Should I adopt the Greek lifestyle? Should I wait to become Chad before joining or will joining help me become Chad?

Should I adopt the Greek lifestyle? Should I wait to become Chad before joining or will joining help me become Chad?


The fuck is Greek lifestyle? Greekfag here, just curious


You won't get a bid if you can't bench 2 pl8 loser

>greasy anal sex with men

sounds heavenly desu


think he means fraternity

I'm Athenian

Athens >>>>> Salonica

Never going to make it, Αθηναίζε.



bench 80 kg
ohp 50 kg
front squat 60 kg

liftarw kirios gia aesthetics

den perimena na dw ellines sto Veeky Forums

Greek life is only worth it if you join a black frat.

Καλή πρόοδο, φίλε
Περιμένω να ανεβάσεις ειkόνες CBT όταν γινεις aesthetic god

Yup definitely. Will boost your smv so much

I joined one and quit in a year because it was literally just paying money to hang around cliques who bitched about other cliques in the fraternity and dumb drama over girls like it's still high school

The parties didn't make up for the dumb shit

Being in a good frat can go a long way. If youre looking for social gains it can be very worthwhile. Dont just hang around a party frat however, that shit just gets toxic and cliquey like other anons have mentioned

Never pay your debts

That's being Greek in a nutshell

How do I become an Apostle of Zyzz?

Phi or die bb

thanks file, exw anevasei idi

Θα τα kαταφέρουμε όλοι (We're all gonna make it) :P

>paying for friends

Im a member and its not paying for friends, if you someone how get a bid and turn out to be a douche or a shitty person you get cut...

I've never understood the paying for friends that geeds use to compensate for their shitty life. It is cheaper for me to live in a fraternity then to live out or in the dorms. I've lived in fraternity the last 3 years and do shit that you normies masturbate to daily. Stay jelli gai boys I'm out.

When you guys are ready to take back Constantinople, gimme a call.

someone post the socrates lusting on male pecs -pic

why would they want to do that? greeks are basically turks at this point anyway

θα τα kαταφερουμε ολοι μαλαkες!

recent graduate frat bro

there are benefits and costs to joining a fraternity.

The benefits are that you will have a huge opportunity of networking at a national level. I got involved with my chapters national organization and now have friends across the US and two separate standing offers to law firms (currently doing the law school grind)

The second benefit is also the biggest downside to it, social interaction. My University was only just beginning to develop the strong SJW mentality that would bias people against fraternities. Hanging with a group of brothers is about as far away from being in a "safe space" as possible, if I say something stupid I'm gonna get roasted by my bros and likewise if they say something stupid(kinda like a real life version of this vietnamese lotion catalog).

You will get SJWs yelling at you about privilege and paying for friends, and being a racist. But you'll also make the kind of social gains you need to excel in the adult world.

Also a shit ton of booze and pussy

Greeks, the vast majority atleast, share the same DNA as the ancient Greeks.

Depends on your school really, my school, most of greek life are a bunch of dorks with the exception of one or two frats, but I heard its fairly big in the midwest and the South.

I rushed my freshman year and got tonsilitis midway through rush week and then didn't bother in the spring since none of my friends from high school ended up doing it. If I could go back and do it again I definitely would have rushed

Yeah because youre studying something useless like business management.

Only reason it's cheap is because frat houses are shit.

Are those 1 rep maxes?

depends where you are in the country, lots of fraternities have multimillion dollar housing.



Best decision I've made in the past few years of my life
Pledging and getting hazed made me grow as a person.
Got me into dressing better and looking better overall
Then you throw parties and have alcohol for all the sloots to come fuck you with your new confidence and looks.
It's a win win in my book no matter how you break it down

Depends on what you're looking for, senpai.

It's a big commitment financially and with time, so if your major is difficult or you got other shit going on (sports, ROTC, etc.) I wouldn't recommend it. I was engineering and in ROTC, so I didn't have time for that shit, but my gym bro was in a frat and they have ridiculous access to prime pussy. Kind of jelly tbqh.