
>I disagree, do you have any polls to back that up

I'm talking about the indigenous Taiwanese that were/are oppressed by the RoC.

I was speaking from personal experience. I've met many Taiwanese people (living on a major city on the West Coast will do that), and almost every time they've had anime merch of some kind.
Since you mentioned "many polls", I thought you would be so kind as to share some.
I'm beginning to think you don't have any though.

Beat the shit out of the agrarian hell hole that was 1905 Russia and thought their balls were big enough to go up against A listers

> What does Veeky Forums think of the pre ww2 Japanese Empire

If the Japanese hadn’t stupidly invaded China and then joined the Allies in WWII, they’d still be holding on to Taiwan, Korea and Manchuria today.

>Beat the shit out of the agrarian hell hole that was 1905 Russia
only barely. if that war went on any longer Japan was fucked

Reminds me of the Spanish: lay waste to the indigenous population, mass slaughter, try to morph the survivors into your own culture while still treating them as inferior and stealing all their shit.

Meji japan-WWII japan was amazing. With the Sino-Japanese war and the Russo-Japanese war being some of my favorites

Enntiey false. The Russian imperial army had to be turned on the revolution and the eastern army was destroyed at Mukden

it's not like japan was doing very well either besides those victories. their army had to be nearly doubled very quickly, and their economy was at it's absolute limit and could not sustain the war effort much longer. they were VERY thankful for the american offer to mediate.

really just need the rest of sakhalin and the russian far east to complete it desu

Korea was in the process of modernization before Japan annexed it.

I'd say Tanaka getting cucked by the rest of his cabinet, the military, and the imperial court over reigning in the rogue young officers in the Kwangtung army who'd just assassinated Zhang Zuolin and tried to cover it up, and publicly court martialing their asses was a big warning sign shit was going down hill.
But yeah May 15th was the absolute nail in the coffin
>very well
>when your rice production goes up but your domestic consumption declines because it's all getting shipped to Japan
>while almost half the land is now owned by the Japanese thanks to different interpretations of valid ownership documents
>and you now have a different Japanese name because having a Korean name is totally banned
yes the economy grew but your life sucked if you weren't a collaborator

Mongoloid cretins. The British or French should’ve helped their European brothers subjugate the emulators.

Outside of the late Showa/early Heisei, Meiji and Taisho eras are the best eras of Japan

I am sure he speaks from personal experience too.

They sort of indirectly caused the North/South divide of Korea.
Without Japan in Korea, Kim Il-sung wouldn't have risen to power and held on to half the country. Poor cunts.